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S4GRU Staff Member
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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Switching to a CDMA1X/EV-DO mode would not help with dropped calls. But it could help with missed calls due to weak LTE signal for e/CSFB. AJ
  2. Keep in mind the already existing WiMAX license protection sites that could be converted to Network Vision full build sites: AJ
  3. That seems like an unsupported assertion. As much as I fondly remember Sprint's corporate headquarters in Westwood on Shawnee Mission Parkway, it became too small -- with limited real estate for expansion. Sprint thus leased office space at something like 100 different locations around the Kansas City metro, which is a physically larger metro area than many cities with greater population. That scattered office space was expensive to maintain and inefficient for the workforce. Sprint made the consolidation to the corporate campus in Overland Park on 119th St to ameliorate those problems. AJ
  4. Yes, we are popular with ascetics. It is one of their few indulgences. The Buddha even lurks at S4GRU. AJ
  5. Time to move. As Robert wisely has said, broadband Internet availability should be one of the most important factors in selecting a home. AJ
  6. This is not a bad idea, guys. But due to historical precedent and potential forum bifurcation (e.g. LG or Nexus?), S4GRU is not apt to implement it. AJ
  7. I hope your case goes well. Maybe you will get a sympathetic judge and not an aggressive district attorney who wants to make an example out of you. AJ
  8. Are you speaking of subscriber numbers or network quality perception? For subscriber numbers, that ship has long since sailed. AT&T will not fall behind Sprint. If it did, that would mean the end of AT&T. Bankruptcy would be almost inevitable. But executive leadership and investors would not allow that to happen. Far sooner, AT&T would find a way to acquire T-Mobile or Sprint to halt the bleeding. AJ
  9. Define "demise." AT&T is far too big to fail. Millions of people would lose basic phone and Internet access. That would never be allowed to happen. What likely is happening, instead, is that T-Mobile continues to siphon off subs from AT&T. T-Mobile has become the cool, new kid in school. Will that coolness remain or wear thin? We cannot say right now. But T-Mobile will have to up its game to retain the subs it has gained. That is the gambit being played. AJ
  10. Maybe. But I was a few months old when "Star Wars" debuted to much surprising fanfare in 1977. And as a teenager, I owned "Return of the Jedi" on LaserDisc. Try to top those old man qualities. AJ
  11. Another S4GRU staff member beat me to the punch by merging this into the Las Vegas market thread. S4GRU does not host speed test comparison threads. In fact, outside of diagnostic issues, we discourage frequent speed test running. Each speed test can rack up over 100 MB of data usage -- that takes away from capacity for actual productive purposes on the network. AJ
  12. For those not in on the joke, "Aunty Bellum" is a play on the vocabulary word "antebellum." AJ
  13. Nope. I already did a "Star Wars" marathon in theaters in 1993, then again in 1997 for the Special Editions. Yes, I am old. AJ
  14. I just fail to see how posting a fun picture of Ricardo Montalbán and Hervé Villechaize with a play on the famous greeting "Welcome to Fantasy Island…" is in bad form. That is in essence my commentary on your spectrum swap ideas. They are impractical and implausible. In a fantasy scenario, though, they make some sense. Now, if I had written that instead of posted a picture, would that have been more appropriate? I think that I conveyed my analysis in a quicker, shorter, and more fun manner with just the caption and picture. Because, after all, a picture is worth a thousand words. AJ
  15. I think JimBob is being facetious. He is turning the tables on you, demonstrating how we all can be thinned skinned at times, judging relatively neutral or intentionally humorous posts to be "rude." AJ
  16. Do not assume, Arysyn. We have no idea why that NASCAR loving, Southern woman would like to punch me. It could be that I strictly enforced the rules against her. No Sprint complaints. I might have suspended her or banned her. But none of that would be rude -- even if it did not make the person feel good. AJ
  17. And no one has a problem with you presenting your ideas. You can do so as much as you please. But others also have the privilege to post that some of those ideas exist in fantasyland with close to zero chance of coming to fruition. AJ
  18. That humor is not rude. As Robert has said, you need to have a thicker skin. AJ
  19. With the service credit of $20/mo for two months, that would make the total lease cost $40 more than the price to buy the phone from HTC outright. And a purchase from HTC likely incurs sales tax, making the cost/price difference basically a wash. AJ
  20. I got my Google Play $50 credit, too. I am rich! Maybe I should purchase SignalCheck Pro again another 20 times. AJ
  21. I think someone stealth edited in "(as expected)." But that is cool. AJ
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