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Posts posted by JThorson

  1. One thing I am hoping for is on the side menu; instead of having to click on a specific item to get the sub-menu, I would like to see it popup if you just hover over it. Also, having an auto-hide feature to hide it after a few seconds of inactive use. Otherwise, I like to redesign.

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  2. I wish Dish would either have to pay more ore not able buy that spectrum at all. It is ridiculous on what they are doing. How are they able to buy all this spectrum and not have to sell what they don't use. They should be limited just like the wireless carriers are for how much spectrum they can have in each market.

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  3. I have the tech preview as well for Windows 10 on one of my PC's and I really like it as well. I have wanted a windows phone for awhile but Sprint hasn't carried the flagship phones. I've used my friends Lumia Icon and I really like it. I am hoping Sprint will get more Windows Phones when Windows Phone 10 comes out. While I hope they sell, I have a feeling they aren't going too.

  4. http://newsroom.sprint.com/news-releases/sprint-workplace-as-a-service-delivers-all-the-wireless-wireline-technology-needed-to-run-a-business-per-user-per-month.htm


    Kinda funny how Sprint comes out with this just days before T-Mobile's next Uncarrier announcement, which is rumored to target small business.

    I let Mr. Legere know on Twitter. I wonder if he'll respond.

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