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Everything posted by JimBob

  1. I drove through Kentucky on route 9 skirting the border with Ohio on my way to Indianapolis. Terrible service.
  2. The scene you describe sounds like something out of a post-apocalyptic movie! I may stop to sleep tonight in Charleston, WV before resuming my drive in the morning.
  3. Sprint will be the first carrier (via Boost Mobile) to offer the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus in the prepaid market: http://www.bidnessetc.com/26143-boost-mobile-to-launch-iphone-6-6-plus/
  4. I will be driving several hours through West Virginia this Thursday night. Lack of service makes me scared.
  5. Have you tried sending him an e-mail?
  6. Why is this an issue? Am I the only one here with a personal chauffeur.
  7. Donating at least a dollar will get you access to the maps forum: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/forum/31-interactive-s4gru-maps/ http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/
  8. Indy is beautiful for LTE. No other place has fulfilled me connectively as there. I will do a job transfer from North Carolina to Indianapolis in 2 weeks!
  9. Here are catalysts for a possible run above $10 by end of 2014: - significant net subscriber adds due to successful iPhone sales - surprise profit growth (in part due to falling costs from iDEN/Clearwire consolidation, roaming agreements, etc.) - multi-billion dollar acquisition, partnership, merger, or buyout announced - heavy share buybacks and/or insider buying revealed - stock ratings upgrade by "analysts" However, if Sprint reports disappointing iPhone sales, the stock could easily plummet back to $5 or worse.
  10. You do not need a business degree (or any degree) to learn about and understand stocks/investing.
  11. In two days, Sprint has gone from a $5 stock to a $7 stock. I both love and hate Mr. Market.
  12. S4GRU quoted today by the Kansas City Star: http://www.kansascity.com/news/business/article2063795.html
  13. Managers or his team of silent vice presidents? Claure acknowledged Sprint’s disadvantage by saying Thursday that even his team of vice presidents was unable to answer the question: “Why would anybody want to buy a Sprint phone?” http://www.kansascity.com/news/business/article2063795.html Fire them!
  14. Sprint surging towards $7 today. What we are seeing is probably new buyer interest as well as a short squeeze. Sprint stock was one of the top 5 most shorted stock last week where people were "borrowing" shares in a bet that the price would fall further. However, these negative bettors are now having to reverse course and "buy back" (cover) those shares at a rapidly increasing loss as the stock goes up fast.
  15. JimBob

    LG G3

    LG G3 now $49.99 on contract at various sellers such as Amazon. http://smile.amazon.com/LG-G3-Shine-Gold-Sprint/dp/B00L9OXGMU/
  16. I have a chunk of Sprint stock in the $5 range, a chunk in the $6 range, and a chunk in the $7 range. If the stock gets back towards $8, I will need to offload that $7 chunk so that my account is no longer almost half Sprint.
  17. Glad to see Sprint return above $6 after 1 month of depression. I have not seen any news articles about why the rally today.
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