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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Maybe we should start selling S4GRU celebrity memorabilia. For example, we could buy a bunch of spare micro-USB phone chargers. I could use a new one or two every day to charge my handsets and tablets. Then, S4GRU members would have the amazing opportunity to bid on chargers *actually used* by the illustrious AJ. AJ
  2. You guys have never heard the term "street date" in reference to record, movie, and video game releases? AJ
  3. A podcast is an intriguing idea. But what would you want to hear discussed on a potential podcast? What could be covered that is not already hashed out many ways here in The Forums and on The Wall? AJ
  4. To learn about site upgrades in specific locations, you need to become a sponsor. In the sponsors area, you can view the site upgrade maps, which is updated on almost a daily basis with the progress of Network Vision. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ AJ
  5. Surely, before the end of Network Vision deployment. But don't call me Shirley. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A5t5_O8hdA AJ
  6. With its cut rate plans, financed devices, low down payments, limited coverage, and MetroPCS merger, T-Mobile may steal away from Sprint the label of the network operator for urban poor people. Honestly, that would be a positive for Sprint's image. I say that half jokingly, half seriously. AJ
  7. SprintLink is long haul fiber. Tapping into that at each cell site would be like landing a 747 in my front yard to pick me up. No, I have to get into my car and drive to the nearest major airport first, and that is akin to the metro fiber backhaul that is run to each cell site. Then, the backhaul traffic is transferred to SprintLink for the long haul. AJ
  8. Would you know the difference between a rant and a blunt? How about after a blunt? AJ
  9. arizonariverrat, first of all, welcome. But your first two posts are long winded, borderline rants. And S4GRU does not host rant posts. Second, the FCC and DoJ are not going to allow VZW and AT&T to buy up (not build out) the most valuable national wireless footprint, then convert to LTE and pull up the ladder on all other network operators. That would be game over with only the duopoly left standing. Sprint, T-Mobile, and numerous regional/rural operators would be forced to sell out or go under. So, as the eventual discontinuation of 2G/3G networks grows nearer and the dominance of LTE grows stronger, VZW and AT&T will have to strike LTE roaming deals -- either voluntarily or mandatorily. AJ
  10. No, at the very least, LG and Samsung have their own internal engineering screen apps. But just like Field Trial for HTC, those internal apps will not work with other ROMs. Or even if they would work, packaging them with alternative ROMs would be copyright violation. Advanced Signal Status has some algorithmic inflexibility that inherently biases it toward 10 MHz FDD LTE -- the bandwidth that VZW but not Sprint is deploying. SignalCheck Pro is the best third party app out there, but even supremely talented Mike has not been able to crack vendor level access to the baseband. So, in all the years now that Android has been available, no third party app has ever achieved a true substitute for internal engineering screens. Basically, you have to choose between alternative ROMs and engineering screens. Without hesitation, I choose the latter. AJ
  11. Hmm, unless I am going senile, is the screen not the same size on both the EVO LTE and the One? But the One is definitely pushing a brighter, higher res 1080p panel. That potentially takes more power on several fronts: GPU and backlight. And I was mistaken on 802.11ac. I thought it did not, but the Snapdragon 600 does support it. Well, that is a curious choice, indeed. Why not spare an extra chipset and stick with the baseband for Wi-Fi, too? That said, 802.11n performance on the One is very good, a bit better than that of the EVO LTE. AJ
  12. Since he is from Parker, did anybody pat this guy down and make sure he is not Charlie Ergen in disguise? AJ
  13. The need for a separate baseband is something of a negative, but the degree to which it is a drawback is debatable. I predicted several months ago that the MSM8960 based handsets would likely remain the battery life champs for the next several upgrade cycles. And that prediction seems to be coming to fruition. The dual core MSM8960 based HTC EVO LTE has processor, baseband, Wi-Fi, and GNSS all on the same 28 nm chipset. Now, the quad core Snapdragon 600 (APQ8064T) based HTC One has 28 nm processor, separate 28 nm baseband/GNSS, and separate 40 nm Wi-Fi chipset -- three chipsets to accomplish what only one did in the MSM8960. The MDM9615 baseband could have also handled Wi-Fi, but HTC wanted to include 802.11ac and needed a Broadcom chipset to accomplish that. In the end, my experience has been that the EVO LTE with moderate use is a charge every other day handset, while the One under the same conditions is a charge every day handset. AJ
  14. We appreciate your monetary donation. Additionally, you have been doing a nice job of answering questions and posting solid info in The Forums. So, you are helping S4GRU in more ways than one. AJ
  15. Okay, I will be sure to let Sprint know that you would like a higher bill next month. Get ready for a $20 price hike. AJ
  16. Are you referring to the Nextel iDEN network? It is being entirely shut down. Very few sites are being repurposed for the Sprint network. AJ
  17. No, it makes sense -- pardon the pun. FieldTrial.apk is an HTC internal app. Other ROMs do not get to use HTC apps. That would be theft. AJ
  18. Simple. We have posted this many times -- LTE is a more fragile airlink. Generally speaking, the more data that is crammed into the airlink, the less robust it is. That is the modern trend. AJ
  19. As you are fond of asking, are you sure? If so, then T-Mobile's terminology is poor. This generic "2G," "3G," "4G" crap needs to stop. State it just as lynyrd did: up to 160 kbps. AJ
  20. If that is still the case for Sprint, it will not be for long. As for T-Mobile, something that has bugged me is the throttling policy. Does it keep you on W-CDMA but throttle you to "2G" speeds? Or does it throttle you by bumping your data access down to GSM? AJ
  21. Signal bars should be converted to the Couric scale. Each signal bar would be approximately equivalent to 2.71 Courics. http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/155640/crap-verification AJ
  22. You would also need to factor in two $100 down payments every 20 months if you would actually like to keep your devices up to date. Still, compared to the equivalent Sprint plan, that T-Mobile plan comes out ahead -- minus its roaming deficiencies. But who needs unlimited voice? Really? Honestly, I feel sorry for those people who need (or feel the need) to talk on the phone that much per month. It indicates an unhealthy situation. So, a better comparison for reasonable people is Sprint's two line, 1500 minute family plan. At $150, which includes device subsidies, it trumps even T-Mobile's cut rate plan. AJ
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