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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. Has anyone heard the rumor of Samsung using liquid cooling in the phone? That could be a game changer if it works efficiently and allow higher specs while keeping things cool.
  2. I'm not wondering about the carriers though. Before they would update their reports per city and then you can see the status of that one city. Now it looks like they don't do that, or as you say are just summary reports. Only reason I mentioned it is because I've bet they've tested cities so far in 2016 but we as consumers don't see them anymore. But oh well.
  3. I thought with RootMetrics you could find recent tests that they did per city, such as if they tested my closest city of Seattle last week you could see that once they uploaded that test. Now it looks like you can only see when they upload everything per the 1st or 2nd half of the year. Am I missing something?
  4. http://www.thestreet.com/story/13442112/1/stressed-out-is-sprint-a-ticking-telecom-time-bomb.html It seems like people won't give Sprint a chance to right itself. It's all doom and gloom, kinda annoying.
  5. I don't feel your pity , I'm still rocking s3... I can't wait for this phone to come out
  6. Nice, maybe I'll see him. I work downtown so that would be cool.
  7. Green Lantern "In brightest day, in blackest night, No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, Beware my power, Green Lantern's light!!!"
  8. I kind of understand why people are skeptical of what Sprint says because of the history Sprint has had with saying things and not following through; but now people are just saying whatever they can to get people to their sites. They make assumptions from the past and we know what that means....
  9. Okay, that makes perfect sense. It will be good to boost the coverage since that is one of the weaker parts of their network. Thanks Tim.
  10. Tim, got a question for you. I understand the concept of having a relay but if the relay doesn't have a very strong signal to the donor site, would it still have sufficient speeds? By the way, great article.
  11. While Sprint could come up with 5XCA I didn't think there was a true definition of what 5G is yet or the speeds it could produce?
  12. I messaged Marcelo and Sprint on Twitter but all they told me was they are planning on being #1 or 2 by the end of 2017 and there are no plans to announce anything regarding NGN.
  13. Isn't Sprint still paying for some old Nextel towers? I know they decommissioned a lot of those old towers but I thought there were still some with equipment on it. Why wouldn't Sprint use those towers for new Macro sites? At least the ones where there isn't another Sprint tower around.
  14. Well Brightstar distributes phones to carriers, and Marcelo was the founder, I'm just wondering if Sprint will get a wider selection of phones now. Though I may thinking wrong , haven't had lunch yet...
  15. Already being discussed http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6319-marcelo-claure-town-hall-meetings-new-family-share-pack-plan-unlimited-individual-plan-discussion-thread/page-554
  16. I believe why people see it as a negative article is due to them thinking Sprint still has a sub-par network compared to the other carriers and thinking the only reason Sprint has to do this is because they don't know how to run a company and can't fund anything. Though I could be wrong... I'm not a troll so I can't say for sure.
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