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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. Flompholph sent me his log.. what is probably happening is the PCI is being reported immediately, but it takes a few moments for the GCI and TAC to come through (I briefly see this on my N5 every couple of weeks). It's not supposed to allow entries like that to get through, but I made some more changes that should prevent this in the future. I didn't realize it was still happening. As far as the 00F goes, those entries appear to be valid. It looks like a much different TAC compared to the rest of your area, so it's probably Clear B41. Most Samsung devices *still* do not report PLMN correctly, so you're not seeing the 311490/311870 that is probably really assigned to those sites. (EDIT: UPdownLoAD beat me to it, thanks!) Someone always has to be difficult! My concern is that I either need to implement it in the next update, or not do it at all -- after this update comes out, all of the data (should) be valid, so I wouldn't want to wipe it out. Starting with a clean slate ensures everything in the log is correct. I think I might force the scrub, but force an export first too. -Mike
  2. I didn't want to make a big fuss about it, just bounce the thought off of those who use the app the most. I'm in the same boat as you -- I'd rather know the log doesn't have garbage in it, and if I have to re-do a few site notes, oh well. I'm strongly leaning toward it to prevent confusion now that the issue is fixed. Random announcement #1: New beta coming today! Minor bugfixes. Random announcement #2: If any of you running Lollipop could go to About > Send Diagnostics and send me a report, I'd appreciate it. Just need to see how the new OS is handling a few things behind the scenes.. doesn't matter what device your using, what version of the app you use, or what your connection status is. Thanks! -Mike
  3. You probably have log entries that say "Sprint B41" that are bogus too -- until this latest beta, the app only used the PLMN to show B41. Just by looking at the mess in my own log, I know there is no easy way to do it, so it's going to be a matter of delete them all or don't touch it. Just to be clear, it would only affect 311490/311870 entries.. nothing else would be touched. Are you still seeing null entries? I thought those were few and far between; what is showing as null? If you're not seeing much more than a GCI and site note, that's because you saved a site note when the Site Logger wasn't running -- it's how the app was designed, to keep things efficient. I am considering changing that since the neighbor cells use PCI, so if you never run the :ogger, you'll never see a site note on a neighbor cell. -Mike
  4. Excellent! I have been staying on the old version until they got that working again, it's a critical feature for me. Are there any issues with the new version, or should I take the jump? I'm always hesitant when they make major changes because I rely on SMS for a lot of things, including work. -Mike
  5. I have been swamped at work and haven't had a chance to finish buttoning up the next beta update (which I need to have out there for a couple days before I can push a public update), but I should have that wrapped up very soon. Also, because of the "sticky" PLMN issue until now, I'm thinking of automatically blasting away all log entries that are listed as 311490 or 311870. I was going to do it silently in the background, but I wonder if some folks had saved some data they know is valid and don't want to lose it. I don't want to complicate the issue too much because a majority of users are not going to have any idea of the problem, but I know a lot of entries with these PLMNs are invalid -- on my own device, 90% of them were bogus. Any thoughts? I could prompt everyone on first launch after upgrade, but again, it's only a small subset of users who will be adversely affected. -Mike
  6. It will show the PCI and RSRP of whatever "neighbor cells" it sees -- basically it's a list of all of the other sites your device is in range of, but is not currently connected to (typically because the site you are connected to has a stronger signal). I have mentioned this a few times in the past week, one caveat with this is the PCI must already be recorded in your log for the site note to display. If you don't typically run the Site Logger, you probably don't have the PCI recorded. Simply adding a site note does not save the PCI, only the GCI. Also, the app takes a "best guess" to show the site note by matching the PCI and the currently connected TAC -- which might not actually be the TAC of the PCI you are seeing, if you are near a TAC border. You would need to grab the log from your S4T at /data/data/com.blueline.signalcheck/databases/signalcheck_log.db and then copy it to the same location on your Note 4. You probably need root on both devices to gain access to that folder. I'm working on adding simpler methods within the app itself that won't require root, but it's not going to be ready in the near future. If your Note 4 is rooted but not your S4T, you could export your log and then create an sqlite database with the data from the export and place it in the location I listed above. I could do that for you no problem if you sent it to me, but you still need to be able to access that folder to be able to put it there. I haven't heard any reports of specific devices not showing neighbor cells, but that doesn't mean it doesn't work on some devices--especially a Samsung, their engineers always throw a wrench into the mix. If the option is enabled, you should be seeing some data, especially if you are in an area where you are in range of several sites and/or sectors. -Mike
  7. Same experience here on 4.4.4, although I'm noticing more 1X 800 -- although that could just be a coincidence. It certainly does not seem any worse for me though, and I'm sure there are improvements of some kind hiding in there. -Mike
  8. If you're seeing this while you are actively mapping and uploading to Sensorly, it is because your device will not look for LTE until the data connection goes idle. If you're streaming music, uploading to Sensorly, etc. it will probably never flip back. Either pause your data session for a moment, or use something like LTE Discovery or SignalCheck to restart your mobile connection -- that will also do the trick if LTE is present. -Mike
  9. Gotcha -- thanks, I appreciate it! Nope, the diagnostic report sends me an e-mail with a bunch of values that represent different variables within the app at that specific moment, along with a short error logcat. I don't actually see what is showing on someone's screen. Thank you very much for that link, I hadn't seen that yet -- last time I explored screen shots was probably before API 17 (Android 4.2) was released, which is when that function was added. I'll see what I can do, it appears to be pretty straightforward. -Mike
  10. Correct. I'm not sure if it's an Android limitation, or if neighbors only identify themselves by a PCI by design, but that is the only identifier that is shared. I figured that showing a "probable" note based on PCI+TAC is better than nothing. Hopefully I write it up well enough so everyone understands this! -Mike
  11. I had looked into this before, and ran into issues; most devices blocked it unless there was root access. But I am a little more educated now, and might be able to work something out. I'll throw it on the list and see what I can do. -Mike
  12. It has definitely been a hit with the beta crew! I find it fascinating.. watching the screen, especially while driving, give a great look at how the network operates and what sites are available within certain ranges. One word of caution, the site note that pops up might not always be accurate on LTE, since only the PCI is given and they are reused across the network. The app matches it up with the same PCI on the currently connected TAC, which is usually--but not always--the neighbor cell. But you can usually tell if it's the right one or not if you know your local area. I'm working on writing up some clear documentation for this and some of the other new features so there's no confusion when it gets released to the masses.. one more beta release coming within the next day or so, and if all the little bugs prove to be fixed, everyone gets to play before the weekend! Also, Honored Premier Sponsors stay tuned for a little perk in our secret squirrel area.... -Mike
  13. Something is wrong with either SCP or SD, because they are showing different PCIs. Do you have access to your LTE engineering screen? I'd like to see what that would show in comparison with the two apps.. although those have issues sometimes as well. The B26 indicator might be incorrect and still showing because it hadn't identified the new connection yet. That's a bug fixed in the upcoming version. -Mike
  14. As Tim would say: Soon™ There are a few minor glitches in the beta that I am ironing out now. Barring any further issues, I anticipate a public update by the end of this week. The new version has been a rockstar in testing and seems to identify B41 near-flawlessly now. Keep an eye on the website for the full list of changes, I keep it updated as development progresses: http://bluelinepc.com/signalcheck/change-log I am set for now, but I sincerely appreciate your interest.. and everyone else's who has been asking! I prefer to keep the beta crew to a manageable number for a few reasons. I know its hard to wait, but it's almost ready.. -Mike
  15. Got your report.. I don't think I've ever had any WiFi bugs, so there isn't any WiFi diagnostic information, oops! Does it stay at -127 RSSI? That is probably the issue; until now, Android reported -140 dBm when WiFi was disconnected. In fact, -140 was a magic number for most networking technologies, but it looks like that is out the window with Lollipop. -Mike
  16. I believe you, I just don't know how it happened. I just double-checked and if RSRP < -139, the app will (should?) report no LTE. These new signal possibilities might complicate things, because I know several devices report -140 when disconnected, but I am working on a way around it. -Mike
  17. Thanks. Just need to tweak some things in SignalCheck, I believe I set the ceiling at -140 awhile ago. I flashed the new radio on 4.4.4 and it seems to work fine. Haven't left home with it yet, will get some decent road testing in later tonight. -Mike
  18. -145!? Was that the weakest you saw? I'm going to have to some tweaking to SignalCheck.. wonder if the new baseband is compatible with KitKat? EDIT: Per XDA, it works with 4.4.4, so I'm going to give it a shot too: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=56090777 -Mike
  19. I am working on documentation to clarify a lot of the questions with the new features, but here's the jist of it: Right now, the app only saves PCI and TAC values when the Site Logger is running. I'm going to change it to save them when editing a site note as well. It wasn't an issue until I added the neighbor cells info, because.. Neighbor cells only report PCI, so SCP shows site notes that match that PCI and the current TAC. It's not perfect, because it might actually be a neighbor cell that has a different TAC. But my options are limited because neighbor cells do not report anything else, and PCIs are reused across markets. -Mike
  20. The B41 identification in the beta version is proving to work great, huge improvement! Happy to have cleared that hurdle at last. Your GCI delay might just be how that radio functions. The app shows everything it can in realtime. If you can take a video capture of it, I can see if its something I can improve. I believe this was a bug that's fixed in the update in testing now. -Mike
  21. Let me know if SignalCheck seems better/worse/etc.. I'm hoping to temporarily install L next week so I can try making it more stable. -Mike
  22. The default location for app databases is within the app's own data folder, which is typically locked down by default. When I started implementing the database functions, I tried using a custom location, but it did not work well because the folder structure of each device is different. I am working on import/export stuff to handle this, but I will make a note to try and revisit putting the database somewhere as well, now that I have learned a lot more about it. -Mike
  23. As someone else mentioned, some devices require mobile location services to be enabled. Go to your Note 3's Settings menu, the Location, and ensure that the option for mobile networks is enabled. Post a screenshot of the app if that doesn't work. -Mike
  24. They are known as "neighbor cells".. yes, they are neighboring, but they are known as neighbors. Are you definitely still connected to the same site after you save the note? I used to think it was happening to me, then I realized that while the site note box was open, the connection would switch sites.. so the note was being saved, but I wasn't seeing it because I wasn't connected to that site any more. Post a screenshot of the site next time it happens, maybe I will see something that gives me a clue. I usually give it a few days to make sure there are no major bugs that I missed. If there are bugs, I fix them, send out a new beta, and make sure that one is good. I test every update on 4 of my own devices before it even becomes a beta. I'm crazy-busy these days so it also depends on when I have time to do it. I know you want in on it.. I keep the crew to a manageable number for a few reasons though. Be patient, it'll be worth the wait.. -Mike
  25. We roll deep!!! I think everyone will like the goodies in this new version.. B41 ID is finally near-perfect; any site notes saved on the B25/26 side will automatically show up when you connect to B41 at the same site (and vice versa); you can choose various options to hide disconnected connection types; you can show neighbor cells if you want.. fun fun fun! Everyone will get it once it proves stable in beta testing for a few days. -Mike
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