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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. You seem to have the only flawless EVO LTE. What you are describing is not characteristic of the EVO LTE in all my usage and device testing, nor what I have read from 100's of others have posted. Be thankful that you got the good one. This problem existed before the EVO LTE even released. We have been discussing this for a long, long time. Sprint even knew about this before it left lab testing. Sprint even admits there is a problem. Robert EDIT: Here is an old thread where I referenced it back before the EVO LTE released: http://s4gru.com/ind...dpost__p__16497 And a subsequent article: http://s4gru.com/ind...on-as-may-15th/
  2. 800MHz will help all voice performance (distance from the site, building penetration and quality of signal). The reason for the dropped calls is discussed in this article: http://s4gru.com/ind...the-windy-city/ The issue of dropped calls in Chicago will not go away totally until Network Vision is 100% complete in the market. But it should get better week after week as more and more sites switch over to Network Vision and the legacy network is dismantled. The dropped calls occur when transferring a call while mobile from a NV site to a legacy site on the same channel. When there is no legacy network remaining, the issue will go away. But may still happen for some time when driving across the border into Wisconsin. 800MHz is just starting to be deployed in the Chicago market. So it is not surpising that she is on 1x on 1900 at this time. CDMA 800 will get more and more prevalent over the next month or two. The dropped calls issue is temporary. And it is already much better than two months ago. Robert
  3. I have sent him an email asking for more info. I will post it when I get a response. Robert
  4. I definitely concede we are all guessing. I don't think anyone said that they knew. It will be interesting to see what happens over time. Robert
  5. LTE performance is very signal strength dependent. If you are only getting 5.5Mbps, then you have a pretty weak signal and near the edge of LTE service. In that condition, you would probably lose LTE when walking inside. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2040-bars-lie-for-lte-signal-strength-how-to-determine-your-actual-lte-signal-strength/ Robert
  6. No one picked on you. You have awfully thin skin. You come to our forums and ask our opinions, and every time we offer them, you shoot across our bow about how much money Southern has. None of us has gotten hung up on profit. We all pretty much conceded that point. But our members have provided reasonable counter points for discussion, and you go back to profits. We are far beyond that. I also believe you are getting hung up that Southern is some sort of anti-social company that will never upgrade its network, nor collaborate with anyone else. You've stated your points, but several mildly disagree with you. And that's OK. I am the founder, owner, administrator and chief moderator here and people disagree with me all the time. All things considered, I think this thread has been relatively calm. Robert
  7. I don't remember, but I am used to dealing with the disgruntled. But Congratulations all the same. I see someone already has been uploading coverage on Sensorly from the Norridge/Portage Park/Norwood Park areas. Robert
  8. eye lens Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  9. In my extensive LTE testing, I never once had the EVO LTE connect to LTE before the GNex, Viper or GS3 on its own. It was always last. And rarely would get it on its own without cycling unless waiting for it to with a strong signal present. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  10. S4GRU Members: I am buried. I am buried at work and at S4GRU. And I have been inundated with emails, PMs and posts requesting my comment. I am trying to catch up, but I have gotten pretty far behind (especially on PM's). I am writing this to explain to you all why I may not have responded to you, yet. It's not that I don't care about your questions or blowing you off. I am just really busy. When you send me a question, and it is something I can answer in a sentence, I'm usually good at responding right away. I even will respond in the car using voice to text sometimes. However, during this busy time for me, it may take several days or more before I can respond to some messages. Please be patient with me. If I have not responded to you yet, just wait patiently. I will get to you. And if I don't respond, feel free to ask it again in a little while (nicely). I pretty much respond in order from easy to hard. The easier it is for me to respond, the more likely I will respond sooner. We now have almost 5,000 members. And site management is getting tougher and tougher as the community grows. I thank you all in advance for your understanding. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  11. Your device does not need to be connected to eHRPD in order for it to discover LTE. It will scan on its own if it is in CDMA/LTE mode. However, EVO LTEs often have to force scan by cycling through airplane mode to pick up LTE. Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner
  12. The 12,000 site estimate isn't starting to look very optimistic to me. Production rates per market still have not climbed. There are just now a few more markets producing sites. I do think this month we will see a lot more markets with sites coming online. But, unless the production rate per market increases significantly also, they will not hit the 12,000 sites by December 31st. Robert
  13. In the long term, it will be more than some. iDEN is going away. Can they get by one year, two years, three years. I am not sure. However, the availability of parts to maintain the iDEN network will get less and less. But before even that, the ability to purchase devices will be going away. And the window to create new hybrid devices will get smaller and smaller. Once OEM's stop supporting iDEN completely, it will be next to impossible to get them to make new hybrid devices for such a small customer base. So if Southern wants to do nothing, which it certainly is allowed to do, in a 3-5 years it will have a virtually unusuable network. Robert
  14. Please upload the coverage using the Sensorly app. That way we can plot and track progress in your market. Thanks! Robert
  15. But in the long term, even if Southern is OK with losing money, they are going to have more and more problems to maintain the status quo with its current network. It is going to get harder and harder to get new devices that support iDEN for the number of customers they have. Also, hardware makers are going to phase out of the market and focus on making other newer equipment. The same thing is already happening with WiMax. Also, not being able to roam at all is going to be tough in the long run. And Southern is going to have a tough time getting an OEM to build hybrid iDEN units that can roam on other networks. Especially after another a year or so. In the long term, even if Southern loves to lose money and only wants to serve its employees, it is still going to have to transition to something else. And working out a deal with Sprint to do that could be a very good move for both Sprint and Southern. Southern could still have and maintain their own sites with a transition to CDMA/LTE and have a spectrum/network sharing deal with Sprint. Southern customers still get to use their own network on their own sites, but also get nationwide usage on the Sprint network of CDMA/LTE. Sprint customers could roam on Southern, and get access to LTE 800 all over the South. Robert
  16. I broke out the OpenSignalMaps subdiscussion into its own thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2150-opensignalmaps-founder-requests-feedback-from-s4gru-members/ Robert
  17. No. Clearwire is identifying the sites where they can help other carriers offload LTE tonnage and make money. These sites will have LTE added first. They may eventually add LTE to all their WiMax sites, but it will not be any time soon. As for in-building deployments, I have no idea whatsoever what Clearwire's plans are for LTE. However, in-building solutions are completely different hardware and not as easily deployed. I would guess they would be less likely to receive LTE upgrades initially. Robert
  18. All of our members reports of live sites have been on the West side, out toward the Airport and Goddard. However, some of our members have encountered completed sites shown on the coverage map that are not live (or possibly being blocked). If you are solidly in the Sprint LTE coverage area shown on the maps, I would call and complain. I believe they have some more Wichita sites that they need to unblock connections to. And if they get a ticket opened up for it, they will likely unblock it. Is Sprint trying to fuel the Westside/Eastside rivalry in Wichita? Robert
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