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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. So I went back over the weekend and took pictures but I think I was wrong. I don't believe these were small cells. Pics are below
  2. I believe I saw a small cell in North Seattle but am not 100% sure. I will head back over there within the next couple days and take a picture and maybe someone here can verify it for me. Would be cool if it is one.
  3. He should hire me.... oh and a few others here to help give him direct thoughts and experiences regarding Sprint. Maybe we can set up a conference call with him. Who's in?
  4. Hi everyone, So here's the story. My work gives out iphones and there is an iPhone 5 who's someone icloud account is synced with but this person passed away so we can't ask them for the account. They already wiped the phone but they didn't sign out of the icloud account and when we try to activate it, it shows that persons email and no one can sign in with a different account. Does anyone know a know to disconnect this persons icloud account and perform a complete wipe? Thanks for any input. ~Jeff
  5. I have a co-worker who also got the S7 Edge but from T-Mobile and they say it was jut on their phone, no app. I haven't had a chance to really look at it yet. Does T-Mobile have a specific app for video calling?
  6. Does anyone know how to enable video chat? I went into the phone settings but haven't found a way to do it.
  7. YES!!!! Just got a phone call from the Sprint store I pre-ordered it from and they said I can come pick it up today! YAY
  8. But in all seriousness, I'm happy and excited for you
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