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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Crazy Horse Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  2. AJ and I were going over that last night. The LTE Record appears to tell every LTE site your device has connected to. Apparently, even blocked sites. So even though your device may not be getting a LTE signal, we may be able to verify a blocked and rejected LTE connection from this screen. The one thing we have not been able to determine yet is if eHRPD connections also end up getting populated on this list. Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  3. Dysfunctional Family Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  4. pasture apple Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner
  5. Happy Birthday from S4GRU! -Robert

  6. Yes, it is disappointing. But it is something I came to grips with a long time ago. I do believe there were lots of assumptions very early in Network Vision planning, that even I fell for. Robert
  7. Nat: Sprint is not using iDEN only sites in Network Vision. Sprint is decommissioning the entire iDEN network and only deploying Network VIsion and 800MHz on 38,000 Sprint CDMA Sites. So there will not be any picking and choosing between CDMA and iDEN sites for the best locations. Recently, we did find out that Sprint is converting approximately 100 iDEN only sites to CDMA/LTE in Network Vision. However, this is such a small percentage, it's almost not even worth noting. Robert
  8. Chat Room is back up and at 'em again. Sorry for the problems. Robert
  9. Here is the latest from IP Board: Robert
  10. When viewing on a smartphone (and not tethering on a computer), I can watch Netflix/YouTube just fine at a consistent 500k-600k connection. Robert
  11. Still haven't heard back from IP Board. I'm going to go ahead and call off tonight's chat. We will have a chat next Sunday at 9PM Mountain. Sorry. Robert
  12. Upgrades that are being done as a part of network.sprint.com can have really fast speeds after completion if they have AAV backhaul. Congrats on the upgrades. Network Vision has not started in the Puget Sound area yet. We will have an update article soon with dates you can anticipate NV/LTE in the area. Robert
  13. ATTENTION ALL! We had a chat scheduled tonight, but our chat room is down for some reason. I have contacted IP Board, and they were not able to see the issue right away. They are working on it right now to resolve. If they can resolve it in the next 15 minutes, we will still have chat tonight. If later than that, we will cancel. Stay tuned. Robert
  14. Yeah, HTC products typically don't. Robert
  15. I'm pretty sure Lambo and Aston Martin drivers are not typically Sprint customers. Robert
  16. It is scheduled for July 21st at this point. Robert
  17. I'm not willing to claim any quarter yet for any 2013 markets. I will not claim that Sprint will start NV in SLC in Spring 2013. Sprint currently shows a 3rd Round and a 4th Round, which is roughly starts in the first half and second half of the year. Sprint has not broken down 2013 markets yet into a detailed schedule, or even into quarters. Anyone giving specific date info on 2013 markets is just guessing at this point. I do not anticipate 2013 schedules until the Fall. Robert
  18. I average over 1Mbps in most of the places I go using Sprint 3G. You should not makes such sweeping statements over the entire network. Although I concede there are many places where Sprint's 3G network is insufficient. But the amount of locations this occurs is going down every day between Network Vision and temporary 3G upgrades. Robert
  19. Awesome. Awesome to the max! *said like 80's guy from Futurestock episode of Futurama* Robert
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