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Everything posted by kckid

  1. Had a similar problem at my work, the issues was that Sprint had in house antenna and then transmit the data to a nearby cell site. I could get good speed outside my building connected to the cell tower, but when I got close enough for the internal antenna to pick up, my speed went down. Sprint had to come out and fix the issue.
  2. Just an example.. not specific to this software releaase..
  3. There is still more day left!!! If as usual, it will be at 11:59:59, just like when a software company says it will be release in Q1, it is the last day of Q1.
  4. bueller? bueller? class? anyone?
  5. How many entries are in your LTE availabe file? Is there a limit? I have 999!
  6. I do not have to toggle to get 4G service. My phone will automatically switch back and forth from 3G to 4G in my normal areas. It seems to me, once your in an area and your phone knows there is 4G, it works fine, I think it is when first discovering if an area has 4G where you need to toggle.
  7. I would call and report it. I had the same issue at work with our speed on campus, sprint came out and fixed it, and my speed was much better after that.
  8. Sexoholic recipe 5 drops Tabasco® sauce 4 cl Drambuie® Scotch whisky
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