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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. That is an odd generalization to make about a handset released only seven months ago. AJ
  2. No, I created the T-Mobile chart in March 2012. Let me see if I did anything license specific on T-Mobile-MetroPCS, too. Regardless, MetroPCS -- despite its moniker -- did not affect combined PCS holdings in that many markets, as MetroPCS held minimal PCS or entirely AWS in several of its handful of markets. For reference, see this article that I wrote: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-326-newco-needs-to-drop-some-of-the-pcs-from-metropcs/ AJ
  3. Judging by the way AT&T CS has treated you, I would think that, the moment you walked through the door at the AT&T store, lights would flash and alarms would sound. "Intruder alert! Unsupported handset! Unsupported handset!" AJ
  4. Not very efficient. To deploy a multi cell GSM network with minimal co channel interference, the minimum spectrum allocation is 4.8 MHz. And that allows for only one channel per sector, hence 7 full rate or 14 half rate available time slots -- the BCCH takes up one full rate time slot, regardless. So, GSM is kept around at its bare minimum mostly for intermittent machine to machine connections and for the roamer with an old/incompatible handset. AJ
  5. No, I believe he meant that just CDMA1X would be relegated to only SMR. GSM, if it remained at all, would stay in PCS. AJ
  6. You cannot -- unless SignalCheck supports center frequency display for your handset. AJ
  7. Yeah, I have been tracking Sprint's PCS licenses for over a decade. And I started tracking T-Mobile's PCS licenses a year or two ago. Below are two spreadsheets, albeit unfinished, that can be used to check for contiguity of PCS licenses between Sprint and T-Mobile in numerous major markets. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArY31Mr219-ydGR3WVMwdjdXOVdzZTdhYjdWZk9oLUE&usp=drive_web#gid=0 https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArY31Mr219-ydG15eGR2aTR3ZDJ4ZW5GSGhza0FUQnc&usp=drive_web#gid=0 Even absent a Sprint-T-Mobile merger or joint venture, I do think that we will still see greater contiguity in the PCS band in the coming years -- a la what has happened in the AWS-1 band over the past two years. As CDMA2000 and GSM are retired, PCS licensees will seek to swap and rearrange 10 MHz (5 MHz FDD) blocks so that they have a minimum of 20 MHz (10 MHz FDD) contiguous spectrum. AJ
  8. Yes, it never ends, as does copying my ideas… http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4099-lg-g2-the-first-sprint-tri-band-lte-handset-was-lg-optimus-g2/?p=218705 AJ
  9. I will add to that I have never seen another Nexus 5 in the wild. But I have encountered dozens of iPhones and Samsung handsets in the same timespan. AJ
  10. The Nexus 5 is far more prevalent among our population here than among the general population. In other words, it is relatively rare. AJ
  11. I think I can put Mike's description in words that all you ladies can better understand. Initially, the band 26 antennas are pointed straight down, limp. But after a few weeks, if the band 26 antennas hear that you are interested in hooking up with them, they become more erect, pointed in the right direction. Make sense? AJ
  12. Once optimized, band 26 LTE 800 slices, dices, juliennes, washes your car, and cures cancer. AJ
  13. I am thinking of starting a musical group that will use exclusively iOS devices for production and recording. I will call the group Band 41. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yVAQHs2zIM AJ
  14. To be clear, I was not at all lumping you or anyone else here in that collective group of "people." But I remain steadfast that most who are appreciative of the current T-Mobile and Legere view the combo effectively as Santa Claus. And those folks do not care enough or are not intelligent enough to question "why?". AJ
  15. You wrote that wrong. You are supposed to say, "Nexus 5, for the win." Or, as the Internet kiddies like to do, "Nexus 5, FTW." AJ
  16. When people fail to ask the question "why?", yes, being agitators is a bad thing. People just assume that Legere and company are making moves out of the goodness of their own hearts or because they are cool cats. A bunch of maybes will get you just a big, fat maybe. Not good enough. Sprint seems to lose on every maybe. AJ
  17. Some people may just need to realize that Sprint will always have weaker areas. And that is true of all wireless operators. So, do not obsess over it. Move on with life. AJ
  18. That is the secondary band 25 LTE carrier. Its downlink is centered at 1957.5 MHz. AJ
  19. It is like SEC basketball. Kentucky, Florida, and, uh, everybody else. Sorry, Missouri, you are not on par with the big boys. AJ
  20. Whether or not you intended it, you just supported my point. VZW and AT&T both have scale. T-Mobile does not, and that is why its "4G" deployment is available in urban islands but has long been limited to that archipelago. AJ
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