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Posts posted by jamesinclair

  1. You cannot compare Pheonix with Fresno or any of the LCV areas. 


    Pheonix belongs to Alcatel-Lucent who is the slowest in deploying 4G out of the three vendors due to their modus operandi whereas LCV is serviced by Samsung who is the most aggressive of the three vendors in terms of 4G deployment. 


    Furthermore, it was always expected that the first LTE sites to come online in the LCV to be in the late august / september time frame. 


    Who is doing the coast? Santa Barbara, San Luis Obispo, Ventura etc - they've been in NV land for months and months, with not one 4G site.


    Furthermore, it was always expected that the first LTE sites to come online in the LCV to be in the late august / september time frame.


    Was this before or after the entire NV schedule fell a year behind?

  2. It will take a year to deploy the whole area with LTE. Individual sites should start to go online in Fresno by the end of this month/early September. Bakersfield should start going live with LTE sometime this month or as late as next month. 2 of the 4 sites in Visalia have already received their new panels and RRU's. 1 site is waiting for backhaul work to start, not sure about the other one though.


    Theres no guarantee there will be LTE in Fresno this or next months. All the deployments in the LCV been 3G so far.


    Look at Pheonix....completely covered with NV....


    and not one LTE site.

  3. Well, got another somewhat negative hit on the G2...the ONE point that this morning optimism was based on.  As you may know, LG G2 audio output was reportedly great: uncompressed 24 bit 192kHz.  This was talked about a lot yesterday at the LG event.  I was somewhat excited by this because I love to listen to music on my phone.  (I love my earphone Klipsch X7i.)  Two problems with this:


    1.  Uncompressed 24 bit 192kHz downloads take up a ton of space...and with only 10GB or 22GB (16/32 GB models, respectively), your internal memory space is limited. 


    2.  (biggie)...is this article I just read: http://xiph.org/~xiphmont/demo/neil-young.html


    And that article makes sense.  In addition, even though LG audio chip is nice, you still have other interferences and noise from other circuitry that will likely make a mess of things.  It kind of like buying Yugo and then selecting an expensive headunit with the lowest THD.  That headunit is great and all, but in a noisy Yugo environment, it is useless and no better than a Kmart $20 headunit. 


    Oh well. 


    Yup, the audio thing is pure marketing bs.


    Everybody listens to MP3s....which are inferior to CDs, but nobody gave a shit because having small files was more important. Of course, the world has moved to online streaming which is just as bad if not worse...


    You want us to carry around FLAC audio tot ake advantage of this stuff.....but you give us 10GB of space? WUT.

  4. Samsung is numero UNO because of marketing. It's really that simple, honestly. You might think it's because of the removable battery, and SD but it's not. Marketing works, and that why companies with deep pockets invest so much money into it. When a product has a large market presence, it makes people (the masses) believe that it IS the better product. As for more informed users, they probably base their decisions on hard facts, not marketing that would make you believe you phone will make magical whimsical rainbows and send you into a euphoria.


    Just my two cents...





    I guess thats why we're all using windows phones and surface tablets. And why the Lone Ranger was the biggest hit of the decade.

  5. I don't think so.

    Do some research and I can guarantee you will see sales are in direct correlation with marketing budget.

    No one else spends like Apple and Samsung. Why do you think Google is budgeting $500 million to market the Moto X.

    They know the power users like us don't constitute the majority of consumers that's why they made the Moto X what it is.


    Windows phone would like to have a word with you.

  6. Most consumers are not like us so called edge users. We are not the priority to these manufacturers.

    I don't think you understand that.


    If we were every device would be Google Edition and be unlocked from the factory and the Nexus line would be the best selling device worldwide. 


    I dont think you understand that my experience is based on talking to joe sixpack and granny whats-a-phone at Verizon each and every day.


    Customers knows batteries suck. Customers know theyre unreliable, cant hold charges after extended periods of time, and are prone to fail.


    You tell them phone A lets them replace the battery at home with minimal cost, while phone B requires a very costly mail-in repair....


    Well, they picked phone A. Every time.


    And if they're still unsure, you tell them for $15 bucks they get huge amounts of space for movies and media? Game over.


    Every time.

  7. Do you think the Galaxy series sold so well because of SD cards and removable batteries?

    How come the iPhone sells so well it has neither of those.


    It's marketing, Apple and Samsung spends a ton on marketing to people who are not like us "Edge" users who crave specs and high performance.


    The non "Edge" user care more about wow features (eye scrolling and other gimmickie stuff)


    Yes I do think Samsung is number 1 because of the removable batteries and SD slots.


    Im saying this based on experience I had at verizon, and anecdotal covnersations with friends and family. When I was at Verizon customer care, every day people would ask me "do I get x or y". Id mention the battery and sd card and thats what theyd go for.


    Dont bring Apple into this. People buy the iphone in spite of those limitations, not because of.


    When it comes to the android eco-system, there are dozens of options. If youre not going to offer what I consider a critical feature, then I will buy the very popular, and very competent phone that does.

  8. Do that many people really carry around multiple batteries?

    I never felt the need for an extra battery.

    I have a charger at work, car charger and charger at home.

    I'm never more than a few hours without a charger and if I am i'm probably socializing or having fun in the real world and not using my phone anyway. If my phone even dies while i'm out it's not the end of the world!


    1) Some of us have jobs involving travel. No, charging areas arent available everywhere. If Im taking a flight, I need my phone before the flight, and at my destination. Id like to use it on the plane as well.


    2) if youre going to advertize "24 hour battery life!" or whatever, and Im locked into a 2 year cotnract, then I damn well expect my phone to run as well in month 21 as it does in month 1. We all know with batteries, thats not the case. Batteries degrade. Quickly. Batteries are the weakest link of any smart phone. If I cant pay $15 to replace my weakest link and have a phone running at 100%, then Im not interested.


    Some of you are going to have to realize that you are edge cases, such that the market may not serve your needs.  You use the device too much and/or store too much media.  My suggestion is to get a life.







    Except for the fact that Samsung is by far the number 1 smartphone seller.


    You know what Ssamsung offers?


    Removable batteries.

    SD cards.


    Not having that is a deal breaker for many, many people. That indicates to me the market wants these features.


    Who wants to lock themselves into a 2 year contract with a phone that will start being absolute garbage in a year when the battery stops being able to hold a charge?


    "24 hour battery life!"  means nothing when its half that in 12 months.

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  10. What CA cities are mandated underground facilities? I never heard of such a thing. I know its a requirement in new subdivisions in most places. AT&T Just pulled aerial fiber couple of months ago in front of my place. I wish it was underground. I have 3 giant copper cable bundles  overhead directly in from of my place


    Funny thing is I was in Europe last summer and some of  Cities with  300-500 year old buildings have  no over head utilities at all and these buildings were around before electricity was discovered.


    In Fresno and Clovis even the local utility boxes have to be underground now. Nothing above ground.

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