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Everything posted by JohnHovah

  1. leave internet exploiter. by all means... There was a joke going around about html 5 and/or any web plug-in, the punchline was basically that if it didn't work it was IE.
  2. I'm at Innovative Center (La Mesa, CA) http://t.co/hyqFfadoLq

  3. I'm at Ryan's Way Corporation - @ryanswaycorp (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/3ToXoX4lpY

  4. with the crazy roller coaster that is CLWR?? probably not anything of substantial value. But any losses will be offset by others I might offload shortly. I think I will just hold until they are absorbed.
  5. I'm at US Post Office (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/Aqxdd9STvT

  6. italian dressing (damn, i missed out on cattle prod!)
  7. A topic for the The Totally Off-Topic Thread for the Hell of it thread?
  8. He looking for a little reacharound reciprocation, obviously.
  9. I literally just received my White Proxy Card in the mail... I can't imagine how I'm going to vote.
  10. I'm at US Post Office (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/WBt7bEYtgL

  11. eeeek... Error The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later. Error message PDOException: SQLSTATE[08004] [1040] Too many connections in lock_may_be_available() (line167 of /homez.27/etrepere/www.sensorly.com/includes/lock.inc).
  12. Snell: Waking the dragon — How Feinstein fiddled while America burned http://t.co/AhAT3yp7V3 via @iowastatedaily

  13. I'm at Target (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/lmn500TpSH

  14. I'm at Ryan's Way Bonita Vista - @ryanswaycorp (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/6OKtA0uPcV

  15. If Sprint has 54% of shares presently and requires only 66% for a supermajority vote, the math works out to between 26% and 28% of the remaining vote. Correct me if my math is off but here goes Sprint - 54% Non-Sprint - 46% Sprint needs 12-13% of the total (100%) to equal 66% (54% +12/13) 12 / 46 = ~26% 13 / 46 = ~28%
  16. I'm at Ryan's Way Corporation - @ryanswaycorp (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/ryM4v2yV2z

  17. Don't come here. The store's on fire! (at @Albertsons) http://t.co/EKsU3d4Yve

  18. I'm at Ryan's Way Corporation - @ryanswaycorp (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/OIzrNj00Si

  19. I'm at Ryan's Way Corporation - @ryanswaycorp (Chula Vista, CA) http://t.co/lIENfmmR0r

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