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Everything posted by JohnHovah

  1. I'm at Ryan's Way Corporation - @ryanswaycorp (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/FPsCxtKdYU

  2. Someomes car just broke down in the drive thru. I'm sure weird al has a song about this. (at @TacoBell) http://t.co/68Eu650Nea

  3. true, I'm sure there is an argument to be made as to what constitutes 4G on Sensorly as well.
  4. I'm at Ryan's Way Corporation - @ryanswaycorp (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/h8wdN4htX2

  5. Those greedy little bastards wouldn't accept much less than a reverse merger to include full control of the new company with a 1,000% markup. Or am I overreaching here?
  6. Sadly, most consumers won't ever see this. The large problem with how AT&T still shows up on Sensorly vs stated AT&T coverage (correct me if I am wrong) is that ATT shows any area with "enhanced backhaul" as 4g regardless of whether or not there are "4g" speeds in that market.
  7. And that is because the customers who can be satiated, tend to walk away resolved fairly quickly with a minimal amount of fuss and time invested. The 4% eat significantly more time and resources even when they are in the wrong.
  8. Well @##$ I would certainly hope that you were given free unlimited and priority service at your home if you opted to install the freaking Eiffel Tower of Telco on your roof.
  9. OK, so I have wasted the first 3 hours of my day (subjectively, not that being here is a waste) reading through countless threads in relation to all things Clear/Sprint/Softbank/T-Mobile/MetroPCS/USCC/Dish and all other potential minor carriers and the various iterations on merger potentials, technology clashes and incompatibilities, spectrum interference and about 25 other variables. I would like to collectively have all of our (very large) brains looking at these issues from a few fresh angles. Certainly there is not one among us who can honestly say they know the intent, future plans and growth opportunities for every company, its subcontractors, the semiconductor provider's chipset capabilities(or potential) to make a conclusive prediction on where we will end up here. Instead of looking for the reasons that things cannot work, why not look at how, with presently developing standards, we could find a way to come up with a win-win out-of-the-box solution. (F U Tony Robbins, sorry had to put that in here) Surely the onus is not on us to fix or resolve the many problems inherent with the TELCO company of our choosing, but I still do believe that we all get mired in the details at times and don't see the forest for the trees. Basically, if we can get a consensus on possible synergies and on where interoperability can work (even with a minor or moderate adjustment) a few things may click into place on what the future can hold or promise. I know that sounds like a lot of fluff, wishful thinking or overly optimistic garbage, but do believe we are the perfect combination of technical specialists, free thinkers, insider evangelists and otherwise zealous knowledge seekers of all things wireless. Let's get less reactive and more proactive in the Sponsor/Premier Sponsor forum and see what wild @!#$$ we can come up with.
  10. The biggest incentive for me to root and re-rom at this point would be the following (in no specific order): -abilty to load custom PRL's again -add any and all apps to multi-window -remove some stock apps (although I already bypass these so its a moot point) -remove a few tedious features (sprint connection optimizer anyone?) -working google wallet (seriously, why has this not been done yet?!) In any event, most of these are not necessarily dealbreakers for the average user and can just be a constant nuisance for a power user if and when they can no longer ignore the inherent shortcomings any longer.
  11. haven't seen the point just yet... maybe when i'm really bored.
  12. ok, I see, was it the Zynga game Horn for $6.99? https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Phosphor.Horn.Paid
  13. Did you do a manual update or is this now being officially pushed out? I grabbed mine from the Android Police mirror when it became available.
  14. I'm at Ryan's Way Corporation - @ryanswaycorp (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/ajqze7yuDY

  15. I'm at Ryan's Way Bonita Vista - @ryanswaycorp (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/1tKiapG9nu

  16. I'm at US Post Office (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/EhaQid7aWA

  17. Like possibly everyone else here, I am using a UHS (equivalent to class-10? citation needed) variant. Seems fairly reliable and gets the job done, no complaints so far in the speed department. I use them for all of my devices.
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