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Everything posted by kckid

  1. I heard that the area around the kick stand was reinforced after the inital launch.
  2. There are now more vendors that are supporting the Android phone similar to a blackberry. I saw someone mention mobileiron, but there are many others.. It will also depend on the version of Android you will be using as to what each vendor will support.
  3. kckid

    OTA for EVO Available

    LTE connection seems to be worse for me with this upgrade. I'm sitting in my house where I have had a solid 4G connection in the past and after the update, I have had to toggle airplane mode to get it to connect 4G.
  4. kckid

    OTA for EVO Available

    Hasn't been posted yet on the HTC support site, but I'm sure there are som knowledable people on this site that already know.. http://www.htc.com/u...oftware-updates
  5. kckid

    OTA for EVO Available

    Kernel Version: 3.0.8-01680-gb6402b4 root@ABM030 #1 SMP PREEMPT Baseband version: Build number 2.13.651.1 CL99866 release-keys Browser version: WebKit/534.30
  6. kckid

    OTA for EVO Available

    Hotmail now syncs with the new version.
  7. Received my OTA this morning for the EVO LTE. The new software version is 2.13.651.1 71ORD Android versoin 4.0.4 HTC Sense 4.1 HTC SDK API level 4.24 HTC Extension version HTCExtension_403_1_GA_22
  8. kckid

    Bent my EVO LTE

    I keep my EVO in my back pocket when I'm out. Last night my friend noticed it now has a slight curve in the phone starting just above the kick stand. Guess I'd better get a case for it or not keep it in my back pocket.
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