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Everything posted by aerxx

  1. I'd like to think this was told to them because of us...lol
  2. Ordered this Case. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EV8Y50S/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 These Screen Protectors. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00EPLT8O4/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  3. Hence why I asked to be contacted by Technical Support, I'm climbing the ladder.....got nothing better to do this weekend while I'm at work.... (seriously, its been slow)
  4. Rep from Tech Support is going to call me about the Network/Device Question. Someone has to know. According to the guy I just chatted with, the only phones that will work on the Sprint network are "phones that have the Sprint Logo on them."
  5. I call BS on this, I'm sure it will activate just fine.
  6. http://storelocator.sprint.com/locator/ Look here. Corporate store should say simply "Sprint Store", non corporate stores will say something like "1st Wireless" or something other than simply "Sprint Store".
  7. Thats funny, because your phone will malfunction without it....no LTE...
  8. My N5 is going to arrive Monday according to UPS, and my SIM was shipped overnight. So I think they should arrive on the same day. But we will see. To answer your question, I wasn't going to activate my phone until I was able to secure a SIM card.
  9. After talking with Sprint international 5 TIMES, they finally ordered me the correct SIM. It shouldn't have been this hard....
  10. You're painting with a broad brush man, why are you assuming he wants every retailer to fail? Best Buy has a history of not taking care of their customer and price gouging, if they're not going to change their ways, they can go away. IMO EDIT: Off topic I know, this will be my last post regarding BB business practices.
  11. I wouldn't do that, usually they are only open for a short window and its usually 2 hours at the end of the day. Same thing happened to me. I'm going to be driving around trying to find a SIM card Monday afternoon.
  12. Wow. Blatant price gouging, I really hope they end up with a warehouse FULL of unsold Nexus 5's....
  13. Not bragging, just reporting the news. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
  14. Yeah, the store I called said they probably wouldn't have any until Monday, I can't wait to walk in with my phone and ask for a sim card....
  15. Did either of those stores offer repair services?
  16. Mine is already in Chicago...arrived at 4:36AM. I wish I could just go pick it up!!!!!
  17. Uh oh.... http://phandroid.com/2013/11/01/nexus-5-orders-delayed/
  18. Got a tracking number. Getting mine on Monday. Ordered at 1:16PM CST on October 31, picked standard shipping option.
  19. Corporate store in my town said no SIMs, only new devices. They told me to sell my Play bought device on eBay and get one through their store. LOL, can you imagine?
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