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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. That may be so, but it does not change the fact that I would like to see Peyton Manning start serving a 35 year prison sentence, preferably as soon as possible. AJ
  2. I would like for Peyton Manning to get 35 years in prison. AJ
  3. Just a word of warning, folks, no more data usage discussion is permitted in this thread. Such is way way off topic. If you like, we can reopen the Wi-Fi offloading discussion thread that I linked above. Then, you can have at each other's throats there, just not here. AJ
  4. HSPA+ can use 64-QAM, but if I recall correctly, Rel 99 W-CDMA is limited to QPSK, just like CDMA1X. AJ
  5. Why would it be irrelevant? W-CDMA is used for voice; HSPA is not. AJ
  6. With increasing use of always on data applications, limited spectrum, and a finite number of base stations, if you cannot see the relevance of my tragedy of the commons analogy (which you still misconstrue as a gasoline reference), then you, sir, are the idiot. Goodbye. AJ
  7. That must have helped you pass the time at American Girl. AJ
  8. Do they even use cellphones in nTelos territory? They certainly do not use them to call 911; instead, they just wander in to the emergency room. http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/appalachian-emergency-room/n12005/ AJ
  9. What do I need to deliver? I must have forgotten anything else that I had to say on the subject. As for improvements in CDMA2000 signal reception, that was to be expected with the new antennas and RRUs. AJ
  10. Not so much of a correction as a clarification, just defining what I mean by "calibration." My spectrum analyzer comes with calibration files for various antennas, including the directional antenna that I use. However, I often forget to load my calibration file when I start up the analyzer software. No matter. I am not usually concerned with amplitude so long as I can see the airlink above the noise floor. The same likely holds true for most usage with this less expensive spectrum analyzer. AJ
  11. You deserve a rap across the knuckles for this post. One, my analogy is not "wrong." It may not be perfect, but it is quite applicable. And you simply miss the point. You focus on gas, while my point is on roads and highways. Have you ever seen a hurricane evacuation? The highway system becomes gridlocked because everyone tries to use a shared resource at the same time. Wireless data can be much the same. Read up on the tragedy of the commons: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons Two, you have been around three months, have made 100 posts, and have not bothered to support non profit S4GRU with even a small donation. That is bad form. Three, our editorial policy is to discourage, even "police" abuse of unlimited data. We are not going to allow people to use S4GRU to brag about excessive data usage, post hundreds of speed tests, discuss using Sprint LTE as a home broadband replacement, etc. If you do not like that, well, tough. Now, that said, Koi is right. This discussion has no further place in the Motorola X thread. If you want to rehash all of the perspectives in this debate, knock yourself out reading the 23 pages of this thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2062-debate-on-whether-you-should-offload-smartphone-data-on-wifi-even-though-you-pay-for-unlimited/ AJ
  12. Flipping between LTE and eHRPD should not make the network "unusable." You may prefer to be on LTE all the time, but you are just going to have to be patient. The entire network will be finished soon enough. In the meantime, you are not helping yourself with the EVO LTE. It is a weak performer in acquiring, maintaining, and reacquiring LTE. So, your handset is likely part of the problem. AJ
  13. Well, if this is a Plainview welcome thread... Hello, I'm Daniel Plainview. I've traveled across half our state to meet with you tonight. I'm an oil man. This is my son and partner, H.W. We run a family business. Oh, and before I forget, I drink your milkshake. I drink it up. AJ
  14. And you seem to give T-Mobile way too much credit. Get some historical perspective. Until about 2009, T-Mobile data speeds were garbage because T-Mobile did not even have widespread W-CDMA. That several year lag behind the other operators bought T-Mobile time to run advanced backhaul to its sites in metro markets. Now, T-Mobile benefits from being the big loser just a few years ago. As a parallel, the Dolphins getting the number one overall draft pick because of having the worst record in the league, then parlaying that into a Super Bowl win would be a triumph. But it would not make the Dolphins a great team, as they have basically sucked for the last 10 years. AJ
  15. Calibration is between the analyzer and the antenna because the antenna does not have the same gain at all frequencies in its passband. Calibration cannot be improved via a software/firmware update. It requires comparison of the antenna against a known reference, then creation of a compensation data set. AJ
  16. I probably should not have divulged that I am an internal S4GRU source for some CDMA1X 800 reports. We would love to crowd source more deployment data from members. That would guarantee greater results but, almost certainly, more errors in our data set. So, we limit the internal S4GRU sources to just a select few who have many years of demonstrated experience tracking PN offsets in their respective markets. AJ
  17. Oh, I know. Thanks for your contributions to S4GRU in multiple ways. I am just giving you a hard time. I like to chide and tease quite a bit. Consider that acceptance into my world... AJ
  18. Well, some of the sites that I have reported are 20-100 miles from home. So, I have made my rounds, too. But the key difference is that my reports get added to the official maps. When you see a new CDMA1X 800 addition in the Kansas market, chances are good that I am the source. AJ
  19. Absolutely, I agree. But if we are looking at the scoreboard, I am in the lead by about 12-0. AJ
  20. Do you live in the real world or the poetic world with your posts divided into stanzas? AJ
  21. Wow, he has lost a lot of hair since his days in Mötley Crüe. AJ
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