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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. Ben, I think that we will hear more than normal. Remember, LTE is based off GSM, and Sprint is going the way of LTE, so it would be appropriate for them to start being more active in MWC. I am looking forward to hear what Hesse has to say. :)

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  2. Well I guess I spoke too soon about Pahrump data speeds. I just got home at 5:30 this morning for those that were in the chat room last night and knew I was traveling. It's been almost a month since I was home last, so this is a major improvement. over what I used to have.


    OK, for some reason it won't let me post pics from my computer. Argh! The average speed between the 3 tests I took over a half hour period was 778 down, with the fastest being 808 down and slowest being 739 down

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