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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Sector ID does reflect both PN and carrier channel. See the screen caps in my article: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-318-can-toggling-airplane-mode-actually-improve-your-3g-data-speeds/ Same PN, three different carriers, three different sector IDs... AJ
  2. Someone should report you to the ASPCC. AJ
  3. Well, this would be inside of 50 miles. Otherwise, it would not be inside the IBEZ. Regardless, the 50 mile standard is very conservative to ensure that transmissions do not violate the established spectrum sharing arrangement and sovereignty of the other country. AJ
  4. This idea comes up time and again. But it does not fly. Multipath reflections can direct downlink RF back south toward the border. Uplink transmissions are largely omnidirectional, and they do not magically stop propagating south at the serving cell site. AJ
  5. That is certainly true. Humm basically had to walk away because he burned his bridges by sucking up to AT&T. But plenty of other high level execs are still there, and they marched along to the orders of their corporate masters. The corporate world needs fewer footsoliders, greater conscientious objectors. AJ
  6. Yeah, I do not mind AT&T getting flogged. But T-Mobile's two faced nature bothers me, too. During the merger proceedings, T-Mobile toadied up to AT&T, supporting the merger. Now, T-Mobile is directly attacking AT&T. Honestly, all of the statements from both sides can be translated as "We love money, we love money. And we want lots and lots of it." It is really quite disgusting. As for T-Mobile's network infrastructure, nah, AT&T did not really care about that. At the time, it was not LTE capable, it would have taken years to integrate, and a lot of it would have been scrapped as AT&T decommissioned redundant sites to achieve the necessary cost savings "synergy" that was such a merger buzzword. AJ
  7. If BlackBerry née RIM and Nokia are still hanging around, then HTC is not likely to go under. But, like the others, HTC may become just a marginal player against the Samsung/Apple duopoly. AJ
  8. If "network" is synonymous with spectrum, spectrum, spectrum, then, yeah, T-Mobile has a point. Otherwise, no, T-Mobile is stretching the truth almost as badly as AT&T did in trying to push through the merger. AJ
  9. In theory, if subsidies were taken out of the equation, then the options for purchasing a device outright should expand. Many big box and online retailers would be happy to sell unsubsidized cellphones for minimal profit because cellphones really are (or should be) commodity consumer electronics, just like TVs, computers, etc. In other words, greater competition would keep prices in check. AJ
  10. Do not ask what the other hand is doing... AJ
  11. I am not attacking you, Isaiah, I am attacking your info, which is not reliable. This web site is established on providing solid, verified info about Sprint Network Vision. We are not going to allow members to undermine the reputability of this site by letting them post just whatever they have heard, especially when that runs contrary to our information. If you have a problem with that, you need to find another outlet. Plenty of other wireless discussion sites will let you spread unfounded rumors. AJ
  12. Hearsay is not reliable. Freedom of speech does not mean that you can say anything that you want anywhere. This is a privately owned forum, and S4GRU can most certainly restrict what you post here. AJ
  13. Per our latest completion update, Sprint has only three completed LTE sites below Central Park, and none of those are below 34th Street. So, they are all in Midtown. LTE in Lower Manhattan will not be complete by the end of this month. You can count on that. Become S4GRU Sponsors, guys, and you could see maps and statistics depicting the progress of Network Vision deployment. AJ
  14. Done by the end of March? No, not a chance. Launched at a certain percentage? Maybe. Do not ask Sprint reps about Network Vision. They do not have the info you seek. AJ
  15. Sprint is doing so as we speak. You might have heard of the plan. It is called Network Vision. AJ
  16. What planet are you from where LTE 1900 has the same coverage as does CDMA1X 1900??? If you think that VoLTE will "work fine, the sooner the better," then I volunteer you to be the beta tester. Give up your CDMA2000 handset for an LTE only handset. Live by VoLTE, die by VoLTE. Let us know how that goes. AJ
  17. How could I here you when you are their and I am hear? AJ
  18. Careful, you are starting to speak a language that our NYC residents might understand. AJ
  19. Short of installing a micro/pico/femtocell or DAS, no carrier guarantees in building coverage. Plain and simple. Get used to it. These are mobile phones, not in building phones, and the macro network is designed to provide coverage to mobile users, not in building users. Furthermore, every carrier -- no matter the frequency band it uses or how mature its network is -- lacks useful in building coverage in many locations. That may be inconvenient to some people, but it is the nature of wireless service. If this is really an insurmountable issue to you, then take it upon yourself to inform businesses that you will no longer patronize their establishments and friends/family that you will no longer visit their homes if they do not have usable wireless coverage inside. Tell them that they need to install in building repeaters because it is their responsibility. AJ
  20. Guys, to be clear, if VZW pull this off, it is not a switch away from CDMA2000. The CDMA2000 network will continue to run for many years, and VZW will continue to sell CDMA2000/LTE hybrid devices, too. What VZW might do is incentivize users to move to LTE only devices by offering both devices and LTE only plans at lower price points. That might actually work okay for urban dwellers and those who would not use VZW previously because of its premium cost. AJ
  21. You might want to reconsider that "notation" for the Note 2. Every time I see it, I read "Notell" -- like some hybrid between Nortel and Rotel. AJ
  22. SMR 476 is a carrier channel assignment. SMR SIDs are in the 22xxx series. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-131-updated-prl-builders-and-network-spelunkers-pay-heed-sprint-cdma1x-800-channels-and-sids-revealed/ AJ
  23. No, if this plan were implemented, these upcoming handsets would be LTE only. They would use 3GPP chipsets that omit CDMA2000 capability altogether. AJ
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