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Everything posted by kckid

  1. kckid

    Evo LTE vs S3

    I think the bigger difference is with the Samsung, you get the straight OS where as with the HTC, you get the HTC Sense software added on. Then your preference becomes which software do you like.
  2. The blackberry was designed for battery life. So I don't think there is any Android device that will have the same battery life as a blackberry. I would stay away from a WiMax device since the WiMax radio is not integrated. Since the EVO LTE has a 2000ma battery, it is getting good life, and you could just turn off the LTE service. I like my EVO LTE.....
  3. My EVO went 14 hours before I plugged it back in the charger. It had 20% battery left. Most was on the internet, and a few phone calls. Sweet!!
  4. It is only available in Kansas City, KS and Midtown Kansas City, MO. at present. I would signup just for the free internet. There are no sports channels listed on their channel listing..
  5. I did some comparision speed test on a wifi network and both phones were very close to the same for upload and download. I think the test is a valid comparision of the speed difference between to to carriers. Granted, it is 1 test, so more samples would be needed.
  6. I sit close enough to the window that I could pickup LTE from the tower.
  7. We have Sprint antenna's inside our building, which are then relayed to a local tower about a block away. I believe the tower has been converted to LTE, but the antennas in our building are still 3G. My EVO LTE phone will only connect 3G. Is there away to force it to ignore the 3G in the building and only connect to the LTE tower. For those of you wondering, the tower is located about Pershing and Grand in Kansas City. It is BID:1010 on netmonitor I probably didn't describe it correctly above, so for the more technical people on the board, please correct anything you see wrong. Thanks.
  8. kckid

    PRL 25005

    Thanks for the info..
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