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Posts posted by JThorson

  1. I like Comcast  :hee:



    But I would agree that Verizon would be the best bet for them. What I'm worried about though is if this happens, what will happen to Sprint and T-Mobile. It will be even tougher for them to compete and all likely would hurt them both; then there may be talks of another merger between those two...

  2. What I still find a little funny is how Marcelo has only been CEO for a little over a year. As many of us know here it takes times to turn around a company that wasn't run well. Think of how long it took Legere to turn around T-Mobile. I believe Sprint is making the right decisions and is doing what it can to stop the bleeding. Analyst can say whatever they want and many people will believe them right now, but the fact is no one knows where Sprint will be a year or two from now.

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  3. In Feb. 2015, Saw said: "In addition, we now have 800MHz LTE on air across more than 60% of our LTE footprint" ... And "Our goal is to finish the 800MHz LTE build by the end of this year where rebanding is complete". (http://newsroom.sprint.com/blogs/sprint-perspectives/sprints-network-gets-back-in-the-game.htm)

    That's right, I completely forgot he mentioned that. Thanks. Here is hoping they are close..  :fingers:

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  4. With regards to the root metrics scores, it's a combination of numerous factors but the biggest one is the lack of consistency of the sprint network. There is absolutely no excuse why the hell there's so many damn holes still and why the much publicized lte 800 has not fixed them. Hell in most markets b26 is not any better than band 25 and the root metrics scores no doubt shows that.


    Any idea why b26 isn't filling in those coverage holes? Could it be because they still have the power output turned down and not all sites are optimized yet? If this is the case, than I think that is where the NGN will come into play.

  5. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprints-robbiati-we-can-cut-2b-operating-expenses-500m-equipment-spending/2015-10-09




    "Sprint is trying to improve its network, cut costs and grow market share all at the same time, which might not be possible, according to some analysts." "We've seen companies do one or two of these things at once but never all three. I'm not saying it's impossible, but they are going somewhere no other company has gone before," Cowen & Co. analyst Colby Synesael told Bloomberg.



    Having to do all three wouldn't be easy and would clearly take time. It doesn't happen over night, and I have seen improvement in Sprint within the past year; though they still have a very tough road ahead of them.

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