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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Good work. Both of those are informal fallacies. But neither is the deliberate flaw in my argument. Keep trying... AJ
  2. It is all in good fun, Arysyn. Not mean spirited. With some posters who appear to have ulterior or misplaced motives here, I can get quite critical and unkind. But you are in no danger of that. I genuinely like you. And while we understand and sympathize with your health issues, that does not buy you a free pass. You are just one of the guys (and a few gals) at S4GRU. Give and take some ribbing -- just like everybody else. That said, you do go off in rate plan fantasyland a lot, though. It is not grounded in reality, just your wishes. You have to admit that. AJ
  3. Yes, but think of the massive investment that we cost and short term profit that we deprived the corporations and shareholders. Won't somebody please think of the corporations and shareholders?! AJ
  4. I am not quite sure what you are asking. Not that S4GRU recommends it, but users could edit their PRLs to show no roaming indicator for Roaming+ pseudo native coverage. AJ
  5. VZW users know that VZW is the gold standard. If VZW does not work well in a location, then nothing else does -- because VZW is the gold standard. (And the first person who identifies what informal fallacy I committed in that intentionally poor logic gets an exceedingly rare "Like" from me.) AJ
  6. Meanwhile, inside Arysyn's head... I've been thinking a lot lately about cable and satellite rate plans. I think they should be priced... AJ
  7. The tested and/or listed specs in the FCC OET authorization filings are the "official specs." The Google specs are in error -- or the band 4 and band 12 CA combination has been disabled in firmware. AJ
  8. Still, no. You are overestimating numbers now. S4GRU members and similarly minded wireless users are like a few raindrops in a downpour. Minuscule compared to the whole. Anyway, informed S4GRU members will know where Sprint has pseudo native Roaming+ coverage and where it has standard roaming coverage. But there is no way to indicate that in the notification bar on devices. That is not how PRLs work. The roaming indicator is either on or off -- there is no in between. Previously, Sprint tried flagging the pseudo native SIDs in the PRL as native -- roaming indicator off. That did not work out well. Not well for Sprint. Not well for its pseudo native partners. People who lived in or moved to places like the Oklahoma Panhandle would have Sprint service, more or less perma roaming on pseudo native coverage. That hit Sprint with roaming costs. And it deprived local pseudo native partners like PTCI of potential subs that should not have been using Sprint. AJ
  9. No, you are overestimating users. Most will just see the "R" on screen and believe they are roaming. Many will even have roaming data disabled -- because they do not know how to enable or fear roaming charges. AJ
  10. To explain Iowa, T-Mobile cannot undercut Iowa Wireless Services aka i Wireless. No doubt, that would be a contractual violation -- much like Sprint faced with its affiliates when it merged with Nextel. AJ
  11. Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for I am the baddest mother****er in the valley. AJ
  12. I cannot say that I am surprised. San Diego is presently a band 26 compromised market, yet it is a full PCS A block 30 MHz (15 MHz FDD) market. That makes perfect sense to get another 5 MHz FDD band 25 carrier out there in the PCS A block. On a related note, I need to collate all of the new EARFCN data in this thread, get my top post and band 41 spreadsheet up to date. Any help would be appreciated. AJ
  13. OTA TV is not just a free service -- it is, in part, a public service. Per their spectrum licenses, Class A TV station broadcasters must satisfy certain FCC public service requirements in the interest of the public good. To address at least one of Arysyn's earlier points, OTA TV may seem archaic and inefficient use of spectrum to most in this day and age. I do not use an OTA antenna. As part of my DOCSIS broadband service, I have very, very basic cable -- because I do not watch much TV, except for network televised live sports and syndicated reruns. However, millions of elderly, poor, and rural people rely upon OTA TV for news, weather, public service, and, yes, entertainment. The 600 MHz auction, if successful, has the potential to restrict severely OTA TV across much of the country. I am particularly disturbed at the lack of protection for repeater and translator stations that are crucial for conveying OTA TV across large rural areas. Maybe if our government would not kowtow to disingenuous capitalist/free market business interests, would instead do the right thing, invest in our future, and lay fiber to every farmhouse, henhouse, and outhouse in this country, then injuring or even killing off OTA TV in favor of mobile wireless spectrum licensing would make sense. But that is not reality, not even close. AJ
  14. Funny, yes. I have watched that sketch at least half a dozen times. But it probably only helped to reinforce certain public perceptions about Sprint. Still, some say that there is no such thing as bad publicity. AJ
  15. Possibly worse on band 25, possibly the same on the others. But I would wait for real world performance reports. Unfortunately, many recent HTC handsets on Sprint have something of a reputation for being flakey on LTE -- even though their tested performance has looked at least average to great on paper. AJ
  16. No, technically, it is a Category 9 modem. The Snapdragon X10 LTE baseband on die on the Snapdragon 808 chipset is inherently Category 9. But as implemented with a single RF transceiver upstream, it is limited to Category 6. AJ
  17. Just FYI, everyone, S4GRU is thinking of publishing a Sprint SIM card primer article. AJ
  18. No, not even close. See The Wall: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-398-updated-teaser-is-s4gru-5x-certain-that-this-is-the-new-nexus-5x/ AJ
  19. The Nexus 5 and Nexus 6 do not even use the same SIM cards themselves. Different sizes. Also, see The Wall: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-398-updated-teaser-is-s4gru-5x-certain-that-this-is-the-new-nexus-5x/ AJ
  20. Do not rely upon those figures. They probably are not ERP/EIRP. They could be, but SAR reports typically reference conducted power, not radiated power. You have to dig into the RF test results filings to glean ERP/EIRP figures. AJ
  21. We should keep this discussion in the 600 MHz abstention thread. No new thread necessary. AJ
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