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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. That display has been changed in the current beta.. it is an issue I have been wrestling with. If connected to Wi-Fi, some devices are now reporting NETWORK_TYPE_IWLAN. Previously, I had identified this as occurring when Wi-Fi Calling was active--but other devices are now starting to report it where Wi-Fi Calling is not in play. SignalCheck will simply report it as "IWLAN" because that is what the OS is reporting. If you disconnect from Wi-Fi, it will change to a typical mobile connection type. When looking into "IWLAN", the most common definition is interworking wireless LAN, which basically means data is routed from your device to your mobile provider's network over Wi-Fi. If anyone has more insight, feel free to share. There is a new Android routine that I am looking into that might allow me to dig out something more useful than "IWLAN" but I am trying to finish up some other things first. -Mike
  2. Deval, have you had a chance to try out the DeX suppression option yet? -Mike
  3. The OP link is wrong, but the correct one is in a later post: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hucdx5lu36zp45c/Signal-Strength-Detector-debug.apk?dl=0 Also, heads up @lordsutch -- BSL latitude and longitude are flipped in Oreo.. see here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/63130155 -Mike
  4. FYI, Android Oreo has caused a few hiccups with SignalCheck. The most noticeable ones: 1) CDMA BSL latitude and longitude are flipped. This is a known bug that the Android team claimed was previously fixed. I am looking into rolling out a band-aid fix until they solve the issue. Please 'star' this issue on the Android Issue Tracker to help draw attention to it: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/63130155 2) Mobile Data status never seems to go "inactive" when connected to Wi-Fi. Not sure if this is a bug or intentional changed behavior. 3) Logcat is full of errors about audio streams. I am looking into where this is coming from. (EDIT: It's another Android bug. Please 'star' to help: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/64017989) If anyone notices anything else, please let me know. Still quietly working on updates over here! -Mike
  5. It looks like that article needs to clarify they are only talking about T-Mobile. There aren't many mentions of Sprint. Verizon, AT&T, and others have had 3xCA on Pixels for awhile. -Mike
  6. Just curious, when did you place that order for the Airave 3? -Mike
  7. Probably everyone. Small cells look like a solid strategy right now.. most bang for the buck available at the moment. -Mike
  8. Impossible to tell without a photo or the site GCI.. but if you were still hanging onto B26 from your last connection (your screenshot has no GCI), I don't believe Sprint has deployed small cells on that band.. at least not yet. -Mike
  9. Go to Preferences > Status Bar Icons and make sure it is enabled. Also go to Preferences > General Settings and make sure the Background Service is enabled. If you have more general questions about how to use the app, I'm happy to answer by PM.. none of this is related to beta testing (the topic of this thread). -Mike
  10. Less intrusive..? You can enable whatever Alert(s) you prefer to have a notification tone, vibrate, or both. If you don't want anything at all, just disable them all. -Mike
  11. I'm out of town this week and basically off the grid, but danlodish345, the advice David gave is correct. Go to the menu and select Preferences > Alerts, then uncheck what you do not want. For now the visual notification has to appear on the screen for it to work on newer versions of Android; I'm still overhauling the Alerts but hope to be able to improve that soon. -Mike
  12. Well after more testing and escalation, Sprint declared my problem to be a "known issue" with the Airave 2.5 and the only solution is to replace it.. which they can't do, because they don't have any in stock and don't know when they are getting more (2.5 or 3). Apparently nobody can pre-order/back-order either one either, so I need to proactively call back every few weeks to see if anything has become available. Seems very odd that they don't at least have a waitlist for those who need to swap out a defective one, but perhaps the transition from the 2.5 to the 3 is complicating things. Sprint still hasn't enabled Wi-Fi Calling that on the Pixel yet either so I'm just going to have to be patient. -Mike
  13. I'll update when I hear more, maybe it will help you. Right now they're thinking it's the quality of my Fios service, but all the VOIP test sites I can find give my connection great ratings. -Mike
  14. The information I had is that NID 502 is assigned to the Airave 3, that's why you are seeing that pop up.. I'll just change it to Airave, I don't think there's a significant enough reason to designate the new model any differently, especially if it's not consistently identified. -Mike
  15. My Airave is still malfunctioning.. I can send and receive calls, and the person on the other end can hear me fine -- but I can't hear them at all. I don't even hear the ringing tone. I've been working with Sprint over the past few days, and they have escalated my ticket through several tiers, but nobody can solve it. Now apparently Airvana is looking into it. Today they determined that my "MOS scores" are very low--averaging 2.3 out of 5. But when I do tests over the web, all the stats are good scores are significantly higher. Going to reach out to my ISP but I'm guessing they will lean on my web tests showing their network isn't the issue. I've tried asking if this will help me get an Airave 3 any faster, but nobody would bite. The most annoying (amusing?) part of all this is that I have to walk down the street to talk to them, so I can leave the Airave online for testing but still communicate. I think it's all a conspiracy to get me to pay for a landline.. -Mike
  16. Is that something you'd find useful? I hadn't heard.. It is in the pipeline. Database changes cause a lot of back-end work, and also trigger an extra routine on the UE at first run, so I try to minimize how often I touch the structure. I am working on ironing out an unrelated database bug before I implement that, but it IS coming soon. Would you prefer coordinates-only, or the coordinates plus the geocoded address like I mentioned? Doesn't matter to me; I know some people run scripts on their logs so I try to accommodate whatever I can. Funny you should mention that, I had Android Auto on the to-do list until last night.. I was looking into it, and learned that Android is very strict about what third-party apps they allow for Auto. They only permit two categories: Audio streams and two-way messaging apps. SignalCheck does not fit the guidelines for either one, so it's off the table for now. If Android changes its rules, I'll certainly consider it again. -Mike
  17. Hmm.. that's easy to implement from a technical standpoint, but I'm not sure of the best way to add it to the UI. Did you have something in mind? I can't add a fourth button to the Site Note popup (3 is max), but I could add an option under Preferences to have it populate coordinates instead of the address every time. Would that still be useful, or do you like the address to be displayed on most occasions? EDIT: Would adding an option to have the coordinates added to the geocoded address -- for example, "[40.1234, -70.9876] 123 Main Street, Boston" work for you? -Mike
  18. New beta just pushed out for the crew! Added notification icons for IWLAN and TD-SCDMA networks. Added option to limit notifications when Samsung DeX mode is active. Added provider name to LTE neighbor cells if PLMN is reported and does not match active connection. Changed main screen to display “Mobile” instead of “CDMA” when there is no mobile connection. Changed “Wi-Fi Calling” label to “IWLAN”. Improved third-party (Tasker) intents; omitted Extras will no longer trigger changes. Resolved issue with mobile IP address not displaying in certain situations. Resolved issue with Sprint Airave/800 indicators displaying improperly. The big thing I'm curious to see in the wild is the provider name on neighbor cells belonging to other networks.. the PLMN is not usually reported for any cells, but in rare occasions it does show up. I haven't seen it since I added this. I'm also working on adding the capability to display neighbor cells when there is no active connection.. that should be ready shortly. -Mike
  19. I posted an edit shortly after I made my original post.. check out the link I included. Looks like PCI 18 is a band 4 Verizon cell at the outlets. -Mike
  20. By the outlets? I've been there, ha! According to http://specmap.sequence-omega.net, the other Big 3 proviers all own 2145MHz spectrum in that area. EDIT: According to Cellmapper, that's a Verizon site (eNB 37376, cell 12: link). I've seen several different examples where the EARFCN updates quicker than the PLMN, which is why you're seeing Sprint and Band 4. Unfortunately the PLMN is coming from the OS, so there isn't anything I can do with SignalCheck to "fix" it. It's similar to the delay when it switches between Sprint and Clearwire sites. It's maddening to me, but the glitch is buried somewhere in the radio firmware. If you hang onto the signal for a couple of updates, the PLMN does eventually update. -Mike
  21. Anyone ever have issues with their Airave 2.5 being online with all green lights, phone connected to it, but unable to place any calls? I've rebooted my router, Airave, and phone.. nothing helps. Internet is working fine. When I try to place a call, I get the three beeps but then 20-30 seconds of silence and it disconnects. -Mike
  22. For the benefit of everyone else, I figured this out with swintec's help -- it's a bug! If you do not have the timestamp display or Location Service enabled, the IP will never appear. I'll have a fix in the next update. -Mike
  23. I saw the report, but you have logcat output disabled in your settings.. please enable it under General Settings, let a few signal updates come through, and try again. Hard for me to see any error messages without that.. sorry! I am working on completely overhauling the Alerts; one of the improvements will be the ability to set them up for any bands/providers you choose. SignalCheck has come a long way from the Sprint-centric Network Vision-tracking app it started as in 2012! -Mike
  24. Glad to hear it works! I've already fixed the need to send all 3 Extras; I already have a flag set that returns if the Background Service is active or not, so theoretically I should be able to easily expose that for you. If you (or anyone else) has some code you think might be helpful and want to share, I am always willing to consider it. This is still my first experience with Java (and really the only legitimate programming project I've ever tackled) so I am still learning. Probably best for PM or email so we don't turn S4GRU into Stack Overflow though. -Mike
  25. Sure, never hurts.. were you connected to an Airave 3 at one point then handed off to the main network? Do you have an active mobile data connection (not on Wi-Fi)? Send a diagnostic, I'll take a peek! -Mike
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