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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. John Legere's newest "uncarrier," even personal initiative... UnHingeOn AJ
  2. I had put FirstNet totally out of mind. It has been a huge fustercluck. As the Upper 700 MHz D block is band 14, not band 13, and not part of any superset band, I doubt that Sprint would or should be interested. To make matters even sweeter, it has an inverted duplex, just like band 13 -- but a -30 MHz offset, unlike the -31 MHz offset for band 13. AJ
  3. Irony is that the EFF is practically the "uncarrier" of digital activism -- and greatly predates T-Mobile in that regard. The smart people are speaking, John. Your dog and pony show is growing stale. AJ
  4. Cursory research on Brett Schulte shows that he ran some sort of IT repair/consulting business that is now closed -- maybe because Brett was not a "good communicator." AJ
  5. A few months ago in a comments section somewhere, I saw Brett Schulte assert that Marcelo Claure as CEO negatively affects Sprint because Claure does not speak English well. I have not heard Claure speak at length, but he has been in the US for three decades and attended college in Massachusetts. The claim that he does not speak English well seems spurious. More likely, Brett Schulte faults Claure for not being a white, blonde, American man like himself. AJ
  6. Shoddy reporting is dangerous. But really watch out for "shotty" reporting. That scattershot can hit you far and wide. AJ
  7. Presently, Artemis pCell is vaporware, unproven. I do not buy that it is a revolutionary airlink advance. It appears more like a small cell strategy. If it were the real deal, then the likes of Qualcomm, NSN, et al., already would have paid mightily to acquire the intellectual property. AJ
  8. Have you noticed how I write "3G," "4G," and "5G" in quotes? Do not refer to those terms unequivocally. Use them sparingly. They are too ambiguous, too susceptible to marketing. Instead refer to actual airlink technologies -- CDMA1X, EV-DO, W-CDMA, etc. And, yes, EV-DO should be decommissioned soon. Its lifespan is almost done. However, both CDMA1X and W-CDMA will live on for several more years. AJ
  9. Any "5G" will be largely marketing and LTE enhancements. LTE is going to be with us for a long time. AJ
  10. How were you ever personally accused of fraud or theft? You cannot take any generalization and necessarily apply it to yourself. I asked questions. Questions and assertions are different beasts. If I ever directly accused you, I will apologize for that. However, many SERO subs -- with no legitimate connection to Sprint -- just jumped on the price point. They have no legs to stand on. AJ
  11. Not a fan of AMOLED. It has advantages -- but also disadvantages and notorious inaccuracies. LCD > AMOLED. AJ
  12. Were you a Sprint employee? Did you know a Sprint employee? Did you "legitimately" know Russ? A decade ago when SERO started, I was kind of a big deal on HowardForums. I knew about SERO and could have jumped on it, but I did not. You want to know why? Because I have an ethical backbone. I had no legitimate connection to the Sprint Employee Referral Offer. If you did or did not have a legitimate connection, that is up to you -- and your conscience. AJ
  13. Upon contract expiration, will those legacy plans still have the option of subsidized upgrades? That seems to be the $64,000 question. My guess is no. AJ
  14. Maricopa County. Joe Arpaio. He should show us his SMR 800 MHz license. It probably is forged. Deport him. AJ
  15. If Sprint had the fastest median downlink at 12 Mbps while T-Mobile had the fastest median uplink at 12.3 Mbps, we logically can deduce that the T-Mobile network once again is upside down -- its downlink has become slower than its uplink. This is spreading like a virus. AJ
  16. Absolutely. For FCC authorizations, Samsung does not do its own in house RF testing, but it contracts with FCC accepted RF testing labs. AJ
  17. No, the uplink ERP/EIRP figures are not "flawed." They are what they are. A weaker uplink will cause both uplink and downlink to drop sooner. However, that may not play out in the real world. Other handset or network factors may overshadow any strength/weakness in uplink ERP/EIRP. But, bar none, some recent Samsung handsets have had relatively weak uplink. AJ
  18. I do not like "double secret" discounts on grandfathered wireless plans. That is what I think about SERO. Arbitrary, unfair discounts. AJ
  19. Bullshit. Sprint Employee Referral Offer. But how many SERO subs actually knew a Sprint employee? That Sprint or Russ looked the other way does not make it right. For a parallel, I could be in cahoots with a big box store employee who could give me an employee discount, but that does not make it right. If SERO were as legit as you claim, then it should have been a consumer plan that Sprint truly offered to everyone. And many who are SERO defenders are on SERO. Biased parties. Apologists. Bullshit. AJ
  20. T-Mobile is becoming as much as, if not even more of an asshat than the other operators that it ridicules. But hey, everybody, look over here. Free candy! And millions of ignorant people buy it hook, line, and sinker. AJ
  21. If LTE roaming did not work, then eHRPD roaming probably should not work -- since they both connect through the same core network. AJ
  22. LTE roaming soft launch, people, soft launch. We should and do hope for more -- especially from unlocked, third party handsets. But until an official announcement, the jury is out. AJ
  23. You are astute -- it is highly contagious. In something of an Internet pun, it is a "virus." So, watch out. Otherwise, you, too, soon may be using "loose" incorrectly. AJ
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