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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. I needed a break from schoolwork, so I spent all day finally finishing the next SignalCheck update! Once my beta crew confirms it's all good, it will go out to everyone. Just hold on a few more days.. those of you who are impatient can peek at the changelog on the website. Nothing earth-shattering, but some much-needed updates.. -Mike
  2. Thanks!! The latest system update for the Nexus 5 changed some security permissions that affected some of the System Shortcuts, so there are probably similar changes on the G3 that block third-party apps like SignalCheck from launching them. As far as signal strength logging goes, I do intend on adding a "strongest signal" column with correlated location to the Site Logger. A "Trail Logger" that will continuously save new log entries is still a work in progress. I have tried to get PN information for months, but Android does not report it at all, so it's out of my reach unfortunately. Once I get everything working well, I can look into adding KML support. One of my goals is to add integrated mapping into the app and provide more useful features for those of you that do crazy things with the data outside of the app. All of the logging features generate entries based on distance; if you do not move or connect to a different site for an hour, there is no reason to waste CPU, battery, and storage space to keep making log entries. The time/distance between entries will vary depending on the device, the system location settings, and the SignalCheck location preferences. -Mike
  3. I have a couple hundred pics, but I've had more in the past. Wallpaper hasn't changed in months. Odd.. I just double-checked my settings anyway, data and voice are enabled. I appreciate everyone's suggestions so far! Since clearing Google Play Store data (I thought I hit Services too, but I didn't), it's working again. Seems silly and maybe its just a placebo, but we'll see. Was able to answer my first call in over 24 hours after doing that. -Mike
  4. Nope.. rooted, ART, everything else stock. Already tried that. Cache too. Just saw something about clearing data for Google Play so I wiped Services and Store, we'll see if it helps. Seems like those shouldn't be related though. I've had LTE in my area for a long time, and never experienced this on my N5. I will try disabling LTE if the latest troubleshooting doesn't help. I also saw other reports that factory resets don't help, so I'm trying to avoid that hassle. Makes me think its hardware or network-related, but that seems strange. The phone rings and the incoming call screen comes up, but no matter where I flick the icon to -- answer, decline, or text -- the screen remains and the phone keeps ringing. Strangely, the text message does appear to go through if I choose that option. -Mike
  5. Has anyone experienced the bug where they cannot answer/decline incoming calls on their N5, and the phone just continues ringing forever, even after the caller is kicked to voicemail? Started about 3 days ago for me, and it is driving me nuts. The only way to get off the incoming call screen is to reboot. It has been happening with increasing frequency to the point where it now happens on every incoming call. I've read elsewhere about others having similar problems, but haven't seen any clear resolutions. I've had my N5 since shortly after launch and never had this problem. Wiped cache/dalvik and it didn't help. Going to factory reset tonight unless someone has any other suggestions. Thanks, -Mike
  6. As soon as I stop putting in 65-hour weeks at work and my two 10-page midterms are done.. Honestly, I can't say. I would rather give you the bad news upfront rather than provide false hope. Hopefully things slow down enough for me to get some work done on the app soon.. heck, I have barely had time to check S4GRU over the past couple of months. It is very frustrating to me as the developer and as a user, especially because I have gotten some great suggestions from you guys on top of my own half-finished ideas that I want to tackle. Just totally overwhelmed at the moment -- paying too much for grad school to fall behind any more than I already am.. -Mike
  7. Yes, the B41 indicator has some very annoying and relatively random problems; I'm still digging into them. The B26 issue will be fixed in the next update, I already figured out what I broke there -Mike
  8. Well crap.. I got my hopes up based on seeing a few of your posts, maybe it is on me after all! I'll shoot you a PM later tonight with some details.. thanks! -Mike
  9. Ah, that is an interesting idea.. although I would have to do some work to make sure I can add those columns to existing database files without corrupting them. I'll put that as a priority to work on. I do want to apologize to everyone for my lack of any updates lately.. I have been absolutely swamped at work, which is sucking away all the free time I need to work on my master's.. leaving less than no time for SignalCheck. I'm still trying to find exactly what is crashing Android L, I wanted to at least get that out; I might just push an update that disables all notifications if it detects Android L as a temporary fix, since that would be quicker. As Flompholph pointed out, that is just a placeholder, and there is a known Android bug that causes the address geocoder to randomly stop working, and requires a reboot to get going again. You might have been seeing the address "right away" in the other areas because the app had previously cached them (which circumvents that bug nicely and does not use any data transfer). This issue has been my nemesis since B26 and B41 started lighting up, and I'm seeing others report it to SpenceSouth and the LTE Discovery crew in their app, so I know it's not just me. For some reason, phones are not always reporting the same PLMN to the engineering screen and to the OS. For a long time I thought it was a bug in my code that runs if the PLMN changes, but now that I'm seeing similar issues with other apps, it makes more sense. It appears to be very random as to when it does or does not report the same values. Sadly I would expect the N5 to be the most well-behaved, but it seems to suffer from the same issues that other devices do. I don't know if it's a network issue, an Android bug, an engineering screen bug, or lousy programming in the radio firmware. I'm still looking for solutions but it's really just a case of the device feeding the app (or the engineering screens) bad data. -Mike
  10. That is great news! I have yet to see a single hint of B41 around here, so that is a huge step. Thanks for the heads up, Robert! -Mike
  11. How long had your device been booted for when you took that screenshot? Did you leave SignalCheck on the screen for a long time? Did you have poor signal or was it constantly switching sites? Nothing in the app forces the phone to stay awake when its in the background, so 9 hours of keep-awake time hints that it was on-screen for that much time. All of the reported battery issues I have investigated have turned out to be fluke/random/one-time blips, or related to something else. The app doesn't do much except listen for signal changes, especially if you had logging and location disabled. I intentionally don't have it poll for any information at specific intervals or anything like that to minimize battery impact. If your signal doesn't change, the app doesn't do a thing. -Mike
  12. I'm not going to share specific information, but an overwhelming majority of the sites in the Holly area are 4G-accepted, with 2-3 stragglers having NV equipment in place and likely just awaiting backhaul. That's not on Sprint, that's on the backhaul provider(s). Chances are, there are some sort of challenges that caused these sites to be last on the list. There are a lot of cities with far more than 6,000 residents that are waiting for LTE. Nobody has given up on anybody.. there are almost 40,000 Sprint sites that need to be upgraded. It doesn't happen overnight, and somebody has to be last. -Mike
  13. I have been seeing B26 pop up more and more north of the city. Others with inside info have stated that they are turning it on as quickly as they can but broadcasting at a low power until the site is optimized. That makes sense from what I have seen (weaker B26 than B25 from the same site). They are getting there.. from the reports on here, it's awesome when B25 and B26 are fully operational, not to mention B41.. -Mike
  14. Glad I'm not the only one feeling the pain.. man these OEMs love to make things difficult. Nice job on the new features, sounds like some great work! I have been dragging my feet on drawing up LTE band icons for my app, maybe this will motivate me to get moving -Mike
  15. The latest Chromecast update allows full-screen mirroring to your TV. I guess you could ask why anyone would cast SignalCheck to their TV.. but the better question is, why not? -Mike
  16. No, it's all done through standard Android routines that do not require root. To dive into it a little deeper, Android reports a PLMN value from a few different places: the TelephonyManager suite, the ServiceState suite, the SIM card, and the new LTE routines on Android 4.2+. SignalCheck monitors all of these values, and as the app has matured, I have improved the logic it uses to choose which one is valid. But OEMs are very inconsistent in this area, especially on native CDMA devices that only use the PLMN for LTE. This is a major reason why B41 is so hard to get working smoothly across all devices, it relies on the PLMN. -Mike
  17. I've improved the PLMN code along the way.. 4.17 was probably the last version that used a (usually) less reliable source for the PLMN that is actually the only one reporting the correct value for your situation. 4.18 started using a different value, and 4.19 included the 310-000 fix. It does seem to be some sort of provisioning issue, especially if others with the same phone aren't having that problem. Something must not have flashed all the way through. I believe I recall reading somewhere on here that "Chameleon" is what many Android devices report before they are activated for the first time. -Mike
  18. Thanks, I was trying that one too but nothing happens. Must be from S4GRU users swamping their site
  19. Very excited to see all that green in Northern New England! Is there a higher resolution map of CCA coverage anywhere? The map on their website is even smaller than the one linked in this post, and does not indicate if it is LTE-specific.
  20. The first issue is that it looks like it suffers from the same problem that some Samsung phones do.. its not reporting the MNC properly (310-000 instead of 310-120 for Sprint). When that happens, the app recognizes the problem and shows the "home" provider name instead. But there is something odd with your phone's programming, problem #2.. the home network provider is set to "Chameleon", which I confirmed by checking the report you sent (thanks). I feel like someone else reported something similar awhile back. Are you on a custom ROM? There must be something proprietary going on in the background that is giving the OS the proper network name. It's not doing it correctly through the standard Android routines. Well the NSA already pays me millions of dollars per month for the data I am secretly scraping from everyone. Oops, I promised I wouldn't tell.. crap.. You are enjoying the best feature of the app -- it turns any device into a tri-band phone!! Not bad for $1.99 right?? I am guessing you are a Boost or Virgin Mobile user? They share PLMNs with Sprint B41, but SignalCheck is supposed to be able to recognize that and display it properly. Please send a report (About > Send Diagnostics) and I can see what's going on there. -Mike
  21. Aha.. I think I know what is going on, I've seen that occasionally. It will hopefully be fixed in the next update. There's a conflict between the PLMN you are seeing on the screen and the PLMN the app thinks it is connected to. So your note is saving in the database, but with a different PLMN than is showing on the screen, so it doesn't appear. I've been trying to rip apart the PLMN code to improve this, but some devices are just not behaving properly. I see.. I probably won't be able to get something like that in there, at least not at the moment. Android 4.1-4.4.2 devices (the majority of phones on the street at the moment) require the notification icon to prevent the program from getting killed off in the background due to an Android bug, so I would have to exclude those devices. And like I said before, tying into WiFi calling isn't an easy chore. Sorry! -Mike
  22. I'm a bit surprised that you didn't have LTE in Winchester; looking at the map, there are only two sites that might cover that area that are not 4G-accepted. But they might not be broadcasting for some reason; I know there was one site up the road in Tewksbury that was 4G-accepted for 6+ months before it started broadcasting a couple of weeks ago. Are you saying you had excellent data coverage underground? I was on the Red and Green lines a few times last month and was roaming on Verizon 1X the entire time; I know work has been ongoing to add more service underground, it would be a nice surprise if there were already results. -Mike
  23. Does it show any errors? What happens when you click to enter a note? Do existing notes appear? Is this on a G2? Am I annoying yet? -Mike
  24. Catching up on the messages I missed over the past couple of weeks.. if I missed anything else please let me know! I've had a chance to look into this -- LG changed some system security permissions that prevent SignalCheck from launching some of the System Shortcuts directly. It still works because I have a workaround in place, but there is no way for the app to know if it succeeded or not -- that's why it says the screen "may not" be available. I'm exploring ways to improve this, but it's just cosmetic at this point. Oh dear, I was afraid of this, haha! I'm not opposed to adding support, it just might be tricky to troubleshoot unless they come up with decent emulator I can test it with. Upon first glance, it looks like the regular notifications that appear on the phone should appear on a wearable device too, but perhaps I'm wrong? For LTE sites, it needs to identify the PLMN and GCI -- if either of those items is missing, it won't let you do anything with notes. Are you seeing an error, or did it just seem to stop working? Nobody had brought that up; what exactly are you looking to disable? WiFi Calling has proven to be kind of difficult to deal with so far, because Android doesn't seem to have anything that reports anything about it. But I'll try doing whatever I can. -Mike
  25. Gremlins I guess! There isn't anything I can think of within the app that would hide EV-DO/eHRPD information.. it shows whatever the phone is reporting as long as its -120 dB RSSI or better I believe. That part of the app is far simpler than the 1X or LTE routines, mostly because there isn't really much data to work with. -Mike
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