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Posts posted by JThorson

  1. I wouldn't mind if overages were kept if I could have the option to data shut off when I exceed my limit. To use the credit card example, if I try to spend above my limit my card gets declined. They don't just let me keep racking up more and more charges/fees.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    I could see that being a good option for some people actually. Have a plan or option that if you use your data allotment, your data will get shut off.

  2. Yeah


    Not being argumentative, do people really keep a smartphone for 2 years or longer?


    Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk

    Some people do. My dad kept his phone for 4 years. I'm actually going on 3 years with my S3(which is shocking for me) Some people don't see the need to upgrade every 2 years. Me personally, I would like to upgrade but there isn't anything that really catches my eye.

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