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Posts posted by JThorson

  1. This could all be a tactic on Sprints behalf. If more wireless providers back out, than the cable operators may not want to sell as much of their spectrum. If that were the case that would really hurt T-Mobile since they are the one that really needs it.


    Now while I wish Sprint would go in the auction if not just to up the price, I do believe this is a smart and precise plan. While they are somewhat limited on low band spectrum, as others know the 600MHz won't be useful for at least a couple years. Why spend millions of dollars now on something you can't use when you can spend it on building out your network and strengthening your infrastructure.


    I approve Sprint, you may now go forward with this plan and become the monster we know you're capable of.  :whip:

    • Like 3
  2. Why do you disagree that the major shareholder buy more of a stake in its investment?  Heck, what would be wrong with SoftBank buying out the whole company?  Nothing.  That's what.

    Robert, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. I was disagreeing with what Moody was saying. I agree with you, I think it's a great idea with Softbank buying more shares.

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  3. What is everyone's take on this? Some of is said seems plausible such as in 2018 when Softbank may try and merge Sprint and T-Mobile again but what I disagree with is with Softbank purchasing more Sprint shares to squash concerns about Sprints future.



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  4. http://www.newsweek.com/2015/09/25/tmobile-ceo-john-legere-torched-cellphone-industry-rules-372157.html


    In this short profile, Legere is quoted as saying, among other things, that if T-Mobile can get more spectrum he'll amp up the competition even more. Just a tip John: stop complaining about lacking spectrum and pay up for it.

    Of course; John is like "Verizon and AT&T was given spectrum, why can't I have any?  :( " He is so egotistical I can't stand it.

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  5. It's great to see him speak out on how spectrum rich, Sprint is. They need to get marketing to make ads for common folk to understand why its important.





    Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G890A using Tapatalk

    I don't think that would be a wise investment. Most people don't care about spectrum or why it's important. I think most people just care about if their phone does what they want and do it fast.

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