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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. The Network Vision/LTE OEM for Orange County is Alcatel Lucent. Which we often refer to as AlcaLu. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  2. fabric softener Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  3. Probably not. I think Bucca di Beppo lines their buildings in lead. I can't get good signals in the ones I've been to. Also, I don't think anyone has confirmed connection to the Wellington site, yet. If you do get something, let us know. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  4. I love Buca di Beppo. I recommend the Chicken Glorioso. We order our meals family style there and we pass them around the table. Good stuff. I call it Boppity di Boopity. Drives my kids nuts. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  5. stool sample Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  6. step child Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  7. I need to get back out there and do some EVO LTE testing with the new JB update. This sounds dramatically improved over my experiences. Exciting. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  8. I thought new contract commissions were the same regardless of device. But maybe I'm mistaken. Can anyone of our numerous Sprint store employees confirm? Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  9. Definitely. I have met the rogue whacko salesperson before. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  10. flower power Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  11. This article doesn't pass the smell test: http://bgr.com/2012/12/24/sprint-salesman-iphone-customer-insult-266085/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheBoyGeniusReport+%28BGR+%7C+Boy+Genius+Report%29 Sprint has to meet sales numbers with iPhones. They are not concerned about Apple subsidies. They know they are on the hook for $15Billion of them to Apple. They will be happy to get rid of all of them as soon as possible. Also, BGR is citing Tom's Hardware and created a story based on this without corroboration? Crazy. Seems like a hit piece to me. And even if it was true, the salespersons motive would not be Sprint subsidies. Crappy journalism. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  12. First sites in the Terre Haute area in this market this week. More on the horizon. Thanks for opening this thread. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  13. You're on lockdown too? Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  14. They weren't completely misleading. Clearwire had plans to deploy WiMax in the Top 120 markets. But only got to 71 markets before they ran out of money. The market design was complete, site leases being finalized and permitting under way in New Orleans, San Diego, Milwaukee, Indianapolis and Oklahoma City when Clearwire had to stop. New Orleans and San Diego were just about to start. And word didn't get out that deployment was cancelled for 6+ months. Everyone thought deployment was still imminent. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  15. I just wanted to take a moment from the quiet solitude of my bedroom this morning to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Sometimes people get offended when you say Merry Christmas. And some people get offended when you say Happy Holidays. Although we do celebrate Christmas here in our home, we love and support all the beliefs and ways our friends celebrate their holidays. And love invitations to their festivities. If you are secure in what you believe, then you can even enjoy joining others in celebration, even if different from you. So whether you celebrate Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Festivus, something else or nothing at all...we join you in celebrating traditions, cultures and miracles. So from our family, to you and yours, we wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. May you be blessed beyond measure and may you have a wonderful day with family and friends. Now I will end this quiet solitude in my bedroom and head downstairs to be with my four children who I hear squealing with delight. Thank you. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  16. Yes, that's another way to achieve it. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  17. Why would you want this? All Clear spectrum will be deployed in areas already covered by Sprint LTE. There will be no coverage advantage to Sprint customers to impose a build out requirement. And Sprint will be deploying on their own anywhere it is needed for capacity. Besides, the build out for this spectrum has already been achieved. Protection Sites are active meeting the FCC build out requirements. Clearwire isn't being purchased by a new company. An existing shareholder is increasing its shares and now has voting control. It will change nothing with the FCC and build out. The protection sites will likely never be upgraded to LTE any time soon either. Robert
  18. They do. And they connect to the backbone via contracted backhaul from each of their 38,500 sites. Because it would cost billions and take 5+ years to direct connect to their backbone via their own new fiber. They need a high speed backhaul solution immediately. Robert
  19. Attacked? You have not been attacked. You stated that you are basing your points on observational assumptions. I called you on it. That is not an attack. And I will not beg you to stay. Maybe you should go. You seem to want to argue without substantiation. That pretty much makes you a troll. Robert
  20. Please cite your points. How often do people tether...or not? Provide links and educate us! Robert
  21. *sigh* So all of your findings are based on observational assumption. Nice. And yet you are willing to call everyone on the carpet? SMH I need to get back to working on the update. I cannot believe I allow myself to get sucked into these things. Robert
  22. I'm definitely not shooting the messenger. I understand. My point is that if we all did like that and joined AT&T and VZW, competition would go out of business and these two networks usage would swell and performance would degrade. Prices would skyrocket and they would have no incentive to do anything to compete and upgrade. The "come join us" mentality kind of perturbs me. Because if we all joined them, it would be the end of the wireless industry and the American Consumer would get completely shafted. Our buying decisions are much larger than most people realize. People think of it as the difference in choice between Chocolate and Vanilla. And it is much bigger than that. Robert
  23. It is a fact that even one person using up a lot of bandwidth in one sector can severely degrade performance. The facts are cited all over this forum in many threads. I don't have time to refute to you things that are commonly known. I'm sorry you are under educated in RF and wireless technology. You are just plain wrong, and living in a fantasy world. You just want to be right. Robert
  24. I'm sorry, I read that and it makes me think of Jonestown and your family members are chiding you for not drinking the Koolaid. Robert "Come to me, my children." - Randall Stephenson.
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