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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. Right now I am aware that Alerts do not work, and I just saw a report that some System Shortcuts may not be working. I'm working on those issues; if you notice others, please let me know. I expect that you will need to be rooted to access whatever features required root on KitKat (reset feature, some system shortcuts). As a side note, there is no drawback to rooting any Nexus device -- it's very simple and doesn't require a lot of technical knowledge. At least unlock it as soon as you receive it in case you decide to do so in the future.. unlocking wipes the phone, so it's better to do it before you have it all set up. -Mike
  2. Ta-da! Here is a peek: Still working on tweaking the resolution; that is an oversized icon that Android is scaling down, which is probably why it looks a little sloppy. I'm making density-specific icons that will hopefully look as sharp as the square screenshot icon in the status bar. Looks like I should be able to do the style above, also a "LTE 800" version, and then similar icons that use a larger font but do not show the signal strength. It's very tedious work so it's taking me a little bit to get them all done, but it will be worth the wait.. -Mike
  3. I wonder if it's a G2 battery stats bug; unless SignalCheck gets hung up doing something CPU-intensive (which it doesn't really do anyway), it would be very hard for the app to become a power hog. It just hangs out in the background listening for data updates. On another note, this true black background I'm testing out is growing on me. Maybe it's just me, but it's very noticeable when running the app at night in the car. The LTE band information on the status bar icons is pretty cool too.. -Mike
  4. If someone could fire up SignalCheck Pro and see if Alerts are sounding, I would appreciate it -- they were not working on the last preview. Please try both audio and vibrate.. many thanks! -Mike
  5. Aha.. I think I see the issue. Your phone is reporting it is connected to "CDMA", not 1X. I don't think I've ever seen that out in the wild, but I do remember it being a possible connection type. Refresh my memory -- is this when WiFi Calling is active? I will have to do some testing to see how to work with this. Good point, but perhaps it explains the mystery in Clear areas. The more I investigate it in my area, the more plausible it seems. If the PCI being reported is null or invalid (outside the range 0-503 I believe), the app hides it. I can't explain why it might appear or disappear, but that's how SignalCheck handles it. -Mike
  6. I was digging through my logs this morning and I might have been wrong about Clear neighbor cells sites only appearing when on a Clear PLMN. I am now wondering if these "phantom" neighbor cells many of us have seen are actually Clear sites that are difficult to connect to because they are trumped by nearby Sprint sites (or perhaps in testing)... just an educated guess...? -Mike
  7. Do you have the Location Service enabled? Try disabling that and see if it improves. I have suddenly been getting random force closes also, and I tracked it to that. Since it started happening out of nowhere, my guess is a background Google Services update might have gone through that has some sort of glitch. I made some tweaks to the app that might circumvent it but I'm not sure yet. If you don't have the Location Service enabled, try sending me a diagnostic report or logcat right after it crashes so I can see what's up. -Mike
  8. Android reports a PLMN with each neighbor cell, however I have yet to discover an instance where it was actually valid. If they could get that fixed, it might provide some insight as to what we were seeing. One thing I have noticed is that Clearwire sites do not appear in the neighbor cell list unless I am on a Clearwire connection, and Sprint sites do not appear unless I am on a Sprint connection. Even when on B41 for either network. That makes me think that any neighbor cells you see are on the same PLMN you are connected to. That would rule out USCC or any other provider. -Mike
  9. You guys have been chatty today! I have no reason to believe that the neighbor cells that appear are inaccurate; I see many of these "phantom" PCIs as well, and I have my area fully logged and noted. The PCIs that appear seem to be valid, and the signal strengths look to be reasonable. I have always guessed similar things that others have mentioned; another network on a compatible band, a site in testing, etc. The app is simply showing exactly what Android is reporting to it; there isn't any fancy magic going on behind the scenes for this part of the app. It happens to many people, on many devices, in many markets, so it seems to be by design. Maybe someone with advanced knowledge of how LTE networks operate can chime in with an educated explanation. That would be a little tricky and very user-specific, but I can try coming up with an option for that. Just a word of caution: even if you've only logged "your area", there is still a chance you have duplicate PCIs -- I can be in range of two sites with the same three PCIs by traveling about 5 miles. I'm never in range of both sites at the same time, but I consider them both my local area. I never noticed the PCIs matched until seeing the (wrong) neighbor cell notes. I'm trying to implement a different way to show neighbor notes based on lat/long coordinates instead of TAC, but it's more challenging than I thought, so it may not be feasible. -Mike
  10. That is very strange. It is always those three towers that do not report properly? And all 15 are Clearwire sites? It sounds more like a network/site issue than a device issue if that's the case. Or are you possibly only seeing 8T8R sites? -Mike
  11. A logcat might work, but only if something is crashing -- if you send a diagnostic report, it would include a crash logcat if one existed anyway, so that's probably best. Does it consistently vanish every time you roam, or is it sporadic? -Mike
  12. Thanks. Your S4T was not reporting any Clearwire PLMN IDs on either report; there isn't anything SignalCheck can do to recognize these as Clear sites, because your phone isn't indicating such. Either the sites are configured wrong (least likely), it's not actually B41 (maybe), or Samsung strikes again (very likely). These were the sites you reported; perhaps someone else familiar with the area can confirm if these are Clear sites: GCI: 04C90E01, TAC: 19208, Waters/ArmB41 GCI: 04C8BB00, TAC: 19208, WorkB41 It seems strange that your phone would indicate some Clear sites, but not all.. but you'll have to ask Samsung about that. You mean the SignalCheck notification disappears? I have no idea why it would do that.. send me screen shots and/or diagnostic reports while its happening and maybe it will give me some insight. I don't think anyone else has mentioned that. -Mike
  13. I stopped listening at "I like how Samsung.." Do you mean just display it with the dash between the two values? I could probably figure out how to get an option for that, but it would just change that one part of the on-screen display. -Mike
  14. I wonder if it was supposed to be an offset all along, and it was discovered to be wrong along the way.. hopefully you mapped out all of your sites in advance! Export your SignalCheck log now and you'll still have the right coordinates for any sites you haven't connected to recently if you need them. There is no set distance, it varies by site and probably has to do with how much area the site covers. We've had offsets here in Boston all along. If you record all three sectors, you should still be able to identify the site in question, but it doesn't help if you don't know where the site is to begin with. -Mike
  15. Next time you see that, could you go to About > Send Diagnostics and send me a report? The workaround I'm trying for the G2 might fix that, or I can at least work with HTC to fix it in a future baseband update. -Mike
  16. I guess I don't have an answer for you then. Perhaps ensure that you have the Location Service and Site Logger features disabled and see if that improves anything? If it was a fresh stock install, your battery drain could be related to silent Google Play Services updates in the background, although that wouldn't explain why it was blaming SignalCheck. I haven't had any other reports of battery drain related to SignalCheck recently, and none of the reports I've had in the past were linked to the app itself. If you have any battery logs, wakelock stats, or other data that you think might help pinpoint the issue, feel free to PM or e-mail it and I'd be more than happy to take a look at it. -Mike
  17. The offset locations (each sector gets it's own coordinates a variable distance from the site) have been the norm in many markets all along.. perhaps Sprint decided to make this standard across the country. Too bad, those of you with exact locations had a nice perk.. -Mike
  18. I wouldn't use Newton as a measuring stick for the suburbs.. that might as well be its own country. In general, most areas are fine, and the major providers are all on equal footing as far as coverage goes. Inside 495, you won't find many coverage holes for any of them. -Mike
  19. There were no changes in this update that would have a significant impact on battery life.. each time someone has reported an issue like this, it has turned out to be a fluke or related to something else. It is a passive app (except for the logging features) so it shouldn't have a major battery drain. If you leave it on screen for a few hours and don't do much else with your phone, I wouldn't be surprised if it was responsible for 73% of whatever battery power has been used -- but that actual use should be minimal. I run it 24/7 with logging and location features enabled and monitor my battery usage with GSam Battery Monitor Pro; I don't think I've ever seen it above 5%. I'm not saying that you are wrong and it's impossible to see what you are reporting, just that it doesn't really make sense and it appears to be an isolated incident. That's a great suggestion! I don't have an OLED device but I have heard of the power savings with true black backgrounds. The app uses a black-to-grey gradient right now, but I will add an option to change this to black and maybe other options. Thanks! -Mike
  20. The G2 is flaky but I think I might be able to implement a workaround that might resolve that.. I'm still working on it. It is frustrating because the app will report it properly if the device would report it properly. What do you mean by "it would have been nicer to get a better site band label"? LTE neighbor cells report their PCI. Site notes are shown for that PCI and the currently connected TAC.. so it's usually the right note, but there is a chance it could be wrong if the TAC is actually not the same. There's no way for the app check that though. -Mike
  21. Are you saying it only shows some Clear sites, or never shows any Clear sites? If you never see any, it's the Samsung bug. If you do see some but not all, send diagnostics next time you see something wrong so I can check it out. -Mike
  22. Correct, -120 indicates no connection.. but the app should take that into account. If you can grab a screenshot next time it happens -- or even better, send a diagnostic report while it's happening -- I can take a look. I know Tim already stepped up, but just to expand on his reply, 1X is the only protocol that broadcasts base station coordinates. There is nothing comparable for EV-DO, LTE, UMTS, WCDMA, or anything else. It gets brought up often but this thread is huge. -Mike
  23. Yes, you are correct, that's Clear B41. Obviously your phone is getting the correct data, it's just not reporting it to the OS. For some reason, every Samsung device started out handicapped like this.. before, you couldn't even get a GCI. Subsequent software updates eventually improved things for most devices. They must not be learning from their mistakes. -Mike
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