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Consolidated Communications 1GB broadband service


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Are you in an fiber or DOCSIS 3 area? The 1 gig internet is only available to neighborhoods they've ditched the coax and ran fiber to the home.

In the UK they are trialling 1.5Gbps down 150mbps up over docsis 3. Docsis 3.1 should allow for even more (assuming this isn't actually 3.1 and they just aren't referencing 3.1 differently from 3.0) so at least that coax has some life in it still! :)


Are some cable providers switching over from coax to fiber for higher speeds rather than upgrading the headends etc? I think we have twx maxx headed here in the next year or two which should give us up to 300mbps down which honestly is plenty for now. 

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I just want Google Fiber at my house.. then my life will be complete.


Not to sound like I'm bragging or anything but next year I'll be in a situation where there will be two 1gig internet providers in my neighborhood, Google Fiber and this company, CCI.  :P


I called to upgrade to CCI's 1gig internet but elected to wait for the time being. I have my contract set to expire with them mid next year which should be about perfect timing for the rollout of Google Fiber. I'd have to extend it to switch up and honestly I've yet to find my 100/100 service with them to be too slow.

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In the UK they are trialling 1.5Gbps down 150mbps up over docsis 3. Docsis 3.1 should allow for even more (assuming this isn't actually 3.1 and they just aren't referencing 3.1 differently from 3.0) so at least that coax has some life in it still! :)


Are some cable providers switching over from coax to fiber for higher speeds rather than upgrading the headends etc? I think we have twx maxx headed here in the next year or two which should give us up to 300mbps down which honestly is plenty for now. 


This company put the fiber network down in our neighborhood around 2007 if I recall correctly. I don't think they've been installing fiber in their existing footprint recently though and my bet would be that's because they've done docsis 3 instead.

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