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Everything posted by JThorson

  1. And it begins... S.Ali "So now the public (taxpayer owned land) has to subsidize Sprint's capital structure. Unbelievable. Time to update their hashtag to #MoreHandouts" I still hope Sprint will succeed and I understand why they are taking this route. To use an analogy of a sinking ship, they are trying ways to stop it from sinking. They have been plugging the holes and the ship isn't sinking anymore, but the ship isn't floating straight yet. They are now trying to find ways to get the water out of the ship to help right itself.
  2. Interesting they may plan on having an iris scanner. It would be interesting to see how well they can implement it.
  3. Wow is right. I do agree on most points but a couple are interesting. One part that made me laugh though is:
  4. I donated the minimum amount, sorry it can't be more. Hopefully this will get fully funded plus more
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