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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. You may have to be satisfied with using your Sprint handset while just drinking a Shasta. AJ
  2. Ha, I see that you have encountered ilvla2. He and I do not get along. I believe that I once called him the "Rose Nylund" of HowardForums because, like Betty White on "The Golden Girls" always prattling on about St. Olaf, ilvla2 is constantly writing about Lake and Mendocino Counties. His local schtick gets really old, really fast. AJ
  3. Uh, I am quite certain that Urbana is in Illinois. AJ
  4. Neither, I hope. Consolidation is profit centric, not consumer centric. Those consumers who have regional operators -- USCC, nTelos, C Spire, Viaero -- that focus on their specific areas tend to have better wireless coverage and customer service. If we are going to consolidate down to only a few wireless network operators, then we might as well nationalize the whole damn thing. It should be like the Interstate Highway System, with dozens, hundreds, even thousands of virtual providers operating on top of the publicly owned network. AJ
  5. Yeah, "the switch" is definitely possible. And it will happen eventually. But how easily it can be accomplished and how long it will take are more in question... AJ
  6. Yes, Milan and I are priming the T-Mobile LTE bandwidth article for wider publication. The tease on my blog was just to give potential sites (and readers) a taste of the article. We have some interest from Sascha Segan at PCMag and Brian Klug at AnandTech. Hopefully, we can announce soon a publication date for later this month. AJ
  7. Because of spreading gain, W-CDMA voice does tend to provide greater coverage than does GSM voice. Additionally, single time slot GSM voice is hard limited to 35 km cell radius. As for roaming on AT&T, that is hardly ubiquitous. Whether the obstruction comes from AT&T or T-Mobile, I do not know. But T-Mobile subs are blocked from roaming on numerous AT&T LACs. AJ
  8. Oh, and the FCC has set the reserve price for the entire lot of PCS/AWS-2 H block licenses at a total of $219 million. AJ
  9. T-Mobile's sub 1 GHz spectrum is so limited as to be trivial -- just two licenses. They include SunCom's Cellular A block 25 MHz license in the Myrtle Beach CMA, and MetroPCS' Lower 700 MHz A block 12 MHz license in the Boston BEA. AJ
  10. To get -10 dBm reception, you would have to be hovering right in front of the sector's antenna. On the other hand, if you want -10 dB "better" reception, well, I will be happy to give you -$10. AJ
  11. We now have a number. Welcome to FCC Auction 96... http://wireless.fcc.gov/auctions/default.htm?job=auction_summary&id=96 http://transition.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2013/db0715/DA-13-1540A1.pdf http://transition.fcc.gov/Daily_Releases/Daily_Business/2013/db0715/DA-13-1540A2.pdf AJ
  12. Actually, my memory was faulty. Rather, USCC deployed and tested band 12 LTE in its Lower 700 MHz B, C, and B+C blocks in Waterloo, IA -- the same market that is the subject of DT channel 51 relocation in this post: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4138-dish-trialing-mobile-tv-service-on-700mhz-block-e/?p=169731 The point of the USCC test, though, was to show that mobiles with band 12 filters could operate in Lower 700 MHz B and/or C block spectrum inside DT channel 51 contours and not cause nor receive undue interference. http://apps.fcc.gov/ecfs/document/view;jsessionid=tnmnQ2vLM0VT3ccblSp091f82wJ1WJ0QvN11XBp2QsLDpnDZ64jz!-56284754!-224088840?id=7022072058 AJ
  13. USCC has deployed band 12 LTE in its Lower 700 MHz A block license inside at least one DT channel 51 contour. AJ
  14. AT&T Wireless (AT&TWS) is dead, Jim. It was merged into Cingular nearly a decade ago. AJ
  15. I have said it before and will say it again: there is too much spectrum in circulation. Speculators may be headed for a crash. AJ
  16. I sense a conspiracy. Castle Rock, eh? Charlie must be letting Robert camp on his estate and giving Robert free Dish Network for life in order to get S4GRU to stop maligning him. AJ
  17. USCC just bailed out of Chicago by selling off the market to Sprint. No way does USCC buy back in for only LTE spectrum. AJ
  18. How can a question be "nebbish" if you are brave enough to ask it in The Forums? And if you are "Veer curious," here is an image to test for your arousal... AJ
  19. The antennalope had to leap and bound into just the right spot... AJ
  20. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transferred. AJ
  21. Version update11


    Clearwire WiMAX 5/10 MHz TDD carrier assignments referenced against the BRS/EBS 2600 MHz band plan. The updates now include LTE 20 MHz TDD carrier assignments. AJ
  22. An important question: has your iPhone contracted the eHERPIES? If so, we need to quarantine it, and we might have to put it down. AJ
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