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Everything posted by mikejeep

  1. Wi-Fi Calling generally works well on my Pixel 3. It didn't work with airplane mode enabled for at least the first 4 months, but I just tested it a moment ago and it did work. An Android and/or carrier update at some point must have fixed that -- I hadn't tried it in awhile so I can't say when that happened. -Mike
  2. Sorry, I meant a diagnostic report from within the app (About > Send Diagnostics). Thanks! -Mike
  3. Selfishly reposting.. if those of you getting new Airaves could send SCP diagnostic reports once connected to it, I would appreciate it! Please include your username or an email, and a note that says it's from an Airave 4. I only need one per Airave, so thank you to the two of you who have already sent reports. If you're only getting CDMA for now, I'll still take a report, feel free to send another once you get LTE going. -Mike
  4. Thanks! I only need that report, but I'm sure the rest of the group would love screenshots here of whatever you have.. -Mike
  5. Another beta update rolling out within the hour.. Added ability to look up network registrant by clicking on IP address (kinda fun). Added in-app purchase capabilities for contributions and upgrades (will eventually lead to Lite merging with Pro). Added indicators for Sprint Airave 4 CDMA/LTE connections (work in progress, but working with what we know so far). Resolved issue with no signal alerts not triggering (had no idea this was broken the whole time). Also, my development software (Android Studio) has been injecting some weird background errors, so please let me know if you see any strange behavior or logcat output. It doesn't seem to impact performance so I'm not sure if anyone will see it besides me. -Mike
  6. I thought I replied earlier, but I don't see it now.. if you (or anyone else who connects to an Airave 4) could send a diagnostic report through SCP, I would appreciate it! I only need one report per Airave, but the more I get the quicker I can learn how to properly identify it in SCP. Please note on the report that it's an Airave 4 connection so I can keep track. Thanks! -Mike
  7. Thanks for sharing! You don't have a Magic Box nearby, do you? Just want to confirm so I can try to make adjustments to SCP. -Mike
  8. Feel free to go into SignalCheck and send a diagnostic report when connected to the Airave when you have a chance.. -Mike
  9. I ordered Friday afternoon but don't have anything showing in the system yet. Here's a shortcut to the page that @SeanK_ was referencing: https://myaccountportal.sprint.com/servlet/ecare?inf_action=login&action=orderList -Mike
  10. That is an Android OS screen.. bandwidth doesn't seem to be consistently reported by the OS yet, but hopefully that improves over time. SCP will show whatever is being reported; this bug report was filed to hopefully get it addressed: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/131532224 -Mike
  11. Just placed my order with OKC to swap my 3 for a 4. Thank you both for the heads up! -Mike
  12. I'm ok with that.. does anyone have any other suggestions before I commit to that? Unfortunately for now there's no reliable way to definitively flag sites as one or the other.. but hopefully the bandwidth routines improve and the educated guesses that SCP makes will be referenced less and less as time goes on. -Mike
  13. Thanks for the update and the diagnostic report you sent! Glad to see it's working well. I see there wasn't any valid bandwidth info being reported.. did you ever see bandwidth info on Q, or did it take a step back? Hard for me to keep track of everyone's individual experience. If you have a chance, it might help if you could submit a bug report to Google. I sent them one, but I have a Pixel 3 on Pie; a 2XL on Q would give them another example. I took mine with the SCP diagnostic screen showing the LTE cellInfo since part of the report is a screenshot. To generate a bug report, either go to Settings > System > Developer Options > Take bug report or try pressing and holding Power+VolUp+VolDown (I find that method to be tricky). Once it finishes generating, upload it to Google Drive, grant shared access to "android-bugreport@google.com", and post the link as a comment on the Android Issue I created here: https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/131532224 Anyone else who is willing to take the above steps is welcome to do the same. The more data they have, the better chance there is that it will be fixed. Even if you don't want to send a bug report, please at least 'star' that issue when you can -- it only takes a moment! Thanks, -Mike
  14. Working on adding bandwidth and carrier aggregation features to SCP.. but a lot of the data being reported by devices is inaccurate. Not sure if it's an Android issue or a vendor issue, but please help bring it to the Android engineers' attention by marking it with a 'star' if you don't mind! It's the best way to get bugs escalated.. https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/131532224 Thanks, -Mike
  15. Hmmmm.. if that is truly 15x15 (and I have no reason not to believe you and the others), that puts me in a tough spot, since it's displaying the 10x10 indicator because of the GCI pattern. If the same pattern is showing 10x10 and 15x15, I will have to change the indicator to something less specific. Any suggestions? Want to keep it short and sweet, self-explanatory, but still useful.. if there's some sort of technical term that's appropriate perhaps that would work. I don't know enough about that end of things myself. -Mike
  16. Ahhh I forgot to add that one to the help screen didn't I! That is LTE timing advance.. the distance displayed is approximately how far you are from that cell. It is typically only measured when data is flowing, that's why you will see it appear/disappear. -Mike
  17. SignalCheck 4.52 is rolling out to the masses! It should be available on Google Play within the hour. Here are the highlights: New options added: Added option to control display of horizontal signal meters on main screen. Added option to control logging of LTE sites if the TAC is missing/invalid. Added option to display LTE bandwidth on Android 9.0+ devices. This is nice, but not 100% reliable on most devices yet. Hopefully this improves over time. Added options to trigger Alerts based on specific LTE bands or plain-text strings. This is pretty cool.. you can choose LTE bands, and/or have the app alert on any text you want (or don't want, by using the "!" character). Set multiple alerts by separating strings with commas. Notable bug fixes: Resolved issue with app failing to exit immediately in certain scenarios. Resolved issue with missing data on Android Q Beta devices. Resolved issue with missing PLMN ID in certain scenarios. Resolved issue with missing provider database on Android 9.0 devices. Resolved issue with Alerts preferences not working properly on Android 8.0+ devices. Most of the Alert preferences are now handled directly by the system. Resolved issue with missing WCDMA data on newer devices. Some of these items were a lot more work than a brief sentence might hint.. many were significant bugs, some users will see great improvements! Other changes: Adjusted animated action bar tower icon colors when idle. Changed device location settings warning to reappear on every app update. Changed primary signal data source on Android 7.0+ devices. Disabled battery-related options for Location Service and Site Logger on Android 8.0+ devices; intend add back in a future update. Android no longer permits third-party apps to monitor power status changes; I am looking for an alternative method. Improved deployment process; releases will now be smaller, more optimized downloads. This is not a large app, but now it's approximately 30% smaller anyway. Thanks for all of your support! Feel free to shout if you have any questions.. -Mike
  18. New beta should be available within the hour, because a public update is rolling out now too.. only significant change for beta users is that LTE bandwidth display is controlled by an option that is disabled by default. Go to Preferences > Display Settings to enable it if you want it. This way users have to read a little blurb warning that it may not be reliable. Thanks to all for helping test this release out, there were a lot of hiccups to iron out. Now, back to work on the new carrier aggregation stuff I discovered.... -Mike
  19. Hmm, no errors showing up, everything looks ok. Does it happen immediately upon it going into the background? Does it happen when you clear it out of recent apps? Any difference when you use the back button vs the home button vs choosing a different app from the recent apps list? Trying to narrow down where I should look for behavior changes first. It might be intentional or it might be a Q glitch. -Mike
  20. Not sure where that COW was, but I was at the starting line in Hopkinton yesterday morning and my Sprint service was fine. Verizon user with me struggled with his iPhone all morning. Not sure if it was a capacity issue or a coverage issue; neither of us had great reception at our particular spot. -Mike
  21. Another beta just released! Many more fixes.. hopefully this will take care of everything I was aware of.. let me know! Hopefully this version can go public later this week..... -Mike
  22. Haha sorry to disappoint, there were some bugs I was working on resolving with a few specific users and I expected it to take several updates, so I limited it to just them. Things seem good so when I have a chance I intend to get one final beta out to make sure it's ready for full release. That's up to device manufacturers.. SCP will reliably display whatever bandwidth info is being reported. It's part of the standard Android API now, they just need to take advantage of it. Similar to when the major LTE routines were added in Android 4.2 but it took awhile for that data to be consistently and accurately reported. -Mike
  23. Is this still occurring with the Alpha update I sent you last night? -Mike
  24. Excellent, thanks for the detailed testing and screen shots! At the time of your GSM screenshot, the connection hadn't stabilized yet so the network type still shows "Connecting..." -- that intentionally causes the status bar icon to blank out. Funny that it comes up now, earlier today I was looking at it and considering changing that behavior. Displaying an icon with the dB reading but no connection type might not be a bad thing, since the reading itself is valid in my experience; I see it on my deactivated test devices that never get a true network connection but measure accurate signal strength.) Ha, this is an interesting side effect that I had not considered. You are tripping that alert because it's seeing 67086 in your neighbor cell list. In this latest update you received, it searches the entire LTE "text block"; in previous versions, it only searched a few selected fields I chose. But this is by design.. someone might want neighbor cells included. The easy fix is to adjust your trigger to be "EARFCN: 67086" -- because that would only trip when you actually connect to it, since the neighbor cells aren't displayed with that prefix. -Mike
  25. Just an update.. Android Q Beta 2 seems to improve things over the first Q release, and the beta version SCP in testing mostly works with it. Hope to have a public update out soon.. it'll be a good one.. -Mike
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