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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. I am still finishing up the EARFCN workaround, among other things.. it's going well, just lots of code to pick through to make sure I'm not missing anything. I'll send you a PM. -Mike
  2. I enjoy the geek chatter but can we find another thread to continue it? A ton of people follow this one for app-related stuff, and it's long enough as it is. Thanks -Mike
  3. Some OEMs have fixed it on their end.. OnePlus devices have been reporting properly for awhile. -Mike
  4. I saw that article as well and I probably turned white as a ghost for a few moments of panic.. but after reading it, and poking around a bit more, I do not think this will impact SCP at all. As Trip stated it looks like it's closing off direct access to /proc/net, which isn't anything I use. But, we won't be certain until P gets closer to release. -Mike
  5. 03/04/05 are coded as third carrier, and your report showed sector 00 which should have showed you regular B41. You are likely getting victimized by the bug that has been driving me insane for a couple of years where things go south when the PLMN changes on the fly. Some devices suffer more than others. Essentially the band stops appearing until the PLMN changes again.. something is getting hung up momentarily on the OS side, and SCP chokes on it. It's related to the glitch that causes the PLMN and GCI to fall out of sync when switching cells, which also wreaks havoc and creates duplicate (bogus) database entries. It's maddening and I have tried all sorts of hacks i in the background to address it -- and I will continue to try, because it's a priority. I'm hoping to keep it simple.. essentially by checking if it's a T-Mobile connection, and if so, checking if it's a band that T-Mobile actually uses. If not, assume it's a glitch and add 65536 to the EARFCN. I've spent the past few weeks trying to bring SignalCheck Lite up to speed and I have to finish that first, but it's not going well since it's been 3 years since that was updated and a lot has changed since then. Hmm, that's an interesting thought. It would only make sense for Sprint, since most other major providers stick with one PLMN.. I'll look into seeing how feasible that is. What device do you see Clear neighbors when connected to Sprint, and vice versa? My Pixel doesn't do that. -Mike
  6. I have Samsung B41 second carriers as 03/04/05, but perhaps things changed? The "TB" indicator was implemented (and has been discussed a few times) because it wasn't consistently deployed as a specific carrier. -Mike
  7. I have received a lot of messages over the past 3 weeks regarding improper LTE band identification for T-Mobile users. There is an Android bug that causes EARFCNs assigned to newer LTE bands (>46) to be reported incorrectly, such as Band 66 and Band 71. SignalCheck is showing Band 2/3/5/6/7/etc. because that is what the OS is reporting. For more details, please see this bug report; I encourage everyone to 'star' it and/or adding your own report to try getting it more attention: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/37136986 I am trying to implement a workaround that will at least help T-Mobile users until Android fixes the issue. -Mike
  8. I don't know if it's definitely the second carrier (that should be 03/04/05), but it is an additional carrier that varies by market. -Mike
  9. Yep, it's been popping up on a lot of sites northwest of the city over the past few months. Nearly all of the sites in my area are now showing it and performance appears to have improved! -Mike
  10. My Pixel is refusing to drop fringe 1X800 and connect to my Airave 3 again. It was an issue when I first received it, but resolved itself and has been awesome for months.. all of a suddenly it's doing it again. I left it plugged in with SCP running for 6+ hours about 10 feet from the Airave tonight and 1X would not connect to it. EV-DO and LTE grab it almost immediately. I know wifi calling / VoLTE is coming, but in the meantime I hope they don't give up on the Airave, some of us need it! -Mike
  11. Band 41 on a high-capacity mini macro! I've yet to see that in the wild myself.. a rare bird, indeed.. -Mike
  12. You can just log out of S4GRU in Tapatalk and that should stop the blocks. That worked for me. -Mike
  13. New update just pushed out.. no changes from yesterday's release other than the version number, necessary because otherwise beta users would end up getting the public release that went out today. I know some people like having the "Diagnostic Mode" screen that is exclusive to the beta version. Thanks for all of your help! -Mike
  14. SignalCheck Pro update was pushed out a few minutes ago! Not a huge update, but laying the groundwork to be able to raise the minimum Android version so I can move forward with new features I really want to add. Trying to tie up loose ends by fixing all significant bugs I am aware of. Grab the update on Google Play, should be available shortly if you don't see it yet.. Added additional indicators for Sprint LTE band 41 Magic Box cells (up to 0FC). Magic Boxes are confirmed up to GCI prefix 0FA as of right now. This will continue to evolve as more Magic Boxes are deployed. Internal development changes. Stuff nobody would really notice without seeing the source code, but important nonetheless. Resolved force closes on certain Android 7 devices with the 1X status bar icon enabled. (Pro) Resolved force closes on some devices when Location Service is stopped before it finishes initializing. (Pro) Resolved issue with CDMA BSL display failing on certain Android 8.0 devices. (Pro) Resolved issue with missing Wi-Fi data on Android 8.1 when location permission was not requested. Bug fixes, more bug fixes, yay bug fixes! As always, please let me know if you have any issues, and thanks for everyone's support! -Mike
  15. 0FA is included as a MB GCI prefix in yesterday's update.. extended all the way up to 0FC for now. Hopefully it maxes out at 0FD, because 0FE and 0FF are used on macro sites in Shentelos-land. My Airave has been sector 4D since I received it last fall, but I've seen several reports of changed GCIs over the past few days. -Mike
  16. New beta just released a short time ago. Minor update, making sure it's good for public release soon! -Mike
  17. I got blocked again a few hours ago. After talking to other users, I'm apparently not alone, several of us suddenly got blocked this afternoon. It had been awhile since it happened to me. I received a Tapatalk notification for a new post in a thread I subscribed to (http://s4gru.com/forums/topic/5806-lg-google-nexus-5-users-thread) so I clicked on it.. got the usual Cloudfront error. I switched off WiFi and tried using my Sprint connection, and was able to browse normally for about 60 seconds.. then I got a Tapatalk notification for a different subscribed thread, and that IP got blocked as well. I'm mobile now so I have a different IP. I am on Tapatalk 7.2.2, last update was about a month ago. -Mike
  18. I'm still 50/50 on whether or not these are a glitch (scan?) or actual connections (however brief they may be). I kept seeing quick flashes of B17 in an area with no usable Sprint signal so I took my AT&T test phone over there and confirmed the PCI/GCI/TAC of B17 there, and it matched what I was seeing on my Sprint phone. On at least one occasion I did have an active data connection that held for longer than usual as well. My thinking (whatever that's worth) is if you get an actual legitimate GCI, you connected. If not, it was a scan. (Might be worth moving this discussion to the SCP thread or a new one, this isn't specific to MI nor do I want to clog up the thread..) -Mike
  19. A beta update was just released! Android 8.0 (Oreo) users, I need a hand: please check and make sure CDMA BSL display is working properly for you. Force your device onto 3G if necessary. If it doesn't work (You'll see "Click for map" forever), please let me know what device and what Android version you are running. If you are running anything pre-Oreo or 8.1, you shouldn't be impacted. -Mike
  20. If anyone is not seeing BSL information populate (likely after updating to Android 8.0) please let me know. Likely does not affect Google devices. (See here for the discussion if you're interested.) -Mike
  21. The initial release of Android 8.0 had a bug in the OS that switched the BSL latitude and longitude. When Android 8.1 came out for the Pixel, it was fixed. So SCP checks if you're on 8.0, and if so, it swaps the lat and long. Until now, it was working great as far as I knew. Your devices must have a flavor of Android 8.0 that does not have the original bug. Perhaps it wasn't fixed in time for the initial rollout to pure Android devices, but it was fixed for other devices (either by the Android developers or the individual OEMs). @swintec and @JossMan can you confirm that the BSL stopped working once you moved to Android 8.0? If anyone else is experiencing issues with the BSL display, please let me know; include your device and OS details. I am thinking I could just limit my workaround to Google devices, but I want to confirm no others are impacted. Thanks, -Mike
  22. There's only one option (enabled by default); if you had it disabled, you wouldn't see the line at all. I got your report and immediately see the issue.. the latitude and longitude are flipped. It's trying to geocode coordinates in Antarctica, not Maine. A bug caused this to happen on Android 8.0, so SignalCheck flips them back -- I wonder if the Essential folks implemented a fix on their end, so my "fix" is really breaking it. Ugh! I'll have to implement a smarter fix. EDIT: Actually, something more widespread is going on.. @JossMan I just got your report, and your lat/long is flipped too. The "fix" must have rolled out in an interim 8.0 update for some devices. It wasn't fixed on the Pixel until 8.1 so that's what the app looks for.. ugh.. -Mike
  23. Yes, I'm experiencing the missing band when switching between Sprint/Clear sites as well. It's not a new issue, but for some reason it seems to be more prevalent around here recently. These complications have been one of the big things I've been spending a ton of time on over the past few weeks that hasn't made any progress. It's not technically a Clear issue, it's a changing PLMN issue. There is something about the way the Android OS refreshes signal data that causes PLMN changes to not be reported via the API immediately; that is why duplicate GCIs get logged and the band indicator disappears. It usually takes a couple of seconds to catch up. It's not device-specific, it affects every device I am aware of. I am working on trying to get around it. Most mobile phone users don't have to worry about it, because they rarely connect to another PLMN (although as LTE roaming expands, that will change). It's an issue for us Sprint folks because the Clear sites have a different PLMN. I wasn't aware that the redirect message was happening again. I'll get on my web host and see what I can figure out. Last time I had to write a whole new script because they couldn't figure out why the old one stopped working.. -Mike
  24. Until now I do not think I had any reports of this not working. You do need an active data connection (it looks up the address using an unknown Google server) but otherwise it should just work. Can you try sending a diagnostic report after you are connected to a CDMA site for a bit? Maybe there's an error getting thrown in the background. -Mike
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