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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. Hmm that shouldn't affect EV-DO signal display.. try turning that back on and see if its messed up again. Those two things shouldn't have anything to do with each other. -Mike
  2. Try sending me a report.. About > Send Diagnostics, make sure you include your username. Something fishy must be going on. -Mike
  3. Thanks.. that logcat and messages I've received from others points to an issue with notifications. This could be the alerts and/or the status bar icons. If you can get all that disabled, the app may work for you. -Mike
  4. Thank you David, I just saw another e-mail from earlier today reporting that as well. It's not my fault, contact Google and tell them to fix whatever they broke! I'm traveling quite a bit until after the 4th (I'm actually on an airplane 30,000 feet over Wisconsin at the moment.. yay for inflight Wi-Fi), but I will look into it as soon as I can. I have not received any automated crash reports, so it might be tricky to troubleshoot until I get a chance to put L on my N5. If anyone sees anything that might be useful or captures a logcat that shows what is going on, please feel free to pass it along to me. In the meantime, I'll try to make it known: ** SignalCheck is not compatible with Android L yet! ** -Mike
  5. Hey, you want answers, I need information! You can always e-mail support [at] bluelinepc [dot] com. It doesn't sound like SignalCheck or Google Maps had anything to do with the locations not changing. Now that you're keeping an eye on the lat/long, let me know if you happen to see any oddities with it (freezing, disappearing, etc.). If you disable the location service within the app, that display will automatically disappear -- but if it's enabled, you should always see the coordinates. Sounds like there wasn't anything wrong on your end, most likely the Google Play Location Services on your phone decided to go to sleep for some reason. I've seen this a few rare times; SignalCheck doesn't actually do any of the location stuff itself, it uses Play Services. A reboot always clears it up. It's similar to the location bug that causes the geocoding service to shut down and stop translating BSL addresses.. it's a known Android issue. I'll take a look at your logs but I'm not sure if there will be anything in there that pinpoints the issue. EDIT: Forgot about your B41 issue. That's Samsung's fault; you'll probably always see 310120 instead of the correct 311870/311490 because their enginerrs can't seem to get that fixed. Try installing Sasmsung's Refresh app fix and see if it resolves it: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samsung.refreshDevice -Mike
  6. Did you have the Location Services option enabled in the app? Did it ever "unstick" itself or did it last for the remainder of your trip? Do you usually leave the lat/long display on your screen, and if so, was it updating as you moved? I don't think it will record any lat/long values if you have the in-app Location Service turned off, it should just leave those columns blank. If you had it on, then your device's location service must have had a hiccup. Were you using any location-intensive apps (Google Maps, Waze, Gas Buddy, etc) during that time, either before or after the log entries got stuck? -Mike
  7. It has only been a couple of days, but I am seeing much better results with the new 2.x.16 baseband. My biggest peeve with the newer radio versions was the tendency to hold onto 3G far longer than necessary. Now it seems to flip back to LTE much quicker once I return to a covered area. Only have B25 in my area at the moment. -Mike
  8. I just updated from 4.4.2 to 4.4.4, and only flashed the radio and system partitions. Flashing userdata will wipe out your data, and the bootloader has not changed in the last few updates so it is unnecessary. Flashing recovery will wipe out TWRP or whatever custom recovery you might have installed. You can mix and match whatever you want; many people are using older radios with everything else updated. The system partition is the actual OS. -Mike
  9. I finally just got around to flashing my N5 with QPST and wanted to mention something that might help others in the future.. On the 'Ports' screen in QPST Configuration, not only did I have nothing listed, but when I clicked "Add New Port.." the proper one was not showing. I had to uncheck the "Show Serial and USB/QC Diagnostic ports only" option, which was enabled by default. Some additional ports will appear, and the one to manually add will be listed as "USB/Unknown - (LGE AndroidNet USB Serial Port, xxxx)". This is with QPST 2.7 Build 411. -Mike
  10. Hey I figured you get called back into work for the occasional weather alert too.. Are you sure you're not getting the Amber Alerts? They don't seem to go out 100% of the time they should, but its not a phone issue, my N5 gets the same alerts that my wife's iPhone does. I believe I read somewhere there hasn't been a Presidential Alert yet.. I'm fine with that.. -Mike
  11. Correct. I'm rooted and using Textra, and receive all of the alerts that my wife's iPhone 5S does.. which isn't many in our area, just an amber alert here and there. We both got a very random flood advisory the other day too, first weather alert we've gotten in a long time. I use Simple Weather Alert for weather alerts anyway, it works very well and I highly recommend it. Developer is responsive to feedback as well. -Mike
  12. That's either a glitch (maybe you were no longer connected to 1X and the debug screen was having a seizure) or a misconfigured site. Sprint PCS uses IDs scattered between 4103-6225 (mostly in the 4000's) and Sprint SMR is in the 22400's. -Mike
  13. I've been catching glimpses of B26 here and there, mostly on 495 northwest of Boston.. but I have yet to see any Band 41, has anyone? -Mike
  14. You shouldn't have any issues with the S5.. does all of the LTE information disappear? Feel free to e-mail or post a screen shot. Please send me a diagnostic report while you are experiencing the issue (About > Send Diagnostics), be sure to include your e-mail and a description of the problem so I know what to look for. -Mike
  15. I have yet to update my N5 to 4.4.3 and I didn't even know 4.4.4 was already being pushed out until I saw your post, but I think this is the first I have heard about the shortcuts throwing an error message. Is your N5 rooted? If you could try the shortcuts that are showing the error and then immediately send me a report (About > Send Diagnostics), that might show me enough information to get a head start on debugging it. Please note on the report why you're sending it so I know what I'm looking for. -Mike
  16. Ahhhh thank you guys! I see that on the display sometimes; I thought I made sure the Logger would skip those instances, but that could certainly be a big cause of the bogus entries. That's one of the major bugs I'm working on right now for the next update, so I appreciate the info! -Mike
  17. Sure, I will add it to the wish list.. I also intend to add configurable alerts for complete loss of signal, B26, and B41. I'm gutting the Alerts routines behind the scenes to make it more efficient and also much easier for me to add new ones; right now it is a nightmare of sloppy code for the 1X 800 and LTE alerts. Learning as I go along! -Mike
  18. That is excellent! @JossMan recently sent me a PM about that resolving the same issue on his S3; I didn't get a chance to look into it until tonight, and then saw you had already posted about it here. I saw your report, it looks like the issue is at least partially fixed -- the real test will be if it actually changes from 310-120 if you connect to Band 41. It's too bad that users need to figure out that they need to run a separate app to resolve the issue, but at least there is a fix available. I posted the link on the "Known Issues" section of the SignalCheck website, hopefully it works well for everyone! -Mike
  19. Only Sprint B26 and Sprint B41 are explicitly indicated right now. Sprint B25 just shows "Sprint", and there is nothing in place for other providers yet. It's not an exact science as the app can't directly get the band data, but if it can determine the PLMN and GCI, it makes a "best guess" attempt to ID it. Thanks guys! Yeah, the LTE frequency is an HTC thing. lordsutch (another member on here) found an undocumented way to access some extra details on most HTC devices, so SignalCheck takes advantage of that. Every other OEM blocks access to this information. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to change in the future unless Android introduces some new radio routines in a future release. -Mike
  20. Neither 50 nor 51 are valid LTE bands.. it's just what is shown when not connected to LTE. Someone else mentioned similar problems recently and I think they resolved it with a Profile update.. give that a try. -Mike
  21. Like my situation, the B26 sites near you haven't been optimized yet. They are live but the antennas haven't been aligned perfectly yet and/or they are not broadcasting at full power. Another crew will come along to take care of that. In the meantime, you can disable B26 to prevent it. Adjusting priorities doesn't do much, because once you are connected, the network moves you around as it deems necessary. -Mike
  22. I don't believe so.. I have never come across site MAC addresses on the programming side or the user side. It's probably not accessible to clients. -Mike
  23. I agree that it should check the other bands first, but that doesn't seem to be how the network is configured at the moment. It seems to be operating under the assumption that B26 is the last frontier before 3G.. if it can't find B26, there's no way B25 or B41 is present. When NV is done, that will be a safe move, but right now it's not. I should have mentioned that there do not appear to be significant CSFB issues in my area. LTE-only mode doesn't change things much, and even on .15 I never see the "No telephone calls" indicator. -Mike
  24. After keeping a close eye on the .13 radio behavior over the past few days, I think I know why I am getting tossed back to 3G so often.. and it makes sense. This radio causes my N5 to connect to B26 far more often than any of the previous ones. But I have yet to connect to a B26 site that appears to have been optimized. B26 signals have been averaging ~8-12 dB worse than B25 from the same site. My N5 appears to switch over to B26 whenever it sees it, but since the coverage is currently worse, it can't hang onto it everywhere. Instead of falling "back" to B25 when it loses B26, it drops to 3G. This is probably intentional, since eventually the B26 signal will be the strongest LTE connection available. I should also note that adjusting the band priorities on my device has no impact on this. And I have yet to see any B41 in my area. YMMV, this has just been my experience northwest of Boston. -Mike
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