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Clearing the inventory


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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 23 January 2012


The Photon's price dropped last week and this week (3 days only) Sprint is giving away the Nexus S for free. Transform and Marquee got the same treatment recently. Is Sprint clearing the inventory for the impending arrival of new phones or just trying to boost sales to the uninformed and impatient? Maybe both? Either way it looks like good things are around the corner.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 23 January 2012


I think it's both. Tech wise those phones are getting long in tooth and Sprint needs to move inventory. Also if its pushing phones now, it just leads to a greater probability that it will introduce LTE phones sooner rather that later. Once LTE phones are in the wild, WiMAX phones will just be paperweights.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 23 January 2012


I was told by a sprint store rep that they don't order big bulk orders of phones and that is why they are not able to compete with the sales that Best Buy, Walmart etc can offer. That being said, I can't imagine that the manufacturers would want to build phones for a carrier that doesn't at least guarantee a certain sales number. The amount of R&D they put into developing all the radios to run on Sprint's frequencies would require a certain sales number so they could set a price and actually make money off the handset.


I would think that sales numbers are slowing and the stores still need to make money to justify their existence.

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Migrated from Original Forum. Originally Posted 23 January 2012


WiMax devices sales numbers are dropping, just like their pricing. :)

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