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Posts posted by MacinJosh

  1. I don't think moving iDEN folks to 900 Mhz would make a difference anyways. Sprint hasn't even requested FCC approval to run LTE at 800 Mhz yet. I am sure that has got to be some areas in the US where the entire 800 Mhz is not being used so that Sprint can run some tests with LTE at 800 Mhz and begin the filing process to get approval by the FCC. I would love to see 800 Mhz LTE in 2012 but I just can't see that happening.


    From all the articles on here and elsewhere on the internet, everyone has said that LTE on 800MHz will not be deployed until next year. It would be a surprise if iDEN gets shut down late this year instead of the original target for next year.

  2. We are missing something. In Pahrump about 2-3 years ago I noticed that Sprint's network was crippled. When I switched a year ago I gave Sprint the benefit of the doubt and thought maybe it was just the data card that was to blame. However, it wasn't. Nobody really noticed how crippled Sprint really was until after the Evo 4G was released and Sprint started to gain popularity.


    (This is just my personal opinion based partly on my experience, and the other part may just be total speculation.)

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