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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. I've noticed the HD icon on the dialer screen as well. Doesn't appear to matter if you're on Wi-Fi Calling or not, just when HD Voice is active. On another note.. anyone here having the issue with callers hearing you severely muffled and they hear their own echo? Looks like a widespread issue online. I noticed it only occurs on non-HD calls so it's likely a software issue. It's a serious problem though. -Mike
  2. I loaded an old version myself after I posted, the issue appears to be related to the change in October that I suspected.. thanks! I think I've already got a fix working. -Mike
  3. I managed to get my old HTC EVO LTE test device to duplicate the multiple instances bug. I can't figure out why it's not impacting my Pixel 3, but I guess that doesn't matter. I think I see what is causing the issue.. can anyone confirm that this behavior started with version 4.49 (released October 2018)? Or did it not appear until the most recent release from last month, 4.51? -Mike
  4. Hmm.. just dug out your report too, I don't see anything specific that might cause multiple instances. Any recollection which version this started with? Regarding your Wi-Fi Calling icon, at the time of your report your device was reporting the voice side was connected to the 1X macro site, not Wi-Fi Calling. I have discovered that many phones do not reliably report Wi-Fi Calling status to the OS in the only manner I can access it. As you have seen, in certain instances it shows properly, but sometimes it does not. I'm still trying to find better ways to access this info. Also, I do see you have the root EARFCN method enabled, perhaps unnecessarily? It's logging lot of errors, are you seeing any error messages on your end? You can turn that off under Preferences > General > Enable Modem Commands if you're not using it; it would save some system resources. -Mike
  5. I was trying it without using the back button.. I tried exactly what you suggested, as well as many variations of that, using the recent tasks, home button, back button, notification icon, widget, etc.. I could not duplicate it. Please try it with Xposed and/or GravityBox disabled. I just checked out your diagnostic reports; the only errors I see are these, neither of which are being generated by SignalCheck; the third one referencing Xposed repeats numerous times over several minutes: 01-09 10:41:48.200 E/SpellCheckerSession(28997): ignoring processOrEnqueueTask due to unexpected mState=TASK_CLOSE scp.mWhat=TASK_CLOSE 01-09 10:41:48.200 E/SpellCheckerSession(28997): ignoring processOrEnqueueTask due to unexpected mState=TASK_CLOSE scp.mWhat=TASK_CLOSE 01-09 10:41:53.642 W/zygote64(29404): ClassLoaderContext size mismatch. expected=1, actual=2 (PCL[] | PCL[];PCL[/data/dalvik-cache/xposed_XResourcesSuperClass.dex*2802528989:/data/dalvik-cache/xposed_XTypedArraySuperClass.dex*708326108]) Let me know how it goes! Send diagnostics if you have issues, before and after are great -- you never know where an obscure error is going to get flagged and point me in the right direction. Thanks, -Mike
  6. Huh.. very strange -- I'm not able to reproduce this on my Pixel 3. One other person reported it to me a few months ago (I don't think it was you) but I was not able to reproduce that on my original Pixel. Do you have a custom launcher, memory management app, or anything else installed that you can think of that might play a role? -Mike
  7. Significant changes were introduced with Android 6.0 that limited what cell and Wi-Fi info would be accessible without Location access. I believe the theory behind it was that you could use that information to deduce your location. I held off implementing those APIs in SignalCheck as long as possible because I knew it would create headaches, but they have been in place since version 4.43 of the app, which was released in June 2017. Perhaps Samsung didn't fully implement those changes in it's flavor of the OS until the new update you just applied. -Mike
  8. It looks like you didn't grant SignalCheck the Location permission it would have requested. If you permanently declined it, go to your device's Settings menu and selecting Apps > SignalCheck Pro > Permissions and granting it there. All 3 of the requested permissions (Phone, Location, Storage) needed to be granted for full app functionality. -Mike
  9. Thanks David! The icon is automatic, it should just show up on the main app screen. If you're not seeing it, perhaps your U11 just doesn't report it to the OS. Shoot me a diagnostic report when you know WiFi Calling is active so I can see if there's anything I can do about it. -Mike
  10. A public update to SignalCheck Pro 4.51 is ready! It should be available on Google Play within the next hour or so. There are a few significant changes behind the scenes that are tricky to describe, but the end result will (hopefully) be less (no?) scenarios when the app becomes "stuck" and struggles to display band information until you connect to a new site. Also, Sprint users will see site notes that have been stored with any Sprint-owned PLMN ID, including some of the odd ones popping up lately (312530 most notably). A new icon will indicate when Wi-Fi Calling is active; it appears to be reliable, but there are occasional moments where the OS does not seem to realize it has switched on/off. I will continue working on it. Other pesky bugs were also squashed. The full change log for this release is below: Added additional indicators for AT&T LTE band 14 FirstNet cells. Added icon to indicate when Wi-Fi calling is active. (Pro) Added indicator for Sprint LTE band 41 small cell second carriers. Added indicators for AT&T LTE band 2 small cells. Disabled support for Android 2.3 – Android 3.2. Changed LTE band 14 to display as LTE 750. Changed primary PLMN ID source on Android 7.0+ devices. Implemented Android Oreo notification channels. (Pro) Improved Sprint LTE site notes to appear across multiple PLMN IDs. (Pro) Minor adjustments to animated action bar tower icon. (Pro) Resolved force closes when Background Service is disabled. Resolved issue with app auto-launching regardless of Launch on Device Boot preference setting. (Pro) Resolved issue with cached diagnostic reports not sending. Resolved issue with missing LTE band data when PLMN ID changes. Resolved issue with Show Mobile IP Address failing. (Pro) Resolved issue with some Sprint LTE band 41 cells showing improper MM and SC indicators. Updated PLMN 310580 to Inland Cellular. There are plenty of other improvements still in progress; they will be released as I have time to get them finished, tested, and reliable. I appreciate everyone's support! Thanks, -Mike
  11. Some devices are reporting 311490 on T-Mobile no matter what I try, but most are not. I will continue looking to figure out a way to make those scenarios work better with "real" T-Mobile site notes logged under 310260. A minor beta update is pushing out now, should be available shortly. It adds AT&T B2 small cells and fixes an issue with cached diagnostic reports not sending. More significantly, a public release is also going out that catches up all the changes the crew has been testing for the past 6-8 weeks. Thank you all for your help, I appreciate it! -Mike
  12. I am at DTW now.. I did a lot of walking and testing in the McNamara (Delta) Terminal and it definitely seems improved. I couldn't get B41 without locking out B25/B26, but performance was good when I did that. With no band locking it hangs onto B25. Appear to be three sectors, one at each end of the terminal and one in the middle. 1X signal is excellent and seems to also have the same sector pattern. Upload speeds on B41 aren't great but just about everything else is good. Not sure why a couple speed tests were so slow, trying again immediately after got good results. I was stationary for some and riding the tram on others. See screenshots below. I didn't have enough time to check the North terminal, sorry. -Mike
  13. I have the non-XL Pixel 3 and haven't noticed 1X issues.. in my experience, all reception is significantly improved over the original Pixel. Is there something specific going on with the XL? -Mike
  14. Correct! At least it should based on testing so far.. submit a diagnostic report (About > Send Diagnostics) next time you're on a 311490 TMo site and I should be able to confirm for you. -Mike
  15. Ahh I see.. are you on the latest beta release, or the public one? (This is the beta thread.) I do not believe the beta will show 311490 any more. I'm trying to finish squashing a couple significant bugs so I can get a public update out with this improvement very soon. -Mike
  16. Not sure what you're asking.. could you clarify? Any saved notes should appear regardless if you're roaming or not. If you are referring to neighbor cells, there's already an option to ignore the PLMN for neighbor notes. -Mike
  17. The app already uses EARFCN as the primary means to identify the LTE band.. it will try to match a GCI pattern first, but if there are no matches or the "guessed" band does not match EARFCN data that appears to be valid, it uses the EARFCN instead. Since there are so many B14 sector possibilities right now, I don't think I will continue adding them beyond what is programmed now. Most newer devices on newer Android builds are properly reporting EARFCN, with some exceptions (issues with B66/B71 most notably). GCI pattern matching has become most useful to identify "special" cells (MM/SC/MB/Airave/etc) as well as multiple carriers. I know this was answered elsewhere, but for the benefit of anyone who comes along later -- a small cell second carrier has been identified that follows the same GCI pattern as one sector of a Mini-Macro second carrier. Since the app has no way to know which one it is, it displays both indicators when this occurs. -Mike
  18. Another beta release was just pushed out and should appear on Google Play within the hour.. resolves an issue from 4.492b that caused Sprint LTE sites to get mislabeled (missing carriers and MM/SC/10x10 indicators). Mobile IP address display is also back--nobody told me it was broken, but I just discovered that it hadn't worked for 2 months! This release also *might* resolve the significant bug that caused LTE band information to disappear when the PLMN ID changed (you would just see "LTE" until it connected to another cell).. fingers crossed.. -Mike
  19. Updated the beta again.. fixed a glitch that was causing force closes at startup if you had the Background Service disabled. Figured most people wouldn't have even seen the first update overnight so I'd sneak another one in there.. -Mike
  20. New beta should be available on Google Play within the hour. Fixed numerous bugs, several which first appeared in the beta from last week. Added some of the new stuff, will be adding more and continuing to squash bugs.. -Mike
  21. Yep, same here.. gave up on Google Voice voicemail and switched back to Sprint. It appears you can have Wi-Fi Calling or GV voicemail, but not both. Annoying. Sprint Visual Voicemail app is on Google Play for most devices.. works ok on my Pixel 3 with some minor nuisances. Notifications work but don't include contact name if you have it saved.. no transcription unless you subscribe for a monthly fee, and if you don't, the banner begging you to subscribe remains displayed in the app.. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sprint.vvm -Mike
  22. You are correct, my bad! I dug around and found a loophole in the routine that identifies Mini Macro and Small Cell sites that I think will resolve this. Yes, this is a known issue with the current SignalCheck beta -- all of the System Shortcuts and the Reset Connection feature are also broken. I'm just about done repairing all of that damage.. a new beta will be up tonight that resolves most of it. I will continue working on some less-prevalent bugs that have come up. Moving from targeting Android 7.1 to 9.0 was an enormous change behind the scenes in this release, which I anticipated.. I hope that some of the changes will help improve the app's efficiency. I encourage people to hit "Send Feedback" whenever the app crashes and that screen appears; it files a crash report via Google Play that I have access to. However, sometimes those reports don't contain enough information to help me pinpoint the issue. I have a secondary error collector that does almost the same thing but includes more info that indicates specifically what part of the code triggered it, but depending on the manner of the crash it might not actually have a chance to execute. The more data I can gather about problems, the easier it is to track them down. I monitor a lot of statistics about how the app is performing, not just force closes but also routines that take too long to execute. I'm always trying to improve the numbers.. when a new public version is released it's fun to see the crash numbers plummet when I fix something.. less fun to see them spike.. -Mike
  23. Oh I like this.. sorry if you mentioned it before and it slipped through the cracks. I think matching any Sprint-related PLMN is a good idea, I'm very happy with how that change has worked out so far on active cell. Carrying the concept over to the neighbor cells does make sense. Thanks -- I'll add DA and then DD-DF! That is showing MM because the GCI has an "even" third character and ends in 31.. the typical Sprint configuration for a MM. But I know Shentel uses 0FE and 0FF, so those even/odd rules might not apply in that region. Does Shentel have any mini macros? (oops, see below) -Mike
  24. Hmm I don't remember specifically what you suggested changing about neighbor notes? I looked back at my flagged e-mails and I didn't see anything.. I'm sure it's somewhere but refresh my memory! I didn't realize you had sent diagnostics, I just searched and found a DA and a DD from you -- if you're certain that those sectors are band 14, I'll add them since they don't conflict with any other information I have. No DB or DC? -Mike
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