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Posts posted by joshuam

  1. Yeah but unfortunately the LCD doesn't understand that.


    It also didn't help that existing customers couldn't migrate over to Framily.

    I merged two separate Sprint accounts that had all lines under contract to Framily...was not an issue at all. I think internally they were told to not enforce the rule...but maybe I just got lucky.


    So maybe they will be relaxed about the new plans as well.

  2. Hard to explain Network Vision in a 30 second commercial spot. They hope customer's Google for more information.


    I agree that it is very difficult. But Verizon Wireless did it for years with the "Can you hear me now?" commercials. And it worked very well! People that know nothing about cellular technology at all knew Verizon had a good network, because they could do what they wanted to do most...make phone calls. Verizon Wireless had issues when data services launched, because nobody else advertised "broadband like speeds on EVDO"...they were all using 3G. People understood 3G better, and Verizon ultimately changed their message.


    The same thing applies here...Sprint needs to be doing a better job of telling users that they have rebuilt their network, fewer dropped calls, faster data, etc.

  3. I should add all you guys bitching that this doesn't work for you thats fine. Sprint isnt making you switch. These plans are meant to entice att and verizon customers that already are on plans like this. We were told several times that if customers dont like the plans to reenforce that sprint is honoring our unlimited guarantee and we are happy to keep them on framily/my way/data 1500.



    Also its obvious new unlimited individual plans are coming so possibly you might like that better.


    This is a great point. I highlighted the "unlimited guarantee" a couple pages back for those of us on MyWay/Framily w/ unlimited add-on, we get to keep unlimited.

  4. I'm on a maxed out framily plan (10 users), so this plan isn't for me.  However, I do like that hotspot is now included in the data allotment, but at the same time overages should have gone away and replaced with throttling once data is exceeded.  I would trade unlimited data for a big bucket of data, hotspot, and throttling.  


    I agree. I'm on an 8 line framily plan so no benefit for me to switch (I pay for 2 of the lines, but all 8 of us are actually family). My wife is fine with the 1GB of data (she's a stay at home mom, so on wifi most of the time). I pay for unlimited for myself. The only thing that'll get me to switch is no overages and hotspot included.

  5. http://www.sprint.com/landings/datashare/index.html?INTCID=AB:HERO:081814:FamilySharePack


    According to the main splash page additional data is 1.5 cents per MB

    Interesting. Thanks! I read that dang page several times and kept missing that...lol. So around $15 per GB. Kind of steep, but it's what the other guys charge. Framily overages are so cheap it's fine for the occasional overage.

  6. hescominsoon asked me to delete his account because he didn't like me calling out that he recently told me he canceled his Sprint service because he was so frustrated with Sprint, only to now claim he is still a Sprint customer when it makes a good story to 'dis the new plans. I gladly honored his request. He was about to be suspended for using an expletive on me anyway. Easy peasy.



    These new Sprint plans have brought out the best and worst of us ????

    • Like 5
  7. I think the Sprint stock drop today is not to do with margins, and more to do with the uncertainty about the future. Sprint is losing customers (hopefully this helps offset those loses). Nothing is unexpected though, they knew people would flock during NV, and it is turning around. But the uncertainty is driving some folks to sell Sprint stock today. It'll come back if they can post some numbers. Even if margins are lower today, it's a limited time offer anyways.

  8. That root metrics test is complete poppycock in my eyes. I said a hundred years ago when I joined this forum that I would take reliability over crazy fast speeds any day, any time, and anywhere. I had some spare time this morning and decided to go through every single state and compare the differences in points.


    As you can see based on the results, Sprint often scores significantly higher in 27 states while T-mobile is only a few points ahead of Sprint in 20 states, at least in the game of overall reliability. Keep in mind that these are not tests based on only data speeds, but both reliability and data speeds.  I often find that speed test comparisons are flawed simply because T-Mobile has more spectrum deployed (at the moment) and sprint's network deployment is still underway. Combined with the fact that Sprint only has 5x5 on b25 and b26 in most places, we can all attest that lower speeds are inevitable until b41 shows up. B41 has yet to show itself as a distinguishing factor but in a few markets, however, we all know that will be improving in the upcoming year.


    The highest difference in points was in Nebraska, with Sprint coming out 24.6 points higher than T-Mobile. The lowest was 0.1 points, of which I have decided to call a tie in my eyes. T-Mobile, on the other hand, was only able to achieve at most 11.7 points higher than Sprint. In the markets that Sprint is not beating Tmobile in overall reliability, Sprint is trailing closely behind. T-Mobile averages only 4.06 points higher in the 20 states T-Mobile scored higher than Sprint. Sprint scores an average of 8.6 points higher in the 27 states that it scored higher than T-Mobile. This is significant. 


    Overall, despite the negativity of BGR and other reports which will soon infect the internet, I can call this a win for sprint! I know that this report would've shown Sprint either dead last or right on par with T-Mobile a couple years ago and even as close as a year ago. I look forward to the future of Sprint, and am glad that I stuck it out through the chaos. T-Mobile better watch out. Best network my ass.....



    Great analysis! Thanks for taking the time. I agree overall it looks bad for Sprint as a headline...but to say Sprint isn't better today is a lie. In my region (central MD), it is a gazillion times better now than it was even earlier this year! Not done...but much better!

    • Like 2
  9. I've only dropped one call in all of my time on Sprint.


    I honestly can't remember the last time I dropped a call with Sprint. I used to frequently have dropped called with Verizon in my area (i'm sure it's improved, i've been with Sprint for several years now). But switching to Sprint for me at the time, was a big improvement. 3G speeds were still decent compared to Verizon at the time, and I had access to WiMax once that launched (Baltimore was the first market).



    I agree on the name change, but I'm not sure SoftBank is the best name. Could be confusing as to why a "bank" owns a cellular carrier. Remember, we gotta keep in simple for the stupid people...lol

    • Like 4
  10. Analysts: Sprint's new shared data plans not disruptive enough to change its fortunes



    This was my gut feeling last night and I still feel this way.  Waiting to see what they still have to offer later in the week. 


    Sprint stock is down right now...not shocking really. Wish Sprint would have made all their announcements at once, instead of piece meal them over several days.

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