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Everything posted by aerxx

  1. That could be the issue, Robert had a problem where sprint locked up the SIM card that he pulled out of his mobile hotspot.
  2. its under Devices, it just says activate sim, and then when you click on it it comes up with the two phone lines that are on my account. If I try to click on one to activate a SIM card, it gives me an error message saying that I have no phone that requires a sim card on my account. EDIT: I swear it was there but I can't find it anymore. I will have to look again when I have more time.
  3. I don't want to try to activate it without the SIM in case something happens, I need my phone in the morning. I was just going to use the website tomorrow. It already shows up on my account to activate a SIM, that wasn't there until they shipped my SIM card.
  4. I get my clean SIM tomorrow, still going to try to activate my 16GB.
  5. I have a personal business, I like to have everything separate.
  6. I was only on WiFi, but I didn't see a voicemail application on the phone....
  7. Its going to be hard NOT looking like an ass handing that to a Sprint employee...lol
  8. My 16GB arrived at 1:00PM CST and I have been on it ALL DAY since then setting it up. Battery life is awesome so far. Finaly hit 5% a few min ago. Im sure that will change once I get it on network.
  9. No fair play when it comes to new tech!!!!!
  10. Mine is out for delivery!!! Sim card wont be here until Tuesday though. Looks like I will stick it on WiFi and test it out at home.
  11. Damn I didn't know that...pretty bogus..
  12. Thats what I thought, but someone said LG G2 owners were having problems.....
  13. So according to this, with the proper SIM card, we should be able to activate our Play Store N5's with no issue.
  14. Their warehouse in Louisville is right next to UPS World Port. It will be shipped today.
  15. Saturdays are slow days for UPS, I wouldn't get too worried. I bet your number will get updated when they origin scan it this afternoon/tonight.
  16. Thanks for the heads up, but I will stick with Amazon. Not really a HUUUGE deal to make me go out of my comfort zone.
  17. Yea...noticed that while one of the guys I work with was helping me find cases. We had a good lol about it.
  18. No clue. I ordered it just on the premise that its cheap and I can replace it if I dont like it. Wont ship til tomorrow either.
  19. Better than everyday carcinogenic air. Amiright?
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