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Posts posted by joshuam

  1. Oops! Sprint released the Fact sheet for the Sharp Aquos Crystal early as well as the App Pass.




    Same Specs as the SoftBank version.




    Edit: This is my 9300th post on this site.


    They took it down already...lol.


    I think I remember reading that this Sharp phone is a low tier phone (low end processor at least)...is that still correct?

  2. Alright...obviously many of us have opinions (myself included obviously). I really am starting to see the benefit of these plans, but I really wish they didn't move without making ALL their announcements. They should have had everything in order first (single lines, network announcements, etc). Not this piecemeal stuff.


    Overall this plan is a good value for some folks. I know some folks on old ATT family plans paying over $250 a month for 4 lines...this plan would be excellent for them. I have 8 family members on a framily plan, many of which don't use much data (I pay $20 for unlimited). So for mine and my wife's lines, I'm paying $70...it's great. I'm not super satisfied with Sprint coverage, but it's a good value for us.

    • Like 3
  3. Joshuam is wearing pink under his faded yellow shirt. He has an iPhone 4s and wonders why the network hasn't improved.

    I actually have an iPhone 5s...guess my profile is outdated...haha. I've had every iphone available on Sprint ????


    Been a Sprint customer for years...still experience awful customer service (likely a problem for all wireless carriers), terrible LTE coverage around Baltimore (home is great, 25Mbps consonantly, but I have wifi at home). I'm just getting tired of being disappointed by Sprint.

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  4. So is this essentially vzw and att, but just double the data? I highly doubt it will be $10 a line. Is the 20Gb $100 and then a fee per line?


    If that is the case, I don't think it will be that much of a game changer as the whole problem with Sprints imagine was slow data. I don't think keeping the same price and just doubling the data would have the same effect as keeping the same amount of data but dropping the price so it is cheaper than their rivals.

    $100 for upto 10 lines. You have 3 lines that use 20GB of data, $100. You have 10 lines that use only 10GB avg, $100. This is a GREAT plan.

  5. Is there a technical limit of going 3G to LTE that isn't there LTE to 3G? Or it is simply good network management or even device limitation? Hopefully once Sprint finishes up a couple more towers on I-95 through Baltimore, it won't matter anymore :-)

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