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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Not to mention, Long John Silver is rattling his anchor in Davy Jones' Locker. AJ
  2. I would like to dial down the animosity a notch and try a Socratic approach. What is the intent of this thread? It is a simple question, so please try to keep answers short and to the point. AJ
  3. I did. I stand by everything I wrote. But the whining from you and others is making me reconsider my continued participation in these forums. I warned that letting S4GRU grow too big would bring in the malcontents. But such is life on the Web... Also, I changed the title to better reflect the tenor of this thread. Good luck with your bitching. AJ
  4. With all due respect to digiblur, I addressed that weeks ago. He does not have the frame of reference to know what he is talking about. He was in Houston months ago. Houston was not a mature market then, is still probably not a mature market now. AJ
  5. If someone wants to start an EVO LTE and Galaxy S3 comparison thread, I have no problem with that. But it should provide full disclosure. The EVO LTE has connectivity weaknesses, while the Galaxy S3 is stronger in connectivity but has build quality deficiencies. Re-read the thread title. Unless you are kvetching for an exchange, contacting Sprint does nothing -- in which case, get on the phone or go to a store and get it done. Sprint is already well aware of the connectivity issues of the EVO LTE. At this point, Sprint and HTC likely cannot do anything to solve the problem or will not do anything to solve the problem because the solution would not be cost effective. Yes, I am a voice of reason. I have greater, more relevant experience than most do. And I have said, time and again, that the EVO LTE can function acceptably in a well deployed LTE market. If you expect strong LTE connectivity from the EVO LTE, you expect too much. If you expect better LTE connectivity, then switch to another handset. Regardless, complaining here accomplishes nothing. The general sentiment makes the Galaxy S3 out to be the handset of choice. However, I am not interested in plastic, AMOLED, and PenTile. So, I am just providing my counterpoint that the EVO LTE is not perfect, but the Galaxy S3 is an even less attractive alternative for some. And I am certain that at least a few others share that opinion... AJ
  6. Not true. Houston has a ways to go. I live in a market with population 100,000, and all but two of 11 sites have deployed and accessible LTE. I know how the EVO LTE performs in a mature LTE market. It is not ideal, it is inconsistent, but it is acceptable, especially for a first generation device. Did anyone ever promise that the LTE connectivity would be equal on all devices? Early adopters often must bear the brunt of growing pains. Get used to it -- or do not be an early adopter. What service does incessant complaining provide? AJ
  7. Oh yeah, the release of a new LG handset is almost as exciting as the arrival of the cheesecake boats... http://www.comedycen...meaney--big-tan AJ
  8. Guilty as charged. But I am having a bad NFL Sunday and have to let off some steam... AJ
  9. People, I am so sick and tired of the bitching and moaning about the EVO LTE and its LTE connectivity issues. Most of you have never used the EVO LTE in a mature LTE market, so you do not understand that it works reasonably well. No, it is not the equal of the Galaxy S3, but the Galaxy S3 is not the equal of the EVO LTE in other regards. The Galaxy S3 is more cheap Samsung plastic, burn in prone AMOLED, and resolution challenged PenTile. So, do you want better build quality or better LTE connectivity? Pick your poison. If you want both on Sprint right now, you basically have to follow the sheep and go with the iPhone 5. AJ
  10. The EVO 3D wore makeup??? And you did not like this great commercial? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcdAxyDaTLI AJ
  11. People, I sound like a broken record, but I am going to keep hammering away at this. Many of you worry way too much about LTE coverage at home when ~95 percent of you should already have the equivalent of 4G at home -- broadband Internet access and Wi-Fi. AJ
  12. That handset looks like the EVO 4G and the Rezound copulated and had a big, fat baby. Not very impressive. AJ
  13. Nah, only Missouri fans wear jorts. AJ
  14. Aw, that pic again made you vomit? I would have thought that you had built up your tolerance by now. AJ
  15. Oh, you mean this guy? Somebody already posted his pic a few months ago. AJ
  16. Five LG Viper ICS threads merged. Please do not start another -- unless the discussion is distinct and truly warrants its own thread. AJ
  17. Yes, I found this photo of you and your "tools"... AJ
  18. Why do you need LTE inside your house? You should already have broadband Internet access and offload to Wi-Fi. MMS is counted as data, but SMS is not. AJ
  19. For those who have been noisily clamoring for a quad core smartphone, the performance gains are underwhelming and at the expense of battery life. Watch what you ask for -- you just might get it. http://www.anandtech.com/show/6425/google-nexus-4-and-nexus-10-review AJ
  20. No, you did not have "full bars of 4G connection" because the signal bars do not display LTE signal strength -- they display CDMA1X or EV-DO signal strength. The LTE signal that you experienced was from a distant site and very weak. AJ
  21. I will let Robert provide the definitive clarification, but my understanding is that S4GRU cannot be an advertising supported web site for several reasons: Many of S4GRU's sources, who provide us with invaluable data about Sprint's Network Vision deployment, would not provide info to a commercial web site. A for-profit venture -- or even the perception of a for-profit venture -- could leave S4GRU far more vulnerable to legal action from Sprint. Based on our web traffic levels, S4GRU could not sustain itself on advertising. To use your conceit: S4GRU's costs > S4GRU's potential ad revenue AJ
  22. I have the opposite problem. Sometimes, my SMS are delivered before I even send them. Or maybe I just had too much to drink those nights to remember that I sent those text messages. AJ
  23. I rarely, if ever experience SMS/MMS delays beyond a few seconds. So, your experience is not representative of that of the Sprint network as a whole. AJ
  24. Okay, but Church's is to fried chicken like methadone is to heroin. And I am sure that Robert would agree. AJ
  25. Okay, call Mount Kellett's bluff. Put up excess BRS/EBS 2600 MHz spectrum for sale. Now, who is buying? AT&T? Not likely. AT&T has hitched its LTE future to renovating the WCS 2300 MHz band. VZW? Not likely. VZW has acquired oodles of AWS 2100+1700 MHz from SpectrumCo-Cox and still needs to sell off its Lower 700 MHz A/B block holdings. T-Mobile? Maybe. But T-Mobile has its hands full dealing with MetroPCS integration over the next several years. DISH? Maybe. But Charlie Ergen has his own S-band/AWS-4 spectrum issues and cannot decide whether he is a spectrum buyer or seller. If he straddles the fence any further, Ergen is going to have barbed wire permanently embedded in his butt crack. So, really, who are the buyers out there that actually want BRS/EBS 2600 MHz spectrum? I can name one: Sprint. AJ
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