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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. caption bubble Robert via Moto Photon Q using Forum Runner
  2. Circuit City Robert via Moto Photon Q using Forum Runner
  3. No, he didn't state the opposite. He said purchasing Clearwire was not a requirement of the deal. I would not rule out Clearwire being bought out by Sprint. Robert
  4. If it is accepted by Sprint, it means that at the time it was accepted by Sprint, the 4G LTE was completely up and running. Early in a market deployment though, it is not uncommon for Sprint to stop allowing LTE connections to a complete LTE site. The Boynton Beach site was still active over the weekend. We will not know if Sprint will decide to start blocking it unless people can no longer connect. Robert
  5. If you become a S4GRU Sponsor, you can access our market maps that show all the Sprint sites in the country, as well as maps showing all the sites Sprint has accepted complete nationwide from the Network Vision OEM's. For more information about how to become a Sponsor, check out this page: http://s4gru.com/ind...come-a-sponsor/ Robert
  6. If you ever find sites in a possible NV market with 3G speeds greater than 1.4Mbps, you should go check out the site and look for new panels. I also tweaked the Topic Title a little to be more similar to other markets. Robert
  7. It may seem odd to you. However, the list updated every week only includes sites accepted from Sprint. The odd site out may have had to be rejected because it did not meet contract requirements. It may show up in a future update when any issues are corrected. I counted 21 sites. But if you can find one that is missing, let me know. I will see if there was a problem with the import to our map software. Robert
  8. Added Dkoellerwx to our Moderator List. Robert
  9. Profit dividends will go to shareholders. Wherever in the world they may be. But Sprint needs to earn a profit first. Robert
  10. The completed maps are in the S4GRU Sponsor section. You can become a Sponsor of S4GRU and access our interactive maps that not only show all the completed sites to date, but all the Sprint sites in the country. As well as other great content. You can find out more about becoming a Sponsor here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ Robert
  11. Good first post. Welcome to S4GRU! Hope to see you around. Robert
  12. There are a lot of changes occurring in the 3rd and 4th Round markets. I am saying that even though there are changes going on, the change may not necessarily mean that the LCV market will get done faster. Robert
  13. Yes it is. It is Site #PR59XC207. It is located on PR-2, about 1.5 miles east of town. You don't see it on the map? I'm looking right at it now. Robert
  14. According to my files, it is 21 updates this week: Aibonito Aguas Buenas Barranquitas Caguas (2) Cidra Comerio (3) Dorado (2) Manati Salinas San Juan Trujillo Alto (3) Vega Alta Vega Baja (3) Robert
  15. It looks like it could be Sprint on the bottom, and it may be Network Vision work. If it is not on our maps, we don't know anything about it. We will have to see if it shows up in the update of completed sites. Robert
  16. In our Sponsor section we show maps of completed Network Vision/LTE sites that have been accepted by Sprint. The location of a site near Boynton Beach appeared in yesterday's update: Here is the link for more information about becoming a Sponsor of this site: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1195-information-about-s4gru-sponsorship-levels-and-how-to-become-a-sponsor/ Robert
  17. Dry Creek (that's where I live, Arroyo Seco)
  18. I saw an Ericsson tech at a site about 5 miles from my house in Cuyamungue. I've never seen a logo'd Ericsson truck before outside of ABQ. So I stopped to talk to the guy. He said he was there on an RF ticket. I told him who I was, that I run a blog called S4GRU.com. Of course, he had never heard of us. I invited him to check out the site. I asked him about Network Vision and the ABQ market schedule. He says that he has heard that Ericsson will start mobilizing in the ABQ market in November, but it may be awhile off still until deployment starts. He said he had no idea about details, or any info beyond that. This may be further corroboration that Sprint may be making a move on 3rd and 4th rounds all at once now that all the design is complete. Starting earlier, but deploying slower and getting done at the same time. This may also be why all the eHRPD sightings. Big money! Big money! No whammies! Stop!!! Robert via Moto Photon Q using Forum Runner
  19. If SoftBank requires unlimited to be dropped, it will be because it is seen as a necessity. SoftBank offers unlimited in Japan, so they are obviously not adverse to it. Raising prices is also not an option anytime soon. Sprint, or even the New Sprint, is not in the position to charge as much or more than VZW and AT&T. In fact, SoftBank wants to significantly increase their market share in the U.S. They are not going to be increasing market share by raising prices. SoftBank is not stupid. They want to come in and attempt to dominate the market. They will not be careless and will make very intelligent and shrewd decisions. Any moves that they make will be very calculated and not rash. None of us are going to get whiplash from the changes. If anything, I think there is more chance of lower prices, than raising them. SoftBank wants to increase market share, not profits. I hate to use a stereotype, but Japanese investors are much long term focused than their American counterparts. They will not make rash decisions for short term gains. Robert
  20. 'New Sprint' only refers to the new corporate venture. The Sprint brand would be housed under it. Sprint would remain on all branding, as I interpret it. Robert
  21. I suppose you could look at it that way. However, SoftBank is offering a premium over the existing Sprint share value. Someone could look at that as overpaying. But all things considered, it a win-win for everyone. The only thing left to be answered is how Sprint customers hake out in this. But probably it will be better, all things considered. Robert
  22. Mustang Sally Robert via Nexus 7 using Forum Runner
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