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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. This is purely my own speculation, but I think Sprints acceleration with Network Vision may be directly related to the LTE iPhone.


    There is a possibility of that, but Apple could have at least announced the iPad 2 for Sprint today. I'm wondering if Sprint doesn't want to carry the iPad because of the current condition of their network.

  2. St. Louis is one of the markets in which T-Mobile has started PCS 1900 MHz spectrum refarming and deploying W-CDMA 1900. So, it makes sense that T-Mobile would be installing RRUs at the same time.




    OK. What does RRU stand for?

    • Like 1
  3. To the true iFan "a magical experience!"


    I'm so glad I don't have money right now. But hopefully the next iPhone will have LTE that even works on Sprint. And digiblur, very interesting anecdote. But I still prefer my MacBook Pro over iDevices, so I'm not drug on too much by this whole iDevice craze.

  4. I was thinking about that before, but it makes a lot of sense for them to build out a network and be able to offer an all dish package of TV, voip and internet to compete with cable companies


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


    Now that would be a good selling point for them if they did that. And if it was cheap enough, I would consider signing up for it.

  5. The disappointing part is the lack of a Sprint iPad, even if only 3G.


    The other thing I'm surprised about is the inclusion of DC-HSDPA. If anyone knows more about this upgrade to HSPA, please explain it in layman's terms, because I'm confused from reading the Wikipedia article.

  6. I am sure it is happening all over around my area. Nextel had pretty good coverage. Sprint...not so much..they haven't expanded anything here in probably 6 years, and that was maybe one or two towers. They really fell on their face here and ATT is doing the right thing and picking up Sprints pieces or should I say customers. The only reason I am with sprint is due to SERO otherwise I would not have them.


    I wish I had access to discounts like that. I'm running out of money and can barely afford my phone service as it sits with a 25% discount.

  7. I had a Nintendo that I played on a black and white TV no computer until I was a junior in hs


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


    I had a Nintendo, and then my dad won me a Playstation. I had a Sega Genesis. Plus all my computer games. And computers in the house since I was 8.

  8. I know of a company that has nextel. They tried the new cdma phones and found almost half of their coverage area as a service company had no coverage. So their drivers had to use their nextels anyway. ATT swooped in and stole the 50 or so lines. I hear they used the doom and gloom of your phones will stop working one day and have to switch now.


    I knew at&t was evil. But that takes guts to be that underhanded.

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  9. I did play sim city, but it wasn't until late in its life. My parents didn't believe in technology or something. Our house was like the dark ages. I did a lot of hunting though.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


    Didn't believe in technology? You poor tortured child, lol. My mom embraced technology because she used it at work all day long.

  10. I grew up playing it on the Commodore 64. The little squares filled in with more black as things built. Hahaha...it changed so much since then.


    Yes it has digiblur. I still use SimCity 4 sometimes.

  11. I remember the apple IIe. I had a computer class that we had to type 45 words per minute to pass. I changed the clock settings so I could type 65 or so. Ha ha


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk


    Cheater, lol. Did you ever play SimCity growing up?

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