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Los Angeles Deployment


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Hi Robert,


Any news (if you have any) to share about the NV/LTE deployments in LA? I read on your post that LA is coming in the first round and a Sprint Rep also told me they've begun working on LA. Any more recent details you can share? This site is awesome. Thanks!

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By joining becoming a sponsor of this site, you will be able to access that information and much, much more including exact locations of those towers. Please click the Forums link to find the PayPal link.

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Alvin, I live in Los Angeles and I am sponsor and I can confirm that LA deployment is ongoing with several sites up and running already. Become a sponsor and you can see the nice map that Robert has created to keep track of what sites are up and running.

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Hi Robert,


Any news (if you have any) to share about the NV/LTE deployments in LA? I read on your post that LA is coming in the first round and a Sprint Rep also told me they've begun working on LA. Any more recent details you can share? This site is awesome. Thanks!


Welcome to S4GRU! :welcome:


LA Metro market is already under way. You can see a screen shot below of the map showing the sites that are already live. S4GRU Sponsors have access to this map and many others. Sponsors can click on the map, zoom in and pan around, all over the country. There are currently already 500 Network Vision sites live around the country on these maps. More added every few days.


Thank you for the compliments. I hope to see you around some more in the future.





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