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Posts posted by swintec

  1.  Or when i make one it takes about 2 min to fall to 1x to make a call.   So fusturating


    Are you exaggerating about the 2 minute time frame?  I see in upwards of 30 seconds or a bit more sometimes when i try to make a call while on LTE and the phone needs to switch to 1x.  Some members here will justify it and say this is perfectly fine though due to the nature of the new network which i think is absolutely silly and should have been addressed early on in the planning phase of things.  I havent used another triband device except the Nexus 5 so maybe it is unique to it but i dont know.

    • Like 1
  2. And its not all speculation - as AJ stated above -we know at what point (5gb) of usage Sprint will throttle...


    Sprint did not say they will throttle at 5 GBs.  If they throttle at 5 GBs they they are not throttling the top 5%, they are throttling...anyone over 5 GBs.  Of course, Sprint could be lying through their teeth at us but all we can do is take what they said at face value for now.


    The article from OP even quotes Sprint:


    One problem for customers under the Sprint's prioritization scheme is that there is no exact amount of data consumption that will place them within the top 5 percent of users in any given month, and the threshold will change monthly as demand changes...


    But Sprint said customers who typically use 5 GB or more in a given month will likely be in that uppermost tier.


    (Emphasis mine)


    Saying 5 GBs is the cut off is not true and is what is getting everyone on the other discussion boards in a frenzy because they believe there is some sort of hard cut off line.


    I half joked in a previous post...if we all go on a download free for all starting next month we could easily get the top 5% group raised far beyond the quoted 5 GBs figure.

    • Like 2
  3. Why would you use a showtime mobile app as a replacement for cable unless you're on wifi?


    Im not using the Showtime MOBILE app as a replacement for cable, I use the MOBILE app to compliment my cable subscription when I am MOBILE. In fact, you can not use the MOBILE app unless you pay for a cable and showtime subscription at home.  if I was in my home I wouldnt need the MOBILE app, I would turn on a TV and watch Showtime.  it is just when I am MOBILE I need to use an app designed for someone who is.....MOBILE.  Where I go during the day I do not have WiFi access.


    EDIT-- Before you get to worried, I use 5-8 GBs a month.


    "What would you have to pay for video on Verizon"


    What does that have to do with the price of tea in china?  But, ive never bothered to figure it out because i have never had reason to.  Why would i?  I have Sprint.

    • Like 3
  4. So, if forced to watch a show on your phone in SD occasionally, you are going to have such a terrible experience you would leave sprint?


    No, but that is not the concern that you raised in your previous post.  You said:


    "You wont even notice the throttle"


    and that is what was being addressed, not will the throttle system make you leave sprint.


    I know myself, and many others would WOULD notice if SD content was being served instead of HD content.  With that said, I suppose that would mean I notice the throttling system at play.


    I guess my parents and the umpteen others who insist on watching the SD channels on the TV when there is HD available wouldnt care either way..but I digress.

    • Like 1
  5. Yep. Exactly my point. If you are a legit phone data user, this doesn't effect you, even in the top 5% You wont even notice the throttle.


    Unless someone can tell me what legitimate use item will be impacted, I am excited Sprint is doing it.


    Has the throttle system already started in your market so you know what the speeds will be?  It would seem that without seeing the system in place and what limits will be in place at the time, saying users wont notice is a bit presumptuous


    What sort of legitimate use do you want to hear, . that you wont simply dismiss as not being actually legitimate in your personal opinion?  let me take a stab at it...


    "they are downloading large files, then transferring those files to laptops"...I download a large file now and then but i DO NOT transfer to my laptop at all, I use it directly on the handset.  That passes the sniff test at that point.  I also download this file at about 20 MBits depending on where I am in town.  With the throttle, if I am kicked down to X MBits instead, wouldnt I notice?


    "they are using video streaming as a replacement for cable"...I may catch a show on the Showtime mobile App now and then buuut I have cable at home with showtime so it isnt a replacement by any means.  if the throttle causes only standard definition to play versus HD, will I notice the throttle then?


    In the end, I think the new system is fair.  IF it only happens on sites with high usage at the time since you would be running slower anyways.  My worry is that this is simply a stepping stone to the next level.  I wish they would prioritize the throttle for prepaid users first and then the third party seller users and then finally the post paid, contract users as needed.

  6. Sprint says: "Once the customer is no longer connected to a congested cell site, or the site is no longer congested, speeds will return to normal."


    This isnt a throttle that lasts any longer than it needs to (when the site is congested until you are no longer on the site OR the site is no longer congested).  people are acting like as soon as they cross 5 gigs they are done for which isnt the case.


    BUT...I think it is interesting how sprint says over 5 gigs is the norm for that top tier of users, if the system is set up the way they are trying to sell it to us, it shouldnt matter what the number is.  Top 5% of previous months users are throttled as needed.


    If the top 5% of users averaged 45 GBs for the previous month does that mean if I used 44 gigs or below I am home free since i wasnt in the top 5%?  The way they are spinning this it would seem so.  What i think they are actually planning on doing either from the start or several months down the road is to do throttling for everyone over 5 gigs regardless, on congested cell sites.


    Obviously there is only one solution.  Come June 1st we need to all download as much as possible to shoot the 5% number incredibly high so that way we wont have to worry at all.  ;)

    • Like 2
  7. On the one hand it is good that something will be put in place against people abusing the network such as people I have seen elsewhere that are pulling 100+GB/month of data. On the other hand, 5 GB is pretty low


    Dont forget that this is only for the congested sites.  Someone could easily continue doing that 100 gigs a month if the site never sees congestion or only sees it for an hour a day or whatever. 5 GB isnt some sort of cut off either.

  8. I know but I swore they said their unlimited data is "truly unlimited, no data cap or reduced speeds" I


    I think late last year they had an ad on tv where they advertised unlimited with no slow downs or throttling.  I think it was a direct jab at T-Mobile if I remember correctly.


    Amazing what a few months will do to their attitude isnt it? :rolleyes:

    • Like 1
  9. Hey guys.  I noticed that the premier sponsor prl thread is locked.  Does anyone know what could be wrong if i can't get qpst to recognize my phone?


    try adding it manually in QPST by selecting the port the phone is connected to.

  10. Does anybody know why it keeps adding a blank screen? I can't figure out why it does this. The only way I know how to get rid of it is to restart the phone.


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


    Do you have "Add Icon to Home screen" enabled in the play store settings for new app installs?

    • Like 1
  11. I did call a the store's "mobile department" number directly. One guy even asked, "that's an android phone, right?" So immediately I didn't trust his "we don't carry that phone" response and checked bestbuy.com. Sure as heck, every store I checked within 25 miles (and there are quite a few in Chicago) either said "not available" or "pickup in 5-7 days" meaning it can be shipped there. Odd.



    Sent from my iPhone 5s using Tapatalk


    Interesting.  For stores up here I just checked and only one store shows it as available for pick up all the rest show not available.  I have to wonder if that stores inventory is off.  I do remember my closest store had the nexus 5 on its own display on the end cap with the nexus tablet late last year.  Maybe it also has to do with whethr or not the store sells Sprint plans or not since it seems like they have a separate SKU for the 'sprint' version.  The at8t and tmobile version lists as unlocked.

  12. My theory is that the phone will utilize EVRC-NW if it can on that tower to ensure the highest quality connection on your side, and any codec changes that need to occur are taken care of on the network side somewhere for transcoding to another system. I have no basis for this idea other than anecdotal evidence from users here that are getting higher-quality calls, even without a full HD Voice connection end-to-end Sprint-Sprint.


    It is possible but also, in that type of set up you can introduce a lot of latency / delay due to having to transcode several times during the call in both directions.  There is already slight delay with cell phones to begin with.  I have to wonder in your example set up, how much additional delay there is.

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  13. Connected to 800 here in maine and figured I would check and see if i had HD Voice on my Nexus 5.  Called the sprint voice mail system and it showed EVRC-NW.  Cool.


    I then tried a call between the house phone which is a VOIP line and the Nexus 5 and it still shows EVRC-NW.


    Then tried a call with the credit unions automated system and it showed the same thing.


    I am not sure what to think now.


    I dont know anyone else with Sprint service up here so i cant test that way. :P

  14. Ehh? I've never had any issues. Sometimes it stops playing, but hitting play again will get the whole message to play properly.


    I think im literally the only one with problems with GV.  Ive posted in this thread before and no one said they had issues with it like me.  Problem is i dont know what I could change settings wise to fix it.

  15. Now if Subaru would allow me to have one with a turbo diesel like they sell everywhere else in the world I'd be all over that.



    Holy crap this.   Granted i want a new mid size pickup but all the companies keep dragging their feet on releasing diesel variants here in the states.  I am sure it has to do with BS regulation but it annoys me when they are available all around the world except here.  I seem to see every year that next year the car companies have a diesel version coming.  From what I have read, this next model year may be THE year for me with nissan and GM releasing them.

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