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Posts posted by swintec

  1. still doesnt recognize my 16 Gig Nexus.  Strange.


    Does anyone else have problems with Google Voice Voicemail?  In many cases it does not download the message at all until I screw around with it.  At least it gets notification of one but I typically now have to delete the message, then load the trash folder where this forces the message to download and then I mark it to undelete back to my inbox where I can listen to it and take action.  Pressing "refresh" or the little refresh icon at the bottom right of the inbox does nothing.  I can let the notifications it for several hours and it still will not download on its own.


    I don't know where to post ,if its not the right place i am sorry. Since couple days every time i make a call it goes into roaming but  its show call is connected through 800 band. Location Camden New Jersey.




    I posted about this previously with my Nexus 5.  came down to being a bug i think.  The network is putting you on to it, not the PRL at that point.

  3. i cant get over the number 800mhz acceptances in todays updates.  Boston alone more than 800 acceptances.


    Robert, does your source not get 800 acceptances for the VT/NH/ME market?  At least two of my closest full build sites went online with 800 over the weekend with all of Bostons.  Other parts of maine have had 800 online for quite a few months, some are even off the test SID at this point in Portland.  Does AL just do something different up here with accepting versus the Boston market?

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  4. Someone is working late on a Saturday.  About 1020 PM EST my phone ditched the airave and switched to 1x800 from my local tower.  Looks like it is broadcasting on the test SID but if it sticks I hope to unhook the Airave soon.  Sweet!


    I was out and about to the next city over and the other full build site (adjacent to the one that went 800 live last night) was also broadcasting 800.  They must have both been brought online together or as part of a larger cluster.  The other sites in the area are GMOs which is why I probably dont see any more.    Strange there is no 1x800 acceptance reports for up here.

  5. Has anyone actually seen the caller ID feature work on their device?  It was such a cool idea (after Google effectively nudered Mr. Number), but all I seem to get from it is the state the area code came from.


    What was it suppose to do?  I briefly saw that feature mentioned somewhere before I got my device but until you mentioned it now I didnt realize it was suppose to be something new. Maybe it only works on GSM providers?

  6. Netflix takes money directly from cable companies pockets, hence all the fuss over TW making things as difficult as possible for them without upsetting their subs too much. You are right they changed their minds over super HD, TW holding out was hurting them too much.


    TW was simply the most vocal about it.  Most if not all of the national ISPs did not sign on to it because it was a bum deal for them, as a national ISP and wanting to keep traffic arrangements in their favor a bit more with the likes of Level 3 or Limelight networks, etc and why shouldnt they?  They didnt have any problem with Netflix offering SuperHD through the same medium as they have been using all of these years, in fact the extra bandwidth usage may have benefited the ISP at a national level.  Netflix didnt want to at first naturally because of the additional costs of sending the bandwidth over the internet but i think they realized SuperHD would never really take off unless they changed their tune.

  7. Wasnt the idea behind this the Netflix SuperHD quality, where only ISPs who signed up for it, would allow their customers to see that new playback quality?  Last I knew they scrapped this and allow SuperHD for any ISP now.


    Also, cable companies (and most other ISPs) chose not to sign up for this, not because they hate netflix but because it shifted the costs on to the ISP.  It messed with peering agreements and the like that many national ISPs have and are beneficial to them.

  8. Using the sponsors PRL (which i have for quite awhile) on my nexus 5, I went to an area that has had 800 coverage on test SIDs for quite some time.  What I noticed was the SID has changed to what you see in the screenshot...22405.  This isnt a test SID though..or is it?  From a google search, this SID seems to have been used in past PRLs for this area..well, at least in referencing the Boston area but was removed.  Would this be the 'normal' SID that will be used going forward for 'in production' 800 service or would it be the same SID that is used for PCS, 4106?


  9. It has been extremely annoying. Are you guys on the 4.4 radio or the 4.4.1/4.4.2 radio? I want to identify some cause for this if we can. I am on the 4.4 radio.


    Have you considered that the cause was already figured out and the radio update in 4.4.1/2 addressed this?  FWIW though I do not see any issues.

  10. Sprint PCS came out in 98, CDMA digital right from the start. At the time AT&T, Verizon were all still the baby Bell regional cellphone networks and were analog. It took an act of Congress in 2000 to force them to go digital. Tmobile wasn't up then either, at the time, still a bunch of other companies. Sprint started out as a digital cell network from the get go.


    well, since they lived up here in maine much of the year this is where they got the phone and established service.  No idea who the provider was.  I remember AT&T and names like Cellular One.  Affected company, as stated in the article was GTE.

  11. Back in 1999 my grand parents went on their annual 'get away from winter' from maine to florida.  They would drive down with their camper.  This particular trip, after they got settled in they were paid a visit by one of the cell phone companies at the time.


    Turns out, his cell / car phone had been preventing thousands of users from using their devices for awhile.


    I can only find one story about this now but I also seem to remember that as they drove south they were jamming everything along the way, beyond maine to florida.


    Link for reference: http://www.deseretnews.com/article/674585/One-mans-cell-phone-jams-tens-of-thousands-of-calls.html


    Couple of questions...


    how would this happen or was that at a time when cell service was at its infancy so these types of problems were still being dealt with?


    would it take 10 days to sort this out now a days?


    could this even happen now a days?  seems to be a great security issue if so.


    The better question is, the phone worked perfectly up here in maine at the time without any issues.  Were cell networks such a hodge podge of systems back then that consumer equipment could not work reliably across the nation and not take out a network?

  12. I've seen it act this way before, I think the Roaming icon is just a bug, surely you are connected to a sprint 1x800 site, as Signal check is displaying.


    Yea, I figured it had to be a bug of sorts but I do not understand how the phone gets on it with a call but I cant get on 800 without a special PRL right now in the same area.  I can only assume it is CFSB in action.

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