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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/files/file/29-clearwire-wimaxtd-lte-carrier-band-plan/ AJ
  2. Cannot generalize. A mix of both. In western South Dakota, for example, T-Mobile had no native footprint. Those sites are all new builds. In other parts of the country, T-Mobile is only overlaying on existing "2G" sites. AJ
  3. I fixed your thread title. One incident does not a corporate conspiracy make. If you or the author of the linked article want to show that this is standard Sprint practice, please do. But the burden of proof is on you. S4GRU is not automatically going to run a thread with a salacious title that generalizes from one known occurrence. For those curious, the original thread title was "Sprint installing MDM on iPhones." That is akin to one customer witnessing once at McDonald's a hamburger being picked up off the floor in the kitchen, then saying "McDonald's serves its hamburgers off the floor." AJ
  4. You are supposed to put your handset upside down in your pocket. That way it comes out naturally right side up in your hand. AJ
  5. Nope, you are not getting away with that. It is the tired trope of all that matters is T-Mobile's bright future, all that matters is Sprint's bad past. It is a double standard. And I limited the scope of my assertion to urban markets. Just look at objective metrics and anecdotal reports. T-Mobile is and has been notorious, the worst of the four major operators for in building coverage and reliability. Even before SMR 800 MHz, Sprint has been better in those regards. Now, your market may be an anomaly. Because T-Mobile did not build it -- PacBell did. So, again, do not generalize from your limited experience. AJ
  6. Maybe in your market. But do not generalize. If T-Mobile urban site density were "very good" in all markets, then T-Mobile would not have the deserved poor reputation for in building coverage and reliability. If we generalize across the entire country, Sprint beats T-Mobile in both of those qualities. AJ
  7. Wired article: http://www.wired.com/2015/11/t-mobile-will-put-a-tiny-lte-booster-in-your-house/ The "booster" terminology is technically incorrect. But the citation of the RootMetrics reliability graph is a good inclusion. AJ
  8. Again, I would like to have further info. But this LTE CellSpot sounds similar to cable set top box deployment from Iliad's Free and Free Mobile in France. Will the CellSpot be optionally or necessarily open to all T-Mobile subs? In other words, will T-Mobile subs see each CellSpot as another GCI in the macro network? If so, this is an additional initiative to overcome the T-Mobile in building signal penetration and in market no roaming problem. AJ
  9. I could be wrong, but with standardized VoLTE, I doubt it. Because of VoLTE QoS, the packets will be flagged as voice, not data. AJ
  10. This LTE CellSpot is about VoLTE, which for regulatory reasons is voice, not data. I will have further comment later. AJ
  11. I, too, am talking about the away games at Citi Field. AJ
  12. Many people from the Kansas City metro -- home of Sprint and the 2015 World Champion Royals -- made it to the games. AJ
  13. Maybe S4GRU should produce a YouTube commercial. We could get you to go on camera and give a testimonial. For Sprint tech support, customer service, questions, advice, etc., S4GRU and the Sprint subreddit are the top two resources on the Web. And S4GRU is responsible for some cross pollination in the Sprint subreddit, as staff and members frequently post there, too. Both S4GRU and the Sprint subreddit are productive not only because of the solid expertise but also because of the firm moderation. They do not allow the malcontents and trolls to drag down the discussion into the Sprint gutter. AJ
  14. I am unsure if that is a caveat or an insult. I am not all that old. But, yes, I was already in college when you were conceived. You just missed a lot of interesting life -- the first Gulf War, Grunge rock, both Super Nintendo and Nintendo 64, "Pulp Fiction," Netscape, etc. And that was only the 1990s, when you were a twinkle in your father's eye or a drooling infant. You really were not cognizant until the 2010s. In the grand scheme, you are still a baby... AJ
  15. Let us try not to turn this into a political polemic. Honestly, socialism is the right approach to telecom network construction, the same as it is for road construction. However, it is not the right approach for telecom network sales. Internet connectivity is becoming a practical necessity. If so, it should be delivered to the "disadvantaged" not via business charity but via social welfare program. AJ
  16. No, not really. S4GRU has provided plenty of instructions on The Wall and in The Forums for obtaining the correct SIM and activating both the Nexus 5X and the Nexus 6P. AJ
  17. Iowa Wireless Services dba iWireless has a separate MCC-MNC from T-Mobile. AJ
  18. I am not indicting people for being poor. But I do have a few follow up questions/concerns. How many of these people in public housing have flagship level Android or iOS smartphones? How many of them have large flat panel TVs and gaming systems? How many of them drink or smoke? The list could go on. Many of these people are terrible at managing their paycheck to paycheck living. Yet, they spend on luxury items that -- if being realistic -- are outside of their budgets. So, with a tiny bit of financial planning, many could come up with that extra $10/mo. AJ
  19. WiWavelength

    LG V10

    For the most part, we are all adults here at S4GRU. Do whatever you please -- within legality and reason. But if you want some advice, do not change your service just to chase some desirable device(s). Beware what you wish for... AJ
  20. Based upon Sprint current PCS 1900 MHz spectrum holdings, the broadest band 25 carrier after CDMA2000 shutdown is apt to be 15 MHz FDD (i.e. 15 MHz x 15 MHz). That is the largest extent of any singular PCS license. And as a spectrum guru, I cannot think off the top of my head of any market with multiple PCS contiguous licenses that are greater than 15 MHz FDD. AJ
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