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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. How did I not see that?! That should be plenty to help me at least create an option to stop the notifications while DeX is going. I'll get that added; send me a PM with your Google Play e-mail address so I can set up some one-on-one testing. I don't use Tasker and rarely get any feedback on it (besides from you), so it slipped through the cracks.. my bad! I went back and found what I wrote up (and poorly publicized) about them: Is that what you were trying? If so, I'll go back through the code and figure out what broke. I remember having a heck of a time trying to get a shutdown intent to work, so I'll see what I can do about that. I'll also try to figure out how to prevent it from resetting services to false if they are not specifically included. -Mike
  2. Just pushed out an update to SignalCheck Pro, version 4.44.. everyone can grab it on Google Play here! It was more significant than I originally intended, but that's good for you guys.. here are the highlights: NEW OPTIONS: Display mobile connection IP address When the app is in the foreground and the mobile data connection (not Wi-Fi) is active, you will see your external IP address displayed. PLEASE NOTE: This feature uses data. It pings my server which simply responds with your external IP -- nothing is captured, logged, or saved at all. It is only a small amount of data (literally, the response is just your IP in plain text), but it will happen every time your mobile signal changes. I do not expect it to be a significant amount of data, but for an app that really doesn't use data, this is something worth pointing out. When the app is not in the foreground, you are on Wi-Fi, or this option is disabled (as it is by default), nothing is displayed and no data is used. Display Reset Mobile Connection button on the action bar You can now show the button on the main screen, action bar, both, or neither. Hide CDMA 1X display when connected to LTE If you're a big fan of neighbor cells, this should give you more screen real estate. This only changes the main screen display; logs will still record GCI and any notification icons will still reflect a 1X connection if present. Display LTE ECI (decimal) instead of GCI (hex) Somebody asked for it a long time ago. This only changes the main screen display; logs will still record GCI. NOTABLE NEW FEATURES: Added feature to add current location to a site note When editing a site note, you will see a new button "HERE" that will fill the prompt with your current location if you have the app's Location Service enabled. If "HERE" is grayed out, the app didn't have your location coordinates at the time you opened the prompt. If you decide you don't want to use the address that pops up, simply cancel the prompt and your previous note will remain in place. Improved diagnostic reports; failed reports will now be saved and can be manually resubmitted from the Send Diagnostics screen If you try to send diagnostics but your connection (or my server) is unavailable, the report will be saved on your device. It will be attempted again when you send another report, or if you select the "Send Saved" option from the diagnostic report screen. Should be very helpful to those of you who do testing with deactivated devices. Changed provider to indicate if CDMA 1X connection is a Sprint Airave or 800 SMR This helps make CDMA logs a bit more useful, and brings CDMA logging more in line with how LTE providers are logged. Added donation link to About screen Those of you who have asked for it, you can now throw me a few extra bucks if you're feeling generous. You will get nothing in return other than knowing you made my day and motivated further development! Thank you! BUG FIXES AND LESS-EXCITING STUFF: Added indicators for some Sprint LTE band 25 oDAS cells. Added notification icons for LTE bands outside of North America. Resolved force closes at startup in certain situations. Resolved force closes when requested permissions are not immediately granted on Android 6+. Resolved issue with connection titles overlapping signal meters. Resolved issue with geocoder features not working. Resolved issue with LTE 1900 notification icons missing. Resolved issue with LTE band conflicts between native EARFCN and GCI-calculated band. Resolved issue with LTE frequency title not updating properly in certain situations. Resolved issue with misidentified Sprint LTE band 25 10×10 sites in certain areas. Resolved issue with unreliable CDMA 1X BSL and Site Note displayed in the notification pulldown when a call is in progress. A *long* overdue update to SignalCheck Lite is finally on the horizon as well, it will bring the free version up to speed with all relevant features and fixes to date. As always, feedback is welcomed and my sincerest thanks to everyone for their support. And to my Beta Crew for being a huge help! -Mike
  3. That's annoying. Maybe they can at least tell me how to recognize when DeX mode is active so I can automate that for you. We'll see.. -Mike
  4. Ah, I understand now.. every time the notification is updated, DeX pops it up. I was not able to find anything online about configuring notifications a certain way to change how DeX handles it, so I sent their developer team an e-mail. I haven't had very good luck with them, but I don't really have a better option. Does enabling that "Show silently" option change anything? -Mike
  5. Thanks! I did see that.. I've been thinking about it a lot, and hadn't come up with a great approach on how to address it so I hadn't replied yet. The problem is it's perfectly fitting the GCI pattern for B41 SC (even third character; characters 4-6 exceed 900; sector 01). This is the first B25 report I've seen, but I worry that it won't will be the last. So do I just display them all as small cells and eliminate the band designation? Or is this going to be a rare find? -Mike
  6. No, first I am hearing of it.. could you elaborate? I'm not too familiar with DeX. (And just to be sure, you're not referring to the SCP Alert notification that pops up when an Alert from the app goes off, correct? That is very annoying but Android won't let me broadcast Alerts the way I have been doing it without a visual indicator to the user. Just one of many reasons I am overhauling the Alert routines very soon.) -Mike
  7. I've been playing with the geocoder and figured out that Google's service is responding, but the format of the responses has changed slightly without warning. It's just enough to derail things on my end. I'll make some adjustments and push out an update shortly. In the meantime, you will see mixed results, depending on the formatting of the particular address. -Mike
  8. Hmm, I'm having the same issue today. It worked last night. It looks like something is wrong with Google's geocoding server because I can't get BSLs to geocode either. I'm not seeing anything on Twitter but I'm not sure where else to look, it's always been a bit of a mysterious service. Android claims no ownership of it, but there are methods built into the OS to use it. And there aren't (weren't?) many free reliable alternatives; I haven't looked in awhile because it's been reliable. Nah, I haven't seen any evidence that my educated guess on what would work is implemented in Android N or O. I left my code in place though, so if my hunch does pan out, you'll see 2xCA (or 3xCA etc) next to the LTE header on the main screen. What I tried to catch is multiple cells reporting isRegistered() == true. Haven't seen any examples of that actually happening though. -Mike
  9. Looking for a hand from my faithful followers.. Android has an online bug tracker that helps sort out issues with the OS. Users can "vote" for issues by giving them a 'star' which helps bring them to the attention of the important powers that be. If you haven't already, could you take a moment and 'star' the following Android bug reports to help work some of the glitches out that will make SignalCheck a better app? It only takes a moment. Bug report for LTE neighbors not displaying in Android 7: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/63848701 Bug report for invalid LTE EARFCN data with newer bands: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37136986 Request to add a method to obtain LTE bandwidth: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37132691 And for reading this far down, I will reward you with the good news that another SCP update is on the horizon.. testing should be done soon. Thanks! -Mike
  10. The "Unknown" neighbors are on almost always on a different EARFCN. Something broke in new versions Android with this; it worked rather well on Marshmallow. I thought there was a bug report already filed for this, but I can't find it so I just filed another.. please 'star' it to try helping it get attention: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/63848701 I still intend to add some columns to the database, just trying to tackle the issues that impact the most users first. I know you and @Trip will do a little dance when that happens! -Mike
  11. Excellent! It wasn't band-specific, it was bad logic on my part. Only would have affected a relatively small percentage of users in very specific circumstances (as you noticed) so I'm glad you guys caught it, thank you! Lurkers, good news.. I hope to make the current version the public release, as long as no more bugs pop in the next few days. -Mike
  12. Got that warning from Google's pre-launch testing service several minutes after I uploaded. Can't figure out why, compiles fine on my end.. was hoping it was a glitch on their end. I'll update shortly.. EDIT: I have no idea what the issue was.. I resaved, recompiled, and re-uploaded it, and suddenly the APK is 900kb larger. Google didn't throw any testing errors this time, so give it a try. -Mike
  13. After I caught up on S4GRU and saw littlejth's post, I went through the reports and saw a few from you since Monday morning with the same issue -- your reports are what helped clue me in what I had broken.. Nope, that should not matter in this case. But, good news.. I think I found the bug, I think I squashed it, and I just pushed out another beta update. Resolved a separate minor bug with the LTE title on the main screen as well, I don't think that was updating immediately in certain scenarios. Try it out and let me know! Thanks, -Mike
  14. At first I thought that shouldn't impact anything, it's the same GCI in both screenshots so that rules anything like that out.. but I just got a report from @lilotimz showing a similar icon issue on T-Mobile Band 4. Then I noticed your Verizon GCI ended in 1D, which isn't pre-identified by the app; you're seeing a band indicator from the Android 7 routine. So I think I know where to start looking.. send that report if you have a chance though. -Mike
  15. Moto G Play, saved around 1:45PM? Received it around 6PM! I did notice some unrelated errors related to getEarfcn() routine, but they are timestamped 6/20.. have you not rebooted that device in awhile? -Mike
  16. Hmm.. I just double-checked the code and graphics, and it all seems to be ok. It worked fine on the previous release (4.43)? Send me diagnostics when you see it again if you can. Got me stumped for the moment. -Mike
  17. Thanks! Right now it forces IPv4 but I can tweak that if there's a desire for IPv6. Also, I am still working on optimizing that function; right now it pings my server every time the screen updates. It's a very small amount of data, but I am cognizant that it adds up over time. -Mike
  18. New beta is out! Please check out the updates from the change log and try to break it. Any feedback is welcome. The improved diagnostic reports seem to be solid, I'm mostly interested in making sure the UI makes sense. If it says they sent, they did -- if it says they didn't, they will be saved (I'll disregard any reports I come across that look like you're testing). They will be attempted again when another new report is attempted to be sent, or by going to the Send Diagnostics screen and clicking "Send Saved Only". Hiding 1X and configuring where the Reset button appears are significant new options. Thanks! -Mike
  19. Next beta almost ready to be pushed out, just trying to finish up some more fixes on the diagnostic report routines. Check out the change log to see what is in the pipeline.. way more new features than I originally planned for one update, but I was on a roll.. http://www.bluelinepc.com/signalcheck/change-log/ -Mike
  20. Thanks for hunting that down, it is disappointing but definitely enough early evidence to hesitate. But based on all my notes, 07 and 08 have not been previously seen in ALU/Ericsson markets.. can anyone else confirm that? If so, I could have those flagged as oDAS since it shouldn't pop up otherwise. Or I could just add them to the B25^2 list to keep things consistent. Also, I appreciate everyone who has sent in reports for carrier aggregation testing.. unfortunately, it looks like my idea is not going to work. I have not seen any instances where the OS is reporting LTE cells differently when CA is active. Fingers crossed that Android O might change things.. if you're on the O Beta, feel free to keep sending reports, maybe I will see some good news eventually. If my hunch is correct, you'll see 2xCA/3xCA/etc in the app automatically once the OS supports it. -Mike
  21. Thanks. Keep trying; I just tried about a dozen times, and most of them went through. I am looking into it and intend to change the app itself to be more robust. Unfortunately the way it's configured now, the server doesn't give any technical details about why the report is failing like this. EDIT: Should be resolved for now; I think the hosting server is just getting overloaded. Unfortunately I'm paid up for another 18 months and don't want to throw that away.. I will keep working on the app side to handle these issues better. -Mike
  22. I just tried as well and ran into the same issue.. I don't know what keeps happening. The app sends the data to a very simple script on my website, a script that I never touch. I have no idea why it keeps giving that odd "Temporary Redirect" error. I'm on it... -Mike
  23. Looking for a favor from those of you with compatible devices in markets with carrier aggregation live.. if you think CA is active (I believe you need to be actively transferring data to really know), please send a diagnostic report from the app (About > Send Diagnostics) while it's active. Please include a note stating why you're sending it (something simple like "CA active" is fine). Trying to get it working in SCP, but I need some more real-world data to make sure I'm doing it right. Thanks, -Mike
  24. Aha.. no, I haven't gone down that road yet. EARFCNs are displayed and used to indicate band, but that's it for now. Trying to weed out all the bugs that small piece has created before I jump into doing more with it. The 10x10 indicator only shows up if it matches one of the GCI patterns. -Mike
  25. Yeah you might have had some stuck data for some reason, but in a Samsung market (PIT is) 08 indicates 10x10. There is a bug in the current version that will show inaccurate 10x10 in ALU markets, it'll be fixed in next update. What GCI endings? Can't remember off the top of my head what made it into the current release and what I have added since.. -Mike
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