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Posts posted by JThorson

  1. Did anyone receive a text about receiving a free year of amazon prime if they buy a new Samsung phone?




    Edit: Text message "SprintFreeMsg: Limited-time offer: One year of Amazon Prime with your Samsung upgrade. http://sprint.us/suGmy Data rates may apply. Reply End to stop."



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  2. As I said earlier on this topic, I can see this going either way. Sprint gave plenty of warning of this happening and MB/MC are playing the sorrow card and if you take this away you will hurt people. I really hope this doesn't stop Sprint because as we know it needs to be shutdown. Maybe have a counter hashtag of what MB/MC are saying which is #StopSprint.

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  3. While I completely agree with you Robert, the state court may take pity on them and rule in favor because they are providing the service to schools and disabled people who can't go shopping and stuff. Though on the other side Sprint has all of the documentation stating that Wimax will be shutdown this year. It will be interesting to see where it goes and while I do feel bad for the customers of Mobile Beacon and Mobile Citizen I hope that courts side with Sprint. 

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